Prop Hunt Changelogs - 2022 July Update - 15/07/2022:
Fixed feature which moves players on the Hunter to "spectator" after a specified amount of time.
Hunters will now be moved to spectator after being idle for 90 seconds rather than 3 minutes.
Fixed wording in certain sentences of the announcer system.
Throughout the duration of summer, Hoola Dolls will be replaced with Cocktails!
Added a "Cocktails Collected Leaderboard" competition!
Rectified the prices and titles within the "Title Store" menu - As it differed from other PS servers!
Added multiple new announcer messages to help newer players!
Increased the amount of damage a hunter should take for shooting an incorrect prop from 3 HP to 5 HP.
Increased the number of seconds to wait for players on map start before starting round from 30 to 60 - This is to allow players with slower PCs to load in and partake in the first round of a new map.
Added a new, improved and better optimized version of the Taunt System.
The price for force taunting a player has been lowered!
Made a new table for Cocktails - Everyone will be starting from 0 collectibles, Hoola Doll count data will be merged with Cocktail data at the end of Summer.
Added a "Play previous taunt" button within the Taunt system.
Added new ConCommand which allows higher-ranking staff to remove all collectible entities from the map.
Closing the Taunt menu and re-opening it will now take you to the last/previous page you had open.
Whenever collectibles spawn on the map, you will also be told about the exact amount of them.
Added a sufficient amount of player spawnpoints and packed models and textures accordingly into ph_cratefactory.
Added a sufficient amount of player spawnpoints and packed models and textures accordingly into ph_chinese.
Added a sufficient amount of player spawnpoints and packed models and textures accordingly into ph_dastardly_dwelling.
Added a sufficient amount of player spawnpoints and packed models and textures accordingly into ph_lockup_new.
Fixed lack of player spawnpoints on ph_leodei_s_house_zarp.
Trying to play a WebTaunt that contains a profanity within the name of the taunt will block it.
Trying to play a TTS taunt that contains a profanity will block it from playing.
Added notice that informs the staff team if a player attempted to play a WebTaunt or TTS taunt that contains a blocked word.
Added an Easter Egg.
Fixed some visual bugs related to the Tab menu.
Removed some obsolete and unused segments of code.
Removed test prints from previous updates.
Removed 2 Christmas maps from being forced onto voting screen every time during an RTV.
Increased number of maps you can vote on in the RTV system from 5 to 10.
New Map -
New Map -
New Map -
New Map -