Prophunt Changelogs 01/07/2023:
Collectibles Event
[ADDED] 'Cocktails Collected' golden leaderboard has been added to the pointshop Leaderboards for the duration of the Event
[CHANGED] Hoola Dolls have been changed to Cocktails for the duration of the Event
Weapon Unlocks
[ADDED] New weapon unlocks for a variety of levels
- Winchester 1873 - level 34 -> 33
- Trench Gun - level 38 -> 36
- MP-40 - level 42 -> 39
- Intervention - level 46 -> 42
- (NEW) Barret M82 - level 45
- (NEW) RPG-7 - level 48
[CHANGED] The required amount of kills for the Hunter's objective "Shooting fish in a barrel", have been reduced from '15' to '10'
Voice Chat Panel
[ADDED] New renovated Voice chat Panels - Courtesy of Callum
Stuck Players Support
[ADDED] New Stuck command added
- Players can now use '!stuck', '!unstuck' or '/stuck', '/unstuck' to get themselves out of collision with objects or world situations
- If no suitable spots are found a message will be printed, telling the player to contact a staff member
- 3 seconds delay between each use
- If the player can get unstuck by crouching, they will get a message printed about it
Power Rounds
[ADDED] New Power Round 'TactiCool'
- Hunters are given a tactical weapon loadout (MK18, UMP/USC/ USP, Crowbar & Selected PS Vape and amongst them, the new 'mk18grenlaunch' weapon - Power Round only for now)
[ADDED] Power Rounds now have a roughly 4% chance of randomly activating
[CHANGED] Power Round font scaling
[CHANGED] Increased the time Power Round announcments stay on screen
[FIXED] The dynamite for the "Gordon in the Wild West" Power Round has been fixed
Custom Respawn System
[FIXED] An error with the Custom Respawn addon has been addressed
[CHANGED] All maps now have a recommended amount of players in the nominate and shout vote screens
Announcer System
[ADDED] Chat tips can be toggled on/off from the pointshop settings (F1)
[ADDED] Interval between messages can be changed from the pointshop settings (F1)
[ADDED] All messages get sent randomly once before getting printed again, to prevent multiple identical prints in a short period of time and to give all tips an equal chance in turns
[ADDED] New hyperlink color (without extra functionality) to all links so they are distinguished accordingly
Missing Content Packs System
[ADDED] New colored text and specific naming of each and every missing content name that gets printed on player join so that players can manually subscribe to them if needed
[ADDED] New collection where all current and future Prophunt content packs will be added
[CHANGED] Cleared unused content packs and code
Help Menu
[ADDED] F9 is now the default key to open and close the menu manually
[ADDED] The menu will now show automatically only on first join of each player (box will be checked to not show the menu again) but still give the option to check or uncheck the box to have it open automatically or not respectively, while also still keeping it's F9 functionality
Level Popup Panels
[CHANGED] Positioning of both panels were changed to match all HUD changes in the update
[CHANGED] Both Level Popup Panels will be hidden when the betting panel or the results panel is visible
[FIXED] Issues with panels being draggable and often out of sync with each other and with the conditions of the game were fixed. One or another would often stay on top and not hide, causing duplicates to appear, and polluting the HUD overall. Both panels should display at the same time with their individual fade mechanisms and hide at the same time with a small delay.
Betting Panel
[ADDED] New text mentioning that the player should place a bet to see their winnings within the panel, which gets replaced with the winnings calculation upon bet
[CHANGED] The order and placement of the panel elements were changed to give a friendlier look and better interaction
[FIXED] HUD issues that made accessing the panel quite a marathon as it was hidden by the scoreboard were fixed. The betting panel and results panel should now popup from the bottom up just below the scoreboard, to allow the proper access by holding tab to open the scoreboard
[ADDED] New time formatting to support 'months' time unit option
[FIXED] Logging issues that gave incomplete results
[ADDED] New helper messages on-screen for Props that can be toggled on/off from the Pointshop Settings (F1)
[ADDED] New noob-friendly approach to MOUSE1 binds for '+attack' that will translate to 'Left Click' instead
[ADDED] New 'waiting for players', 'warmup' timer, 'next round' timer, and 'starting shoutvote' timer on-screen were added according to the game's state to compensate awkward situations during the game that didn't have any indications of what was happening
[ADDED] The press 'bind' to lock rotation will be hidden when the betting panel or the results panel is visible
[CHANGED] Help text to the left of the screen has been changed based on which team the player is on. In both situations the text will compensate the needs of each team by displaying only necessary binds to each
[FIXED] Health Circle Shape will be fully displayed without interruptions to it's visibility due to some maps causing issues to it
[ADDED] New VIP icon that gets automatically assigned to VIP players, and also upon click, it opens the VIP webpage where players can purchase VIP or view benefits
[ADDED] New Dead icon in the shape of a skull that gets displayed once a player is dead
[ADDED] New context menu with icons and white spaces throughout all of the options
[CHANGED] Scoreboard's dimensions have changed to fit the update's needs, including several elements in it
[CHANGED] Mute and Unmute icons now have their own individual icons that get swapped per state when the context menu is opened
[FIXED] Names exceeding or getting cut shorter when reaching the max allowed width which protects overlapping other scoreboard elements got fixed by introducing a width calculation of each letter or symbol
[FIXED] Server Name now doesn't overlap the rounds display when it's long by applying same method as above
[FIXED] Mute icon now displays correctly next to player names
Endround Panel
[ADDED] New 'Next Round' and 'Starting Shoutvote' timers and text at the right bottom side of the panel
[ADDED] New identical behavior of the regular GMOD chatbox added to the Endround Panel. Finally, players can use Y, ENTER, ESCAPE, etc as if they were typing in the default chatbox
[ADDED] New ability for the text written in the default chatbox right before the Endround Panel is opened, to be fetched and inputted straight into the typing box of the panel and giving focus at the same time (only if the default chatbox had focus before the panel was opened), allowing continuous typing in case the Endround Panel opens, preventing the interruption of the act
[CHANGED] Endround Panel's dimensions have changed to fit the update's needs, including several elements in it
[ADDED] New Auto-Taunts system
- Default taunts of 10 seconds or less get force played on props that haven't taunted in the past 90 seconds
- 4 hunters or more need to be currently playing in order for the auto-taunts to display.
- Hunters must be at least 500 units away for a taunt to be played
- Playing any taunt during the countdown will reset the timer back to 90
[ADDED] New TTS system
- Players can select a language from the dropdown list
- Any language can be set as favourite for faster selection upon map change by right clicking the language
- TTS taunts can be replayed instantly from the TTS taunts history button
- Derma menus will appear with helper messages in all conditions of no text entry or no language selection
[ADDED] New duration prints for every taunt type except TTS will be printed in chat when a player tries to play another taunt while another is currently playing. TTS taunts will still print a text, just not a time as APIs that don't exist would be needed to calculate the time of each TTS taunt
[ADDED] New 'Play Random Favourite Taunt' was added which randomly plays all taunts from the tab once, before going over the list again, to give equal chance to all the taunts to be played
[ADDED] Default taunts now have the context menu options of 'Copy Taunt Path' and 'Preview Taunt'
[ADDED] New message prints for force taunts in conditions that do or do not allow them, to both players involved, and the staff as logs
[ADDED] New message logs for Headadmins for blocked and unblocked web taunts
[ADDED] New block or ublock commanands arguments support (with or without quotation marks), and print messages for incorrect execution
[ADDED] New Taunts History logs for staff with new categories 'DEFAULT', 'WEB', 'FORCE TAUNT', 'AUTO TAUNT', and the appropriate names in situations where a force taunt is executed, which will show the name of the player that forced the taunt instead
[CHANGED] Blocked or unblocked web taunts get instantly updated instead of having to wait for a map change
[CHANGED] All default taunts are now available and displayed for both Hunters and Props
[CHANGED] 'Random Taunt' was reworded to 'Play Random Taunt' and changed to play default taunts with the same method as above so all taunts get an equal chance to be played, without the need to have a specific active panel for the pick and execution to take effect
[CHANGED] Force taunt is now only available for Web and Favourite taunts, with the same price as before '2000 Diamonds'
[FIXED] Issues with previewing taunts while dead or spectating have been addressed. All taunts should be previewed without any flaws to the sound and should be interrupted by other previews or taunts just like before