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TOPIC: Addressing the elephant in the TTT room

Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412197

I think it's about time I put my (and other staff/players) opinion up and address it, as I've seen it since before I was staff.

The current lead team, do not care for TTT, at all to be honest. They're all SSRP staff and only really enjoy that gamemode. They are ALL guilty of coming on the server for 30 minutes, playing 1 or 2 rounds, going AFK then going back on SSRP, just to maintain rank, I've never seen them really deal with reports, like us moderators and admins do.

Now get this noted, I do not want anyone demoted from this post, it is simply just a shout to perhaps change their bias and attitude towards TTT and staff, and maybe add a new Lead Team for just TTT.

There's a big group of friends on SSRP for the Head Staff, you see them in the spacers, and because they're friends, they get higher up ranks easier and get off with more.

This is just an example, but Paramontana getting SuperAdmin? Why? How? Every time I have seen him in game, apart from maybe the first few days he became admin, he has done little to no reports. Whereas me, Uzi, Johnler and Hazzenator have been doing 5x as much as him. Even a lot of the moderators have(although unable to get SA, still have been doing amazing amounts) I even caught him AFK Time Farming today in spectator, to which he asked me how it affected me, and this is how.

In my opinion, there needs to be a dedicated staff team, such as there is SSRP, who mainly play TTT, like 2 separate entities, a TTT Lead Team and SSRP Lead Team, as both gamemodes are very busy at the moment.

This issue of bias towards friends and promoting them due to clearly just being friends is not good, and needs to be changed soon. As staff will maybe give up trying to get ranked up, if it takes them months but a friend of the main SSRP group, a week with no reports done or anything.

This post is not to create drama, just to simply address the current bias issues.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412198


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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412199

So what you're saying is that Clarky and Para don't care about the TTT server as they are the only lead team members that aren't owners.
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Brother Gustro: sally is a minge
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412201

Sally wrote:
So what you're saying is that Clarky and Para don't care about the TTT server as they are the only lead team members that aren't owners.

I'm saying they all don't care//put as much if any effort in doing reports and being apart of the community on TTT, not just that 2, being owner does not exclude you of not caring.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412203

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Without the owners there would be no server, they have also been adding suggestions and doing a lot behind the scenes such as working on a new update.
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Brother Gustro: sally is a minge
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412204

It's a controversial topic, but I do agree with CZ on this one. I'm not one to play SSRP, i've never actually loaded it up. Ever. But in all my time playing TTT, I have rarely seen the owners and higher ups (love you Clarky) handle reports. There have been one or two times where this isn't the case but with my work rotor and their playtime, I'm closer to seeing a blue moon.
Para is a similar case, but he's slightly different in that he does play more actively than most of the other higher ups. However, I've rarely seen him handle reports or use !warn and !aslay.

It's not just higher ups however, there are many other staff members that are lower ranks that don't handle reports actively. I myself can't actually handle them due to a bug with the report manager, however, I still try to go out of my way to use the correct commands and if possible, get another staff to set the reports to finished. I however am not going to point fingers at anyone else not mentioned as that is not my intention to be a whistle blower. I have already voiced my concerns to Clarky about another staff member, but that's already in the past.

Finally, as my closing point, I'm agreed with CZ on his opening point. The TTT servers need their own dedicated owners. Active owners who are there on the server and are present to deal with any major issues and bugs.

-Side Note-
SSRP is already a little biased elsewhere, for instance, on the TS server, the SSRP staff have their roles highlighted with a different icon and name, whereas TTT staff get just that, "TTT Staff", with no indication of rank or role, this causes a few issues, such as last night's meeting 16-10-16, where the moderator section was over, and there was no clear indication of who was a moderator and had to then leave.
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Please be patient if I don't respond immediately, I'm often distracted by one thing or another but will quickly respond when I get the time.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412207

You say that we don't care for TTT when really we're actually dealing with reports, not only from the forums but also from TeamSpeak and Steam. There are other things we could be dealing with too, such as the new report system, I helped the owners with finding bugs and making sure that it's completely bug free for you guys to be able to handle reports just like the SSRP system, also the owners do care a lot about TTT as they were extremely happy with the success of the release of 24/7 Minecraft and have it's own player base, along with them working on the suggestions which were accepted in the meeting.
We have our reasons as to why we picked Paramontana which I can not say due to NDA but just because he got Super Administrator doesn't mean that we're not going to not choose people who are not part of the SSRP lead team, we want it to be fair to everyone as always and you could have a chance of gaining it if you worked your way up, also probably ask for advice from SA+ too if you need help with that.
When I got TTT SA, I wasn't even SSRP SA however I have proven that I was ready for the rank and you know that we're lacking lead team staff as it is getting quite tiring at times too. I may not have stated some things in the correct way since I'm typing this on a phone but I hope it's cleared some stuff up.
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Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by Clarky.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412209

Clarky wrote:
You say that we don't care for TTT when really we're actually dealing with reports, not only from the forums but also from TeamSpeak and Steam. There are other things we could be dealing with too, such as the new report system, I helped the owners with finding bugs and making sure that it's completely bug free for you guys to be able to handle reports just like the SSRP system. We have our reasons as to why we picked Paramontana which I can not say due to NDA but just because he got Super Administrator doesn't mean that we're not going to not choose people who are not part of the SSRP lead team, we want it to be fair to everyone as always and you could have a chance of gaining it if you worked your way up, also probably ask for advice from SA+ too if you need help with that.
When I got TTT SA, I wasn't even SSRP SA however I have proven that I was ready for the rank and you know that we're lacking lead team staff as it is getting quite tiring at times too. I may not have stated some things in the correct way since I'm typing this on a phone but I hope it's cleared some stuff up.

The fact Paramontana got picked is the most obvious bias there is Clarky I'm sorry but there's no denying it. The people I have listed have been doing more on the server such as handling reports, than he has done ever. There is no reason to elect him over Johnler, Hazz me or Uzi at all other than he's friends with the lead team.

I have seen you do some things Clarky, I'm not going to lie, you're more active than a lot of the other higher staff, which I honestly respect, I like when higher ups actually do work,, but you're still guilty at the end of the day as I've also seen you time farming by going on for 2 rounds then going AFK/off.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412210

I hope this doesn't get negative feedback. We're voicing opinions here, and just suppressing these opinions is not the way to go about it.

I approached this community hoping for friendly players, helpful staff and fair and approachable leadership. I can vouch for friendly player and helpful (term being used loosely) staff. I have no personal qualms with the lead team or Para himself; they're all perfectly chill and friendly guys. But with all due respect, you're not being fair, and you're not approachable to the regular folks who play on the ZARP game servers. We, as staff, get told to personally message SA+ for problems or queries, yet, we never get responses. Despite them being on Garry's Mod, and in Teamspeak in their spacer channel they always inhabit. Outcries from staff and regular players go ignored on those terms unless there's unnecessary drama surrounding the issue at hand.

It was the same with the last gaming community I joined up with; friends of the lead team got priority over others when it came to all sorts. And when people complained, voiced their opinion, or called them out in a sensible way, they were suppressed and exiled from the community; banned from all their communication platforms. I was responsible for running their support ticket system back when I was part of their staff. I sat and watched several people's appeals linger for months (one went for 5 months, I counted) with no reply. The people who actually gave a damn had to apologise on the lead team's behalf for the shit job that they did.

We appreciate the fact you guys do a lot of work; taking suggestions, having internal discussions and making improvements to the server for everybody to enjoy. The honest, active folk who work their ass' off trying to make a good impression for the lead team, to show their dedication and climb the ranks are shot down by the people who get admin for 2 weeks and are bumped up higher because they're mates with the lead team themselves. We need people who aren't stuck between two or three servers, to manage it with an open mind instead of emigrating from another server. The fact that people can sit in spectator, not doing anything productive apart from "boosting the server's gametracker" - keeping in mind, any regular player can do this while actively playing the game, so it's not like you're doing anything special - can be recognised as a distinguished member of staff over others who squeeze out 10-12 hours a week of their spare time doing reports and proactively helping the community by allowing players to approach them with their concerns and discussing with them is simply mind-boggling.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412211

While I agree with you on some points I will make sure you know this.

Lead Team are not like administrators, or moderators. They are like internal affairs. They run the server. They run meetings. They sort out issues within the staff team. While I don't think they should afk on the server they do loads more than what meets the eyes
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412212

Aidan|DaleAGaming wrote:
While I agree with you on some points I will make sure you know this.

Lead Team are not like administrators, or moderators. They are like internal affairs. They run the server. They run meetings. They sort out issues within the staff team. While I don't think they should afk on the server they do loads more than what meets the eyes

I would agree with this, if I didn't see them playing SSRP all the time, where they're all in their little spacer on TS all the time. The only person I've heard/seen working on stuff is Max, even then, his PC is apparently busted so he cannot play GMOD for more than 15 minutes without crash.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412217

I get where you're coming from buddy and I respect you for posting it here however remember every body in the TTT Lead Team are also SSRP Lead Team and that takes much of our time as we get called on/called to deal with stuff that happends, I can assure you everyone in the Lead Team on TTT does care for the gamemode.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412219

The Lead Team from SSRP always promote themselves lol.

In my eyes, I see them as greedy people who care for themselves.
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Human is the name for a beast that can't rejoice their life without sacrifices.

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Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by Jetzzy.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412243

Jordan Johnston wrote:
I get where you're coming from buddy and I respect you for posting it here however remember every body in the TTT Lead Team are also SSRP Lead Team and that takes much of our time as we get called on/called to deal with stuff that happends, I can assure you everyone in the Lead Team on TTT does care for the gamemode.

That's what I'm saying, we need a dedicated SSRP Lead Team and Dedicated TTT Lead Team. Not a mix. Because as of right now every Lead Team member priorities SSRP instead of TTT.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412295

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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412300

No offense to anyone, I have to agree with CZ. What he stated is very true and I couldn't agree more. Honestly, I also believe that the TTT servers need their own Lead Team, it is gaining popularity again and just Clarky there isn't enough. Yes Para is there also but he is staff on ALL the ZARP servers, as well as TS and Forums, his time is divided among all the servers thus leading to just a small amount to TTT, SSRP, BHOP, etc..
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»Ex-DarkRP HeadAdmin«
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412301

After reading everything here's my side of things;

All this happened because ParaMontana was staff for like 1-2 weeks and he got Super Admin, It's all about your dedication towards the server you're staff on, Now I'm not defending my best friend nor am I making drama, Para is a really good guy who might deserve this however I do agree with you on some points. I'm a really big fan of Johnler and I think he's one of the best staff TTT has to the day as he's so down to earth and willing to listen to everything. In my eyes we could ask chute or make a suggestion that TTT staff have the same ranks as SSRP however always remember that SSRP is our leading gamemode and all our attention goes to that as it takes so much of our time to take care of and to manage our staff team, I agree with you on 70% on this post and I will admit I was shocked when para got Super Admin so quick however that's up to the Lead team to decide who is the best staff member for the position and obvisly people thought that Para would be the best canidate for the position. Now lads remember incase this does break out of hand, TOU Applies so don't step out of line and right now everything is fine.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412303

There's a big group of friends on SSRP for the Head Staff, you see them in the spacers, and because they're friends, they get higher up ranks easier and get off with more.

This is just a weird assumption you made up. I'm always with the lead team in spacers and I'm just an SSRP & TTT Admin. I count them as very good friends but that doesn't mean they give me higher up ranks easier than others...
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412304

We should just put walrus in charge he'd fix everything
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412305

Give me some time to prove that im worthy as a ttt lead team member ;)
Before you try to push me under the carpet .
thanks in advance
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