Hello I would like to start by thanking you for voicing your concerns for the TTT Server!
I would like to state that this really isn't and issues as I will explain to you why in
my opinion paramontana got TTT Super Admin. Para got it as we needed and SA and we look
for people who are vocal, voice their opinions and concerns, and someone who is doing a great
job. Para for in my opinion fit these specifications well but this doesnt mean others don't.
I personally still would like to futher expand the lead team and will be looking for any
TTT Admins doing exceptional jobs on the server and meets the criteria previously mentioned.
This does not mean that the rest of the lead team has the same views as me but I can only
speak for myself. I totally understand your point of view but I do not see it the same way
as you.
Again, I'm not asking for anyone to be demoted. I'm asking for a new Lead Team, a separate one, one for TTT and one for SSRP, as it';s clear the SSRP do not care for TTT nearly as much as any of the moderators/admins do.
That will not work as we give everybody the opportunity as long as they put in the work and pull their weight. I myself am from SSRP and I can say I certainly do care about TTT a lot.
If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to message me on steam!