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TOPIC: Addressing the elephant in the TTT room

Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412308

ParaMontana wrote:
Give me some time to prove that im worthy as a ttt lead team member ;)
Before you try to push me under the carpet .
thanks in advance
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to prove you're worthy before you get the rank, at least that's how it's supposed to work :whistle:
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412309

Jordan Johnston wrote:
After reading everything here's my side of things;
I was shocked when para got Super Admin so quick however that's up to the Lead team to decide who is the best staff member for the position and obvisly people thought that Para would be the best canidate for the position. Now lads remember incase this does break out of hand, TOU Applies so don't step out of line and right now everything is fine.

It's just worrying that they keep fishing in the same pool whilst there are tons of capable staffmembers out there waiting for a chance.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412310

ParaMontana wrote:
Give me some time to prove that im worthy as a ttt lead team member ;)
Before you try to push me under the carpet .
thanks in advance

We're pushing you under the carpet due to you doing less than everyone but getting promoted anyway. Prove yourself before the promotion not after, the way it works is you work your way towards it, not to strive to prove yourself only after promoted.
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Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by CeeZee.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412311

Lewis_is_java wrote:
ParaMontana wrote:
Give me some time to prove that im worthy as a ttt lead team member ;)
Before you try to push me under the carpet .
thanks in advance
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to prove you're worthy before you get the rank, at least that's how it's supposed to work :whistle:

apprently i have not proven it enough in ceezee's eyes so if he keeps as much eye on me as he has been doing while i was admin he will soon see that i will do a fine job:)
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412312

AfroHat wrote:
There's a big group of friends on SSRP for the Head Staff, you see them in the spacers, and because they're friends, they get higher up ranks easier and get off with more.

This is just a weird assumption you made up. I'm always with the lead team in spacers and I'm just an SSRP & TTT Admin. I count them as very good friends but that doesn't mean they give me higher up ranks easier than others...

You're not there as much as others are at all, not an assumption either, here we have proof with Para getting super admin for doing literally nothing. Other admins even moderators do more than he has done/does.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412315

Ace wrote:
Jordan Johnston wrote:
After reading everything here's my side of things;
I was shocked when para got Super Admin so quick however that's up to the Lead team to decide who is the best staff member for the position and obvisly people thought that Para would be the best canidate for the position. Now lads remember incase this does break out of hand, TOU Applies so don't step out of line and right now everything is fine.

It's just worrying that they keep fishing in the same pool whilst there are tons of capable staffmembers out there waiting for a chance.

I agree with you on this one as I was waiting for Super Admin for so long and I tried hardest and I still lost, However the way I got it was to show how good I could be and I'm sure Para will do an excellent job, Also if any of you want to spread your word to only me on teamspeak then be sure to poke me and I'll move you all in a spacer with me and talk about this.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412319

Morgana wrote:
ParaMontana wrote:
Give me some time to prove that im worthy as a ttt lead team member ;)
Before you try to push me under the carpet .
thanks in advance

Nobody is "pushing you under" anything.

The idea of getting this position is that you've already proven yourself as a staff member. The only thing you did was bug them to do things, that doesn't make you anymore capable than anyone else.

Thre is a lot of things that happen behind the scenes I been doing things a lot behind the scenes helped in multiple lead team situations as I was asked by users to be present as they trust me that i do the right thing, Tyler can back me up on these claims. I have been trying to make suggestions multiple times if it wasn't on the forums then directly towards the owners them self's. I put in a lot of effort into the TTT community behind the scenes things that will never get noticed.
Why do you think we are always in a spacer ? , Not just because we wanna banter around serious stuff happend's in those spacers.

People reacted the same about me getting head admin on ssrp like you are right now ohh he doesn't deserve it ohh hes bad. But im still here 9 months so ish later?"

Give me a chance before you complain if i manage to not convince you in the upcoming month you are free to call me out on everything but you are just trying to put me on a bad spot without me being able to show you what i can do as a lead team member
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Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by Jordz.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412322

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Multiple Lead Team situations for TTT? Like what? Everyone has been making suggestions, that's what the suggestions thread is, and what the meeting is for. That will never get noticed? Give us some examples?

Yeah, you didn't get demoted as you're friends with the other head staff, it's really not hard to see Para.

The way it goes, all staff should be seeing you're doing a really good job as TTT staff before you get TTT SA. You shouldn't have to say "give me a chance to show you I'm good" everyone should see it and as it stands, you do not deserve it at all, the most deserving in all honesty is Johnler.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412334

The CeeZee wrote:
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Multiple Lead Team situations for TTT? Like what? Everyone has been making suggestions, that's what the suggestions thread is, and what the meeting is for. That will never get noticed? Give us some examples?

Yeah, you didn't get demoted as you're friends with the other head staff, it's really not hard to see Para.

The way it goes, all staff should be seeing you're doing a really good job as TTT staff before you get TTT SA. You shouldn't have to say "give me a chance to show you I'm good" everyone should see it and as it stands, you do not deserve it at all, the most deserving in all honesty is Johnler.
Yeah, you didn't get demoted as you're friends with the other head staff, it's really not hard to see Para.
Why would Para need to be demoted anyways? Sure he may be our friend but we still expect seeing work coming out of him also.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412336

ParaMontana wrote:
Thre is a lot of things that happen behind the scenes I been doing things a lot behind the scenes helped in multiple lead team situations as I was asked by users to be present as they trust me that i do the right thing, Tyler can back me up on these claims. I have been trying to make suggestions multiple times if it wasn't on the forums then directly towards the owners them self's. I put in a lot of effort into the TTT community behind the scenes things that will never get noticed.
Why do you think we are always in a spacer ? , Not just because we wanna banter around serious stuff happend's in those spacers.

People reacted the same about me getting head admin on ssrp like you are right now ohh he doesn't deserve it ohh hes bad. But im still here 9 months so ish later?"

Give me a chance before you complain if i manage to not convince you in the upcoming month you are free to call me out on everything but you are just trying to put me on a bad spot without me being able to show you what i can do as a lead team member
I don't want to constantly reply to this thread, I've forwarded my two cents and that's it. But I'd like to clarify: Para, in my opinion, you're a cool guy. We had our problems a while ago but we've ironed them out. Us folks who aren't familiar with the lead team in general, don't have the same opportunities you have.

While you're "making suggestions" directly to Tyler, that's great! But what are they? Why do we, the entire staff team, not hear anything about it? Give us examples of the suggestions you've provided. I myself have once messaged a lead team member (not naming names) twice on Steam, and three times on Teamspeak and still got no reply; but they're in a channel with somebody and playing Garry's Mod.

Prove to us, prove to the community you're suitable for the position, prior to receiving it. That's how it should work, as it does with mod/admin applications.
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Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by .uzi.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412338

At this point, a new lead team dedicated to TTT makes sense. With the recent growth of Zarp and the community, the servers have been experiencing greater load and as such the SSRP owners are having to put more of their time into TTT, this of course meaning they have less for the gamemode they prefer and run, SSRP.
Creating a new lead team for TTT helps to resolve this issue as any issues and problems stay within the TTT community, and there will be an active staff group that people can contact easily and are often online. There are many capable people that would fill this role, and after a brief period of training, each of the two servers would have a much more flexible and capable lead team.
Furthermore, with the owners being rather inactive on the server, they're not very approachable, anyone with suggestions is just recommended to take it to the forums or talk to a Mod or Admin, even when an owner is (Rarely) online. Having a TTT staff that are active would solve this issue by introducing the community to the face of TTT and make them feel more involved. It also reduces the risk of RDM in some people, as they see the owners, and understand that breaking the rules will result in a drastic punishment, in comparison to that of a mod and understanding that the moderator will have to put extra effort in to achieve the same punishment.
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Please be patient if I don't respond immediately, I'm often distracted by one thing or another but will quickly respond when I get the time.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412339

Clarky wrote:
Why would Para need to be demoted anyways? Sure he may be our friend but we still expect seeing work coming out of him also.

I'm saying he would always have the protection from his friends/Lead Team. Not saying he should have been, I'm saying if he ever did something bad and someone spoke up, they'd have the Lead Team backing him up.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412341

Bit late to the party, but I have to say, reading all of this, CeeZee does make a valid point.

I am not taking sides, but all I ever see is Admins and a few Moderators working hard to keep the server running well with no RDM, and on the VERY rare occasion see SA+ online doing the job. I could be playing at different times to them, so I am not just calling them lazy etc, but I only ever see them on SSRP.

I also agree with Crowbait's recent statement.,

I dont think anyone should be punished or demoted, just putting my reasons out there
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Last Edit: 8 years 4 months ago by hazzenator.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412345

I just also want to ask, if we were to have a new lead team then who's going to be good candidates for that? Because in my eyes I honestly don't see anyone besides the current lead team, but as the current lead team, WE do want staff who aren't exactly from the SSRP lead team and we would give others a chance, but at this moment right now we couldn't see anyone else but Para. If we just continue with our duties within the TTT server then I'm sure more people will have a opportunity to become part of the lead team. Also, to any of the TTT administrators, if you are actually interested in SA, then please don't hesitate to ask me for any advice as I am willing to help you give a opportunity to become a higher rank in the staff team. It would be great to see our staff team grow more bigger.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412346

I agree with Cz, para got promoted way to quickly, like 1 week after getting admin i think, which just shows that they just give the rank to him because of bias, not because of him actually being a good staff member who deserves it. There are many more candidates that are more ready for the position over para, he has practically put no effort in ( afking at times) and then gets promoted. :L smh
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412348

ZARP was a good community in the past and it's just went downhill crazy. Since the new people came along the community has just been ruined. Everything used to be fun, peaceful and exciting but every since the new people came along mainly the SSRP Lead Team, it's been ruined.

I'd love if they just stuck to one server instead of applying for other servers when they barely contribute at all. I know them well and they just sit they sitting AFK do nothing get a good 6-8 hours of activity and leave for the week. As other hard working staff members try to assist players in learning, having fun, making reports and all that stuff whilst the 'SSRP Lead Team' help in no way at all.

I'd love a new TTT Lead Team, a team that is organised well and is willing to help players instead of doing fuck all.
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Human is the name for a beast that can't rejoice their life without sacrifices.

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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412350

Clarky wrote:
I just also want to ask, if we were to have a new lead team then who's going to be good candidates for that? Because in my eyes I honestly don't see anyone besides the current lead team, but as the current lead team, WE do want staff who aren't exactly from the SSRP lead team and we would give others a chance, but at this moment right now we couldn't see anyone else but Para. If we just continue with our duties within the TTT server then I'm sure more people will have a opportunity to become part of the lead team. Also, to any of the TTT administrators, if you are actually interested in SA, then please don't hesitate to ask me for any advice as I am willing to help you give a opportunity to become a higher rank in the staff team. It would be great to see our staff team grow more bigger.

Sorry but if you don't see anyone but Para lead team worthy you are either blind or looking in the wrong places.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412352

The CeeZee wrote:
Clarky wrote:
I just also want to ask, if we were to have a new lead team then who's going to be good candidates for that? Because in my eyes I honestly don't see anyone besides the current lead team, but as the current lead team, WE do want staff who aren't exactly from the SSRP lead team and we would give others a chance, but at this moment right now we couldn't see anyone else but Para. If we just continue with our duties within the TTT server then I'm sure more people will have a opportunity to become part of the lead team. Also, to any of the TTT administrators, if you are actually interested in SA, then please don't hesitate to ask me for any advice as I am willing to help you give a opportunity to become a higher rank in the staff team. It would be great to see our staff team grow more bigger.

Sorry but if you don't see anyone but Para lead team worthy you are either blind or looking in the wrong places.
Yet you have no idea what he did to help the lead team out during his time as staff in the spacers.
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412353

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Maybe because you're all so sketchy about it?
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Addressing the elephant in the TTT room 8 years 4 months ago #412354

Clarky wrote:
The CeeZee wrote:
Clarky wrote:
I just also want to ask, if we were to have a new lead team then who's going to be good candidates for that? Because in my eyes I honestly don't see anyone besides the current lead team, but as the current lead team, WE do want staff who aren't exactly from the SSRP lead team and we would give others a chance, but at this moment right now we couldn't see anyone else but Para. If we just continue with our duties within the TTT server then I'm sure more people will have a opportunity to become part of the lead team. Also, to any of the TTT administrators, if you are actually interested in SA, then please don't hesitate to ask me for any advice as I am willing to help you give a opportunity to become a higher rank in the staff team. It would be great to see our staff team grow more bigger.

Sorry but if you don't see anyone but Para lead team worthy you are either blind or looking in the wrong places.
Yet you have no idea what he did to help the lead team out during his time as staff in the spacers.

Explain then, what did he do to help the lead team out?

I love it when the Lead Team lie, it truly amuses me.
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Human is the name for a beast that can't rejoice their life without sacrifices.

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