ParaMontana wrote:
Thre is a lot of things that happen behind the scenes I been doing things a lot behind the scenes helped in multiple lead team situations as I was asked by users to be present as they trust me that i do the right thing, Tyler can back me up on these claims. I have been trying to make suggestions multiple times if it wasn't on the forums then directly towards the owners them self's. I put in a lot of effort into the TTT community behind the scenes things that will never get noticed.
Why do you think we are always in a spacer ? , Not just because we wanna banter around serious stuff happend's in those spacers.
People reacted the same about me getting head admin on ssrp like you are right now ohh he doesn't deserve it ohh hes bad. But im still here 9 months so ish later?"
Give me a chance before you complain if i manage to not convince you in the upcoming month you are free to call me out on everything but you are just trying to put me on a bad spot without me being able to show you what i can do as a lead team member
I don't want to constantly reply to this thread, I've forwarded my two cents and that's it. But I'd like to clarify: Para, in my opinion, you're a cool guy. We had our problems a while ago but we've ironed them out. Us folks who aren't familiar with the lead team in general, don't have the same opportunities you have.
While you're "making suggestions" directly to Tyler, that's great! But what are they? Why do we, the entire staff team, not hear anything about it? Give us examples of the suggestions you've provided. I myself have once messaged a lead team member (not naming names) twice on Steam, and three times on Teamspeak and still got no reply; but they're in a channel with somebody and playing Garry's Mod.
Prove to
us, prove to the
community you're suitable for the position, prior to receiving it. That's how it
should work, as it does with mod/admin applications.