Hello Gamesys, I've taken the time and studied the provided evidence and I've sufficiently talked with staff members that wished to add upon this. A huge amount of time has passed and Huge Jackman hasn't taken the time to add me nor on steam, and as far as I've been informed, he hasn't been sighted recently. Hence, I'll conclude this report right now, as I feel like it's not a necessary step to talk to him since the evidence is rather indisputable.
In the first clip, at 0:32, it's very obvious he's intentionally ignoring the NLR. He also is very disrespectful by calling you a "fucker", and that's definitely not acceptable by any measure.
In the second clip, at 0:05 he intentionally ignores ARDM, then ignores you getting RDM'd. Later on in the video, around 0:40-0:45, he thanks a guy RDMing you and yet again ignores the rulebreak once more.
As far as the following report in the replies of this post, I've been informed that Hugh was being rather disrespected, and he had gotten very frustrated when he started insulting. However, it serves as a good example that Hugh has very poor attitude, as we're supposed to stay calm even at the direst of situations.
This will, most definitely, be brought up in the Lead Team meeting, thank you for the report.