spodermon wrote:
ChummyXRay wrote:
Pegasus wrote:
Ugh, next time better be carefull who you kick and maybe talk to him. Lucky you that this is going to be refunded!
According to his post he did attempt to discuss this with Fluffy, but he decided to act like a child and lash out. Ashur isn't "lucky" that it'll be refunded. While a kick might be seen as too much, he was well within his right to correct what he saw was a rulebreak. The lucky one is Fluffy, because even though he broke rules and was apparently being an ass, he's still getting an apology and offers to repay him in some format. Now, this is all hearsay without proof showing how it went down, but if what Ashur said is true, there is no need for this post.
The kick command is only used under extreme circumstances with extreme circumstances i mean with if an user is propspamming and refusing to remove his props or his mass rdming even after a 10 minutes jail/freeze. and that wasn't the case in this situation. This could be easily resolved with a mute, warn and if needed freeze for 5 minutes. The alts rapsheet was clear so there's another reason why a kick was also obviously excessive.
Even if he knew him or not the kick was absolutely unneeded and it ruined his rp. Sorry, Spoder, but are you daft in the head? "It ruined his RP"? This is a
user that has been
breaking rules. If you seriously think we should be concerned with the user's RP when punishing them then I don't even understand why punishments exist in the first place.
spodermon wrote:
I'm not gonna dive bomb into this thread anylonger but, you knew damn well that you should not have kicked him,btw you might wanna read the other posts aswell.
And I know for sure that he wasn't mass nlring you could've easily asked for a jail if you feel 'uncomfortable ' with the freeze command and you can warn aswell. Nevertheless his rapsheet was also completely clean. Again this could've easily been resolved with a (talk) mute, warn and if deemed necessary a 10 min freeze
Whatever you might believe, a freeze is not a proper punishment and by no means a replacement for the kick command. I cannot understand why you're trying to limit the staff member's powers when they already have very few commands in the first place.
spodermon wrote:
Pegasus wrote:
Staff Ethos say’s it all...
When dealing with disrespectful users we advise using powers other than the ban or kick commands, rather try to use powers such as muting and warning.
Exactly, that's why he should've used the freeze command/warn/mute. And hence the kick command was unnecessary excessive force
Also @chummy
zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/server-is...to-the-mods?start=15 Note that this is advice. It is expected of staff to do everything within their power not to use the kick command, but that doesn't mean that it's immediately abuse when they actually do. If the staff member believes a kick was warranted then apparently the situation wwas so out of contrl that there wasn't any other actual option.
And even if a kick was not warranted, that still does not mean the user should be refunded. If we're seriously going to refund users when they're breaking rules then I seriously cannot understand what the point is in being a staff member in the first place. It's completely undermining everything that a staff member is and does.