spodermon wrote:
Raeker wrote:
spodermon wrote:
Ashur wrote:
spodermon wrote:
Ashur wrote:
Spoder, speak up, stop hiding in your shelter thanking pegasus, what can you say on Raeker's comments? Youre just trying to get me demoted for something that was valid.
I gave statement, we both know what you said yesterday over steam isn't exactly what you're saying here.
Cause you tried to make me scared, but im confident now, you seem to have no clue, i was right, and no where near abusing, just admit it, Raeker has already proven you wrong, our steam convo was you making me scared hoping i would say what you wanted to hear, now give your response, because youre an LT, doesn't mean i have to agree with you,i did yesterday so you would stop trying to find a reason to emergency demote me
This is no where near what happened, stop slandering me and making up lies
I'll write an whole paragraph tonight with additional proof of the steam chat and I'll ask loggs off of tyler, and we'll see who the blatant liar is here.
Jesus Christ are you two complete idiots or something? You're supposed to be
staff members. Stop behaving like absolute morons that are trying to prove the other wrong and call each other out for lying. Regardless of who is right in this situation, this should be dealt with on TS or on Steam, not on the forums.
Also, Spoder, regardless of whether or not Ashur lied, the fault is still on you. You went wrong the moment you forced Ashur to apologise to something that he didn't want to apologise for. If we're going to force staff members to make apologies that they do not want then we'll completely undermine the trust of the staff team as a whole.
I absoluly didn't force him, I advised him since fluffy broke half off these rules
@sora, I didn't want to emergency demote him for a kick odcourset, but the day before that he allowed rflex to break rules and loopholed himself. I said if you continue your series of abuse and rulebreak I might want to consider options
I never allowed RFLEX I told him in ts to stop with his rulebreaks and his retarded behaviour, also if you think it went different than i say, im giving you 24 hours to provide evidence for that, otherwise don't speak, you werent there, youre digging a deeper hole saying he only broke half those rules when you didn't see it, provide evidence or shut up with saying it went different