Welcome to the triad official gang thread and discussion
Welcome to the Triad official gang thread application, in this thread you will find all of the necessary things for our gang.
Click Here to be taken to our Discord
Below you will find the gangs written rules, gang members are reminded to use common-sense when playing.
Officers hold the right to kick you from the gang on the spot if they feel the need to.
- Server Rules - If you wish to even be in the gang for a prolonged amount of time you cannot be a player who frequently breaks rules, we can tolerate the accidental rule break here and there, but if lessons aren't learnt then action will be taken and you will most likely be removed from the gang.
- Gang Members - Do not raid, mug or complete hits on gang members as this is considered betrayal, we do not tolerate this, there are times when we accept you raiding gang members or completing hits and this is only when given permission. If you do get given permission to raid a gang member and you are successful, you must revive players you killed in the base and leave any entities that are in the base.
- Leaving The Gang - If you feel like at any point you want to leave the gang for another one, that's absolutely fine. We don't appreciate you doing it without telling us however, it's not fair for you to get protection from us if you don't even intend on staying with us. If you decide to apply for another gang whilst you're in our hands then you will be kicked.
- Backstabbing - This falls under the betrayal category, if you decide at any point you're sick of us and you want to leave the gang, please do it in a respectful manner and do not do something that could cause an argument. For example, deciding mid-way through a base you want to ditch and destroy everyone's printers and leave.
- Enemies - If our gang ends up receiving enemies for whatever reason, please do not go out of your way to make anything worse, if you are caught doing anything against an enemy gang that is considered to be rule breaking (E.G: Chair Exploiting into a base) or directly targeting certain players in said enemy gang you will be spoken to and punished appropriately.
- Allies - We do not accept alliances as it's not something that can be agreed on as a large group easily, gang members are able to personally ally with any gang they choose or even players, just remember that the gang as a whole will not be accepting other bases using the excuse "We have one of your gang members inside" as a reason for us to not raid.*
*Don't raid them if they are part of a large base and you know they have a lot of rare printers or generally expensive items.
- Invites - If at any point you decide you feel you want to join the gang, do not come directly to an owner to be invited to the gang, that's fine, we'll simply tell you to apply, if you continue to ask us to invite you into the gang without having been accepted into the gang first, then we'll simply blacklist you from the gang until you learn your lesson.
Below will be a list of all ranks with a detailed input of what the ranks are allowed to do and what permissions they have, there is also a members list.
[M] Mountain Master - The main authority of the gang, they will keep track of everything and are in charge of everyone, orders given out by them that are ignored will result in punishment.
[V] Vanguard - They will be the highest position in the gang and are in charge when leaders are not online or able to do their job. They are also able to accept and deny users providing they've spoken to at least one other Vanguard or Mountain Master.
[D] Deputy - At this rank players receive officer and have the option to kick members on the spot for a fair reason.
[LO]Liaison Officer - This is a rank that requires you to know what you're doing when it comes to communicating well with other players or gangs, you must be an active user of the Teamspeak to achieve this rank and must work in defusing situations between our gang and others.
[49] Ordinary Members
(A.k.a. 49ers) - This is the rank you will receive after your 2 week trial in the gang, this rank holds no special abilities but with all ranks must be respected.
[UM] Uninitiated Members - Once you are accepted into the gang this is the rank you will be placed in for 2 weeks whilst you wait for us to decide whether you are worthy or not to hold a position in the gang.
Mountain Masters
Legendary Soldier / Tyler Durden
Sora J Salvatore
Liason Officer
Gregory TW!X
Henk Jan
Annie Montanna
Mr Pear
Gang thread is updated frequently, notify someone if you aren't on here.
This is used to completely ban users from joining the gang in future as to protect ourselves from future back stabbings, etc.
This list is updated almost as soon as a user is decided for blacklisting
LightRobin - STEAM_0:1:56325743 - Reason: Backstabbing
Illegalimmigrant514 - STEAM_0:1:179345279 - Reason: Backstabbing as DD
Magik - STEAM_0:1:109635735 - Reason: Known Hacker
Japapy - STEAM_0:1:179369262 - Reason: Backstabbing a Gang Member
If you apply to join us please make sure you apply to join in game through the gang menu after posting your application to ensure we are able to bring you into the gang even when you're offline.
Please note: Applications are responded to on a weekly bases, or if we receive a large influx of them.
Joining the Gang:
[b]RP Name:[/b]
[b]Steam Profile Link:[/b]
[b]Cash Balance:[/b]
[b]Special Weapons:[/b]
[b]Previous Gangs:[/b]
[b]Preferred Weapon:[/b]
[b]Why do you want to join The Triad:[/b]
(50+ Words Required)
Promotion Template:
[b]RP Name:[/b]
[b]Steam Profile Link:[/b]
[b]Rate Activity On The Gang Discord and/or Teamspeak:[/b]
[b]What rank do you wish to apply for?:[/b]
[b]Why do you want this promotion?:[/b]
(100+ Words Required)
Liason Officer Promotion Template:
[b]RP Name:[/b]
[b]Steam Profile Link:[/b]
[b]Rate your activity on voice communication services generally:[/b]
[b]Are you within good terms in the community?:[/b]
[b]Do you have a mic?:[/b]
[b]Are you in good terms with the majority of the communities players?:[/b]
[b]Explain how you wold work to defuse a situation in which another gang would wish to enemy with us:[/b]
[b]Why do you want this promotion?:[/b]
(150+ Words Required)