Dady, I've reviewed your application and spoken to Nib, I've thought about you being in the gang and decided you should be
denied this is due to you being a noticeable gang hopper and will attempt to jump onto whatever gang you can, if you can somehow prove to us you deserve to be in the gang you're more than welcome to apply in the near future.
CreepGames wrote:
RP Name: Dady
Steam Profile Link:steamcommunity.com/id/PROOLOL/
Gametrackers: www.gametracker.com/player/lol/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27015/
Cash Balance: 4.5
Special Weapons: JUGG, SCOPE BOOST , AMMO BOOST , HEALTH REGEN , THERMAL , M202, mini 2 , emp , and more
Previous Gangs: Corrupted Vengence , dElta squad , El smosh
Preferred Weapon: PSG
Why do you want to join The Triad:
(50+ Words Required)
I want to join The Triad because I think I can help you guys with basing and be a good addition to the gang, I am good at raiding and defending bases. I stay loyal and donate all I can to the gang im in. If you guys accept me I wont let you down. I will help you out in any way possible and stay loyal to the gang
It would be amazing if I could become part of your line up
Thanks for reading
Oatmeal, I've reviewed your application and spoken to Nib, we've both spoken about you and decided you should be
accepted, you will be placed into the starting rank (Uninitiated
[UM]) for 2 weeks until we decide whether you are a good asset to the gang.
Raisin Bran wrote:
RP Name:Oatmeal!
Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048789612
Cash Balance:$108,079,549
Special Weapons:m202/ gluons/ HC/ tgun etc.
Previous Gangs:The Minutemen/ Revolt
Preferred Weapon:PSG/ Dragunov
Why do you want to join The Triad: Because I want to be in a successful and active gang where we have raids and bases,
I'm not a very active baser, but I will help defend a base even if I'm not basing, I just like to be in action, I will participate in alot of gang raids we do, just give me a message and I will most likely be there if not busy .
(50+ Words Required)