RP Name: DuckRevoe
Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198159599519
Cash Balance: $706,776,651
Special Weapons: 6 Emp nades, m202, riot shield, 4 rpgs, a lot of nitro, portable emp, hand cannon, 3 gamma rifles, 3 Thermal detonators, base shield, and some other random explody thingys.
Previous Gangs: Revolt and frag angels
Preferred Weapon: psg, mp5, explody thingys, and spas 12.
Why do you want to join The Triad:
(50+ Words Required) Because I joined Revolt just to see it's dying moments, I think this gang will rise quickly, it will be active in basing and raiding terms, I already like it's population, and I would like to be apart of all of it's future activities. Also I'm a duck, who else has a duck? Gotcha there don't I? But seriously I am a great distraction, I run in Quacking my heart out, who wouldn't look at me? But I can also be a sneaky duck.