Ajerickson, I've reviewed your application and spoken to ChummyXRay and Nafe, we've thought about you and your application and decided you should be
accepted, you will be placed into the starting rank (Uninitiated
[UM]) for 2 weeks until we decide whether you are a good asset to the gang.
Ajerickson107 wrote:
RP Name: Ajerickson107
Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/aj107
Cash Balance: ~150 Million
Special Weapons: TGun, Gluons, M202s, Mini2.0, etc. (I Have Most Specials)
Previous Gangs: Thieves Guild, Azgenda, Corrupted Vengence
Preferred Weapon: PSG + Drugs, Or Specials If Needed For Large Bases/Raids, Sometimes Suits If I Feel Like It Is Necessary
Why do you want to join The Triad:
I wish to become apart of this gang because I know most people In the gang and I am dedicated to the server and helping others. I have VIP and I'm an SSRP Admin so I will always help everyone in the gang and everyone outside. I with to become part of this gang so I can improve my skills and become more friendly with different people in the gang. I base with this gang often and like helping out. Last, I wish to become part of the gang so I can experience something new and have fun with new people.
Spicy, I've reviewed your application and spoken to Nafe and ChummyXRay, we've thought about you and your application and decided you should be
accepted, you will be placed into the starting rank (Uninitiated
[UM]) for 2 weeks until we decide whether you are a good asset to the gang.
Spicy wrote:
RP Name: Spicyy
Steam Profile Link:steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198268414571/screenshots/
Old trackers-
2( none)
My Azgeda name game trackers
Current name gametrackers
1 Cant find approx 2 hours
2Couldnt find approx 1 hour 30m
Cash Balance: 1m ( Highest ammount i had was 112m, if i where to never spend my money, id be around 400m)
Special Weapons:
At a time I have owned 1 gluon, 2 mini 2.0s, around 15 m202s, a gamma rifle, and a emp nade
I am still in the process of rebuilding
Previous Gangs:
Azgeda, Corrupted Vengance
Preferred Weapon:
PSG-1 <33333333333333333
Why do you want to join The Triad:
I feel like id be a great addition to the team. I bring positivity to the gang and when basing, I am not a leech. I know an abundance of the members in your gang either has people ive talked with before and people i have been in a gang with before. I feel like id be a great addition to bases defending wise. Also raiding wise. I feel like id fit in great with the people in the gang plus I am a very active player. I would love to be in this gang and not only have fun, dominate and topple other gangs bases and get sicc gang loot.
(50+ Words Required)
Windows, I've reviewed your application and spoken to Nafe, we've thought about you and your application and decided you should be
accepted, you will be placed into the starting rank (Uninitiated
[UM]) for 2 weeks until we decide whether you are a good asset to the gang.
Emp1re., I've reviewed your application and spoken to Nafe and ChummyXRay, we've thought about you and your application and decided you should be
This is in part due to the fact that you don't really interact with our gang much, you've also had arguments with our gang members that went to far, you also do not have more than 50 words.
You are more than welcome to re-apply when you feel like it.
Emp1re. wrote:
RP Name: Emp1re
Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/Emp1reCinemas
Not Required.
Cash Balance: 50m.
Special Weapons: Jugg Suit, Nano Suit, Minigun 2.0, Sold 3 gluons. And one ACS. Scope Boost.
Previous Gangs: Blurr, The Outsiders.
Preferred Weapon: PSG-1.
Why do you want to join The Triad:
(50+ Words Required) It seems like a nice gang. I`d like to apply to come base with you`s and so on, and so for. I don`t see many active gangs around anymore, So I`d like to come apart of The Triad.
Banana Boy, I've reviewed your application and spoken to Nafe and ChummyXRay, we've thought about you and your application and decided you should be
Mainly because you are known for cheating on the servers, you have been demoted for it on Prop Hunt, we want to give you a few weeks before allowing you into the gang.
You are more than welcome to re-apply when you feel like it.
Bannana Boy wrote:
RP Name:
Steam Profile Link:
Cash Balance:
300m and over 1b in items
Special Weapons:
Every Single One
Previous Gangs:
The One And Only
Why do you want to join The Triad:
Well after the last couple of days ive been getting back into ssrp and by the looks of it there isnt any active gangs apart from a few, i want to get back into do gang things and also i think it would not only make my rp better but other peoples in the gang also