RP Name: Dady
Steam Profile Link:steamcommunity.com/id/PROOLOL/
Cash Balance: 150mil
Special Weapons: JUGG, SCOPE BOOST , AMMO BOOST , HEALTH REGEN , THERMAL , M202, mini 2 , emp , and more
Previous Gangs: Corrupted Vengence , Delta Squad , And El Smosh
Preferred Weapon: Im flexable about guns I can use them all
Why do you want to join The Triad:
(50+ Words Required)
I want to join The Traid because I feel i'd be a good addition to the line up. Im a fairly skilled player and I have items to help you guys defend and raid bases. I can do just about anything you ask me and im trustworthy and friendly. It would be an honor to beable to join your gang
Thanks dady