General Information:
What is your Steam Name? .exe you have me added
What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:84015634
What is your ingame name? Evilstewie
How much money do you currently have? 6mil
Any special weapons? M202, Matador, 2 Miniguns, gammer rifle, 6RPGs, 10 f2k, 3pkm, 2 shrike, 2 stricker
And i was just given all of this:
Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)
I have been playing nearly 2 years i have seen the rise and fall of any gangs and i can see how fast SM is growing and i want to help/join in. I want to make new friends and make up with my old friends/gang members apart from that i just want safety and people to raid with as its very risky on your own.
Why do you think your better than the average player?
I have a huge amount of experience i have amazing shooting and raiding skill, im never out of weapon/explosives, im likable when i want to be, and i can apply pressure and put people into submission higher than me as simple as walking into a base and saying im going to raid/blow everything they have 2 options surrender or feel/fear what i will do! Also when it comes to friendly i have a rule no one gets left behind
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication
Building 1/10 i dont build i raid
Aiming 9/10
Raiding 10/10
Communication 8/10 i listen and people listen to me
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?
I have the experience not many people have, i have much more confidence than most people, i have better aiming and raiding than other people, only thing that im bad at is building
How can we trust you not to betray us?
Its hard to put into words and prove that i wont betray but if you know me as a person/player you know im incredibly loyal to my gang and friends.
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?
Brotherhood back on bloc42
Member and owner of the menaces
Note: Thank you for reading and i hope you accept me as a new member