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TOPIC: Silent March Gang Thread

Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241181

General Information: I am 15 years old, almost 16 now. I live in the UK, down in the south east in a place called Essex. I have been on Zarp for quite a while, but all i used to play was Bhop. So, therefore i have only been on the darkrp for around a month or two, which is short compared to others.

What is your Steam Name?: Sonzy

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)[: STEAM_0:1:95568228

What is your ingame name?: It is currently [CPN] Sonzy Menace, as i am the menaces. But it's usually sonzy.

How much money do you currently have?: I currently have 8 million, but i have been spending most of my money for the moment.

Any special weapons?: 2x Matador, 2x RPG, Milkor, And a Defib.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer): Because ever since i started, I've seen that all the best people on the server are in this gang, and that the gang is very friendly and powerful :D I have already met many people personally, and there all very nice :3 Also, i would like to join because i want to be able to meet more people from SM, and hopefully be friendly with as many people as possible. I would also like to join because i find its quite hard to get raid teams together in my current gang, and that is an issue i hope can be fixed my moving into SM :) Also, i would like to join because of the fact that there are so many upgrades, so unlike other gangs you already have the upgrades and dont have to work too hard for them.

Why do you think your better than the average player?: Yes, this is because of the fact that i am very active, and will stop at nothing to be the best player on the server :D Also, i think i am better than the average player because i have gotten reasonably rich in a very short time, as i have not been with the zarp community for too long. I Also think i am better than the average player because i have quite a few good dupes, which means that if any gang members need a base i will be happy to spawn one for them.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building- 7/10 (I'm Slow At Building)
Aiming- 9/10
Raiding- 8.5/10
Communication- 9/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?: Because i believe that i could bring a lot of things to SM, along with the fact that i am extremely active, because i play for 5+ hours every day. This puts me ahead of the next applicant because it means that i can be on the server as much as possible, which means i can help out gang members more frequently than most people.

How can we trust you not to betray us?: There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that i think this is the best gang in the server, and i would never risk getting thrown out of it. Another reason is that i know so many people, and i wouldn't want them to betray me so i give them the same back. Also, if you know me in-game you should know that i am reasonably charitable, and i would never consider stealing from a gang member or friend.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?: I am Currently in the Menaces, as i said before. It's a resonably good gang, and the members are awesome and nice c: But, the fact is that its very small with very few upgrades, and i would like to be a part of a bigger and more known gang!
Thanks for reading <3
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"Perp advertiser"
Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by Sonzy. Reason: Changing general info
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241186

General Information:
Yo! Bob Raheem over here. I'm an active moderator who likes to spend time with the gang and the people on this server. I love building and raiding, I'm 16 years old and I love playing on :zarp:

What is your Steam Name?
Bobbie Raheem

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)

What is your ingame name?
[SM]Bob Raheem

How much money do you currently have?
38 mil

Any special weapons?
1 milkor and 1 gluon gun ( I don't need more ;) )

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?
I'm a Silent Assasin and I'm applying for Silent Mobster


Time in gang?
Nearly a month

Why do you think you deserve this rank?
Cause I feel like I wanna make my way to the top, as I'm doing my best to have good bases and I also donate a lot of money to the gang!
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241189

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"Perp advertiser"
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241197

@MssSkypesalot-Your 16?
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241199

itzsonzy wrote:
General Information: I am 15 years old, almost 16 now. I live in the UK, down in the south east in a place called Essex. I have been on Zarp for quite a while, but all i used to play was Bhop. So, therefore i have only been on the darkrp for around a month or two, which is short compared to others.

What is your Steam Name?: Sonzy

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)[: STEAM_0:1:95568228

What is your ingame name?: It is currently [CPN] Sonzy Menace, as i am the menaces. But it's usually sonzy.

How much money do you currently have?: I currently have 8 million, but i have been spending most of my money for the moment.

Any special weapons?: 2x Matador, 2x RPG, Milkor, And a Defib.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer): Because ever since i started, I've seen that all the best people on the server are in this gang, and that the gang is very friendly and powerful :D I have already met many people personally, and there all very nice :3 Also, i would like to join because i want to be able to meet more people from SM, and hopefully be friendly with as many people as possible. I would also like to join because i find its quite hard to get raid teams together in my current gang, and that is an issue i hope can be fixed my moving into SM :) Also, i would like to join because of the fact that there are so many upgrades, so unlike other gangs you already have the upgrades and dont have to work too hard for them.

Why do you think your better than the average player?: Yes, this is because of the fact that i am very active, and will stop at nothing to be the best player on the server :D Also, i think i am better than the average player because i have gotten reasonably rich in a very short time, as i have not been with the zarp community for too long. I Also think i am better than the average player because i have quite a few good dupes, which means that if any gang members need a base i will be happy to spawn one for them.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building- 7/10 (I'm Slow At Building)
Aiming- 9/10
Raiding- 8.5/10
Communication- 9/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?: Because i believe that i could bring a lot of things to SM, along with the fact that i am extremely active, because i play for 5+ hours every day. This puts me ahead of the next applicant because it means that i can be on the server as much as possible, which means i can help out gang members more frequently than most people.

How can we trust you not to betray us?: There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that i think this is the best gang in the server, and i would never risk getting thrown out of it. Another reason is that i know so many people, and i wouldn't want them to betray me so i give them the same back. Also, if you know me in-game you should know that i am reasonably charitable, and i would never consider stealing from a gang member or friend.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?: I am Currently in the Menaces, as i said before. It's a resonably good gang, and the members are awesome and nice c: But, the fact is that its very small with very few upgrades, and i would like to be a part of a bigger and more known gang!
Thanks for reading <3
rip, goodbye then.
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[SM Gang Thread] GunVsGun 9 years 3 months ago #241200

General Information: I am 17 years old and i live in Norway. I speak english, Norwegian and a little deutsch. I bougth vip 1 week ago. Ive been on zarp for very long, about 2 years and my gametime is 700 hours. I stick with a gang for as long as possible and im not a rule breaker.

What is your Steam Name?Ola9ko

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:21849788

What is your ingame name? Jordan Countinho

How much money do you currently have? Ive got 2 mil since i just spent 30 mil on buying vip.

Any special weapons? Milkor, Orbital, m202, damascus sword, minigun, ares and f200

Questions: Not atm

Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) I wana join SM because ive seen that most of the people on the server are in that gang and i think that i could effect the gang in a positive way. Another reason that i want to join is that ive seen that SM is raiding and basing often. I also wana join the gang because since i like building and this is a gang that has many upgrades. I think i would be a good member of SM because im good at building and raiding.

Why do you think your better than the average player? I think i am betther than an average player because i dont break alot of rules and im a good builder (As said) and im ok at raiding. Another reason that i think im betther than an average player is because im a very active player and i also have vip so i will get the job i want when i want it.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication:
Buildin 9/10
Aiming 8/10
Raiding 8/10
Communication 7/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? U should chose me because ive been active on the server for 2 years and ive gained alot of knowledge and skills while playing here. Im also a very friendly player and i dont break rules.

How can we trust you not to betray us? I will not betray u because simply i dont betray people and because this is the most powerful gang on the server and i would not betray somone that could just f**k me completely up :P
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? I where in OG but i left because they sucked
Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by UggaTheBugga.
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Promo Application 9 years 3 months ago #241245

General Information:

My name is Matt, I'm 12 years old and I live in Essex.

What is your Steam Name?


What is your SteamID:


What is your ingame name?

[SM] DefinitelyNotWolf

How much money do you currently have?


Any special weapons?

Yes but i can't be asked to count..

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?

I'm Silent Assassin and I'm applying for Silent Mobster



Time in gang:

A day

Why do you think you deserve this rank?

I help gang members with raids, I have collected a significant amount of loot, I have donated 75% of my money to the gang
Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by DefinitelyNotWolf.
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Promo Application 9 years 3 months ago #241253

DefinitelyNotWolf wrote:
General Information:

My name is Matt, I'm 12 years old and I live in Essex.

What is your Steam Name?


What is your SteamID:


What is your ingame name?

[SM] DefinitelyNotWolf

How much money do you currently have?


Any special weapons?

Yes but i can't be asked to count..

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?

I'm Silent Assassin and I'm applying for Silent Mobster



Time in gang:

A day

Why do you think you deserve this rank?

I help gang members with raids, I have collected a significant amount of loot, I have donated 75% of my money to the gang
You were just accepted...
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241273

CoryInTheFunhouse wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
General Information: I am 15 years old, almost 16 now. I live in the UK, down in the south east in a place called Essex. I have been on Zarp for quite a while, but all i used to play was Bhop. So, therefore i have only been on the darkrp for around a month or two, which is short compared to others.

What is your Steam Name?: Sonzy

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)[: STEAM_0:1:95568228

What is your ingame name?: It is currently [CPN] Sonzy Menace, as i am the menaces. But it's usually sonzy.

How much money do you currently have?: I currently have 8 million, but i have been spending most of my money for the moment.

Any special weapons?: 2x Matador, 2x RPG, Milkor, And a Defib.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer): Because ever since i started, I've seen that all the best people on the server are in this gang, and that the gang is very friendly and powerful :D I have already met many people personally, and there all very nice :3 Also, i would like to join because i want to be able to meet more people from SM, and hopefully be friendly with as many people as possible. I would also like to join because i find its quite hard to get raid teams together in my current gang, and that is an issue i hope can be fixed my moving into SM :) Also, i would like to join because of the fact that there are so many upgrades, so unlike other gangs you already have the upgrades and dont have to work too hard for them.

Why do you think your better than the average player?: Yes, this is because of the fact that i am very active, and will stop at nothing to be the best player on the server :D Also, i think i am better than the average player because i have gotten reasonably rich in a very short time, as i have not been with the zarp community for too long. I Also think i am better than the average player because i have quite a few good dupes, which means that if any gang members need a base i will be happy to spawn one for them.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building- 7/10 (I'm Slow At Building)
Aiming- 9/10
Raiding- 8.5/10
Communication- 9/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?: Because i believe that i could bring a lot of things to SM, along with the fact that i am extremely active, because i play for 5+ hours every day. This puts me ahead of the next applicant because it means that i can be on the server as much as possible, which means i can help out gang members more frequently than most people.

How can we trust you not to betray us?: There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that i think this is the best gang in the server, and i would never risk getting thrown out of it. Another reason is that i know so many people, and i wouldn't want them to betray me so i give them the same back. Also, if you know me in-game you should know that i am reasonably charitable, and i would never consider stealing from a gang member or friend.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?: I am Currently in the Menaces, as i said before. It's a resonably good gang, and the members are awesome and nice c: But, the fact is that its very small with very few upgrades, and i would like to be a part of a bigger and more known gang!
Thanks for reading <3
rip, goodbye then.

Dw, if i get denied i'm staying in Menaces permanently
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"Perp advertiser"
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Promo Application 9 years 3 months ago #241460

DefinitelyNotWolf wrote:
General Information:

My name is Matt, I'm 12 years old and I live in Essex.

What is your Steam Name?


What is your SteamID:


What is your ingame name?

[SM] DefinitelyNotWolf

How much money do you currently have?


Any special weapons?

Yes but i can't be asked to count..

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?

I'm Silent Assassin and I'm applying for Silent Mobster



Time in gang:

A day

Why do you think you deserve this rank?

I help gang members with raids, I have collected a significant amount of loot, I have donated 75% of my money to the gang

already ? this just shows you are powerhungry so ur denied
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Promo Application 9 years 3 months ago #241631

xSeppe wrote:
DefinitelyNotWolf wrote:
General Information:

My name is Matt, I'm 12 years old and I live in Essex.

What is your Steam Name?


What is your SteamID:


What is your ingame name?

[SM] DefinitelyNotWolf

How much money do you currently have?


Any special weapons?

Yes but i can't be asked to count..

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?

I'm Silent Assassin and I'm applying for Silent Mobster



Time in gang:

A day

Why do you think you deserve this rank?

I help gang members with raids, I have collected a significant amount of loot, I have donated 75% of my money to the gang

already ? this just shows you are powerhungry so ur denied
he doesnt got skills too, i asked MINI to HELP stop that guy raiding bank and rekt him 1 vs 2 with 20 HP, qnd he was printing u underwater so MINI warned him for it.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241632

itzsonzy wrote:
CoryInTheFunhouse wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
General Information: I am 15 years old, almost 16 now. I live in the UK, down in the south east in a place called Essex. I have been on Zarp for quite a while, but all i used to play was Bhop. So, therefore i have only been on the darkrp for around a month or two, which is short compared to others.

What is your Steam Name?: Sonzy

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)[: STEAM_0:1:95568228

What is your ingame name?: It is currently [CPN] Sonzy Menace, as i am the menaces. But it's usually sonzy.

How much money do you currently have?: I currently have 8 million, but i have been spending most of my money for the moment.

Any special weapons?: 2x Matador, 2x RPG, Milkor, And a Defib.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer): Because ever since i started, I've seen that all the best people on the server are in this gang, and that the gang is very friendly and powerful :D I have already met many people personally, and there all very nice :3 Also, i would like to join because i want to be able to meet more people from SM, and hopefully be friendly with as many people as possible. I would also like to join because i find its quite hard to get raid teams together in my current gang, and that is an issue i hope can be fixed my moving into SM :) Also, i would like to join because of the fact that there are so many upgrades, so unlike other gangs you already have the upgrades and dont have to work too hard for them.

Why do you think your better than the average player?: Yes, this is because of the fact that i am very active, and will stop at nothing to be the best player on the server :D Also, i think i am better than the average player because i have gotten reasonably rich in a very short time, as i have not been with the zarp community for too long. I Also think i am better than the average player because i have quite a few good dupes, which means that if any gang members need a base i will be happy to spawn one for them.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building- 7/10 (I'm Slow At Building)
Aiming- 9/10
Raiding- 8.5/10
Communication- 9/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?: Because i believe that i could bring a lot of things to SM, along with the fact that i am extremely active, because i play for 5+ hours every day. This puts me ahead of the next applicant because it means that i can be on the server as much as possible, which means i can help out gang members more frequently than most people.

How can we trust you not to betray us?: There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that i think this is the best gang in the server, and i would never risk getting thrown out of it. Another reason is that i know so many people, and i wouldn't want them to betray me so i give them the same back. Also, if you know me in-game you should know that i am reasonably charitable, and i would never consider stealing from a gang member or friend.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?: I am Currently in the Menaces, as i said before. It's a resonably good gang, and the members are awesome and nice c: But, the fact is that its very small with very few upgrades, and i would like to be a part of a bigger and more known gang!
Thanks for reading <3
rip, goodbye then.

Dw, if i get denied i'm staying in Menaces permanently
U are not skilled at all, you're annoying, and saying ur staying because of deniences, is bullshit.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241633

MssSkypesalot wrote:
General Information:
Yo! Bob Raheem over here. I'm an active moderator who likes to spend time with the gang and the people on this server. I love building and raiding, I'm 16 years old and I love playing on :zarp:

What is your Steam Name?
Bobbie Raheem

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)

What is your ingame name?
[SM]Bob Raheem

How much money do you currently have?
38 mil

Any special weapons?
1 milkor and 1 gluon gun ( I don't need more ;) )

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?
I'm a Silent Assasin and I'm applying for Silent Mobster


Time in gang?
Nearly a month

Why do you think you deserve this rank?
Cause I feel like I wanna make my way to the top, as I'm doing my best to have good bases and I also donate a lot of money to the gang!
Deserves higher then Mobster, better then the average player and active nice player.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241672

Alexzander wrote:
General Information: Hi my name is Alex i have played zarp for about 2 and a half years now i was not really bothered about gangs but have become interested

What is your Steam Name? my steam name is Alexdonaghy1

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:73548468

What is your ingame name? Alexzander

How much money do you currently have? i currently have 21 million

Any special weapons? my special weapons are: Thunder gun, gamma rifle, rpg x2, m202, milkor.

Questions:not really any questions

Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) i would like to join this gang simply because its a powerfull gang i play the server everyday and me and one of your gang members raid many bases every single day i think we raided around 10 bases succsesfully tonight so this already gives me an insight to how good the gang is i would like to join to help this gang with raids i have the fire power needed to do so.

Why do you think your better than the average player? i have many special weapons and know my way into bases me and another one of your gang members raided 10 bases tonight as i said and the bases had atleast 5 people in me and the other player ruined them and the bases 2 vs 5 and we win shows something there.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication my building is a 7 my aiming is around 8.5 raiding 9.5 when with my mate and communication 9.5 i use a mic and have sound so should be fine.

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? i feel as if i have more fire power than most people and feel as i play the server daily my skills will grow and i will not quit or turn on the gang because im loyal with gangs ill always help out a gang memeber with raiding basing or saving them.

How can we trust you not to betray us? i have never betrayed a gang and have friends in the gang who i play with daily i will not leave as i belive its the strongest gang on zarp and wish to help the gang grow stronger.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were im in my on gang atm L4GY just for me and my mates but as they no longer play on zarp as much as intended i feel its time to join a gang more my level.
Seen Ingame, seems a nice skilled guy.
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Promo Application 9 years 3 months ago #241673

Crystal Smith wrote:
xSeppe wrote:
DefinitelyNotWolf wrote:
General Information:

My name is Matt, I'm 12 years old and I live in Essex.

What is your Steam Name?


What is your SteamID:


What is your ingame name?

[SM] DefinitelyNotWolf

How much money do you currently have?


Any special weapons?

Yes but i can't be asked to count..

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?

I'm Silent Assassin and I'm applying for Silent Mobster



Time in gang:

A day

Why do you think you deserve this rank?

I help gang members with raids, I have collected a significant amount of loot, I have donated 75% of my money to the gang

already ? this just shows you are powerhungry so ur denied
he doesnt got skills too, i asked MINI to HELP stop that guy raiding bank and rekt him 1 vs 2 with 20 HP, qnd he was printing u underwater so MINI warned him for it.
Agreed need to see more skill and don't break server rules I got this guy with 5hp
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Promo Application 9 years 3 months ago #241681

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"I treat the camera like a person--I gaze into it."
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241698

Crystal Smith wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
CoryInTheFunhouse wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
General Information: I am 15 years old, almost 16 now. I live in the UK, down in the south east in a place called Essex. I have been on Zarp for quite a while, but all i used to play was Bhop. So, therefore i have only been on the darkrp for around a month or two, which is short compared to others.

What is your Steam Name?: Sonzy

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)[: STEAM_0:1:95568228

What is your ingame name?: It is currently [CPN] Sonzy Menace, as i am the menaces. But it's usually sonzy.

How much money do you currently have?: I currently have 8 million, but i have been spending most of my money for the moment.

Any special weapons?: 2x Matador, 2x RPG, Milkor, And a Defib.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer): Because ever since i started, I've seen that all the best people on the server are in this gang, and that the gang is very friendly and powerful :D I have already met many people personally, and there all very nice :3 Also, i would like to join because i want to be able to meet more people from SM, and hopefully be friendly with as many people as possible. I would also like to join because i find its quite hard to get raid teams together in my current gang, and that is an issue i hope can be fixed my moving into SM :) Also, i would like to join because of the fact that there are so many upgrades, so unlike other gangs you already have the upgrades and dont have to work too hard for them.

Why do you think your better than the average player?: Yes, this is because of the fact that i am very active, and will stop at nothing to be the best player on the server :D Also, i think i am better than the average player because i have gotten reasonably rich in a very short time, as i have not been with the zarp community for too long. I Also think i am better than the average player because i have quite a few good dupes, which means that if any gang members need a base i will be happy to spawn one for them.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building- 7/10 (I'm Slow At Building)
Aiming- 9/10
Raiding- 8.5/10
Communication- 9/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?: Because i believe that i could bring a lot of things to SM, along with the fact that i am extremely active, because i play for 5+ hours every day. This puts me ahead of the next applicant because it means that i can be on the server as much as possible, which means i can help out gang members more frequently than most people.

How can we trust you not to betray us?: There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that i think this is the best gang in the server, and i would never risk getting thrown out of it. Another reason is that i know so many people, and i wouldn't want them to betray me so i give them the same back. Also, if you know me in-game you should know that i am reasonably charitable, and i would never consider stealing from a gang member or friend.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?: I am Currently in the Menaces, as i said before. It's a resonably good gang, and the members are awesome and nice c: But, the fact is that its very small with very few upgrades, and i would like to be a part of a bigger and more known gang!
Thanks for reading <3
rip, goodbye then.

Dw, if i get denied i'm staying in Menaces permanently
U are not skilled at all, you're annoying, and saying ur staying because of deniences, is bullshit.

Your not in SM, and this is an SM threat.
Please keep your opinions where they are wanted, which isn't here.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241703

itzsonzy wrote:
Crystal Smith wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
CoryInTheFunhouse wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
General Information: I am 15 years old, almost 16 now. I live in the UK, down in the south east in a place called Essex. I have been on Zarp for quite a while, but all i used to play was Bhop. So, therefore i have only been on the darkrp for around a month or two, which is short compared to others.

What is your Steam Name?: Sonzy

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)[: STEAM_0:1:95568228

What is your ingame name?: It is currently [CPN] Sonzy Menace, as i am the menaces. But it's usually sonzy.

How much money do you currently have?: I currently have 8 million, but i have been spending most of my money for the moment.

Any special weapons?: 2x Matador, 2x RPG, Milkor, And a Defib.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer): Because ever since i started, I've seen that all the best people on the server are in this gang, and that the gang is very friendly and powerful :D I have already met many people personally, and there all very nice :3 Also, i would like to join because i want to be able to meet more people from SM, and hopefully be friendly with as many people as possible. I would also like to join because i find its quite hard to get raid teams together in my current gang, and that is an issue i hope can be fixed my moving into SM :) Also, i would like to join because of the fact that there are so many upgrades, so unlike other gangs you already have the upgrades and dont have to work too hard for them.

Why do you think your better than the average player?: Yes, this is because of the fact that i am very active, and will stop at nothing to be the best player on the server :D Also, i think i am better than the average player because i have gotten reasonably rich in a very short time, as i have not been with the zarp community for too long. I Also think i am better than the average player because i have quite a few good dupes, which means that if any gang members need a base i will be happy to spawn one for them.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building- 7/10 (I'm Slow At Building)
Aiming- 9/10
Raiding- 8.5/10
Communication- 9/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?: Because i believe that i could bring a lot of things to SM, along with the fact that i am extremely active, because i play for 5+ hours every day. This puts me ahead of the next applicant because it means that i can be on the server as much as possible, which means i can help out gang members more frequently than most people.

How can we trust you not to betray us?: There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that i think this is the best gang in the server, and i would never risk getting thrown out of it. Another reason is that i know so many people, and i wouldn't want them to betray me so i give them the same back. Also, if you know me in-game you should know that i am reasonably charitable, and i would never consider stealing from a gang member or friend.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?: I am Currently in the Menaces, as i said before. It's a resonably good gang, and the members are awesome and nice c: But, the fact is that its very small with very few upgrades, and i would like to be a part of a bigger and more known gang!
Thanks for reading <3
rip, goodbye then.

Dw, if i get denied i'm staying in Menaces permanently
U are not skilled at all, you're annoying, and saying ur staying because of deniences, is bullshit.

Your not in SM, and this is an SM threat.
Please keep your opinions where they are wanted, which isn't here.
Crystal. stfu.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 3 months ago #241706

CoryInTheFunhouse wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
Crystal Smith wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
CoryInTheFunhouse wrote:
itzsonzy wrote:
General Information: I am 15 years old, almost 16 now. I live in the UK, down in the south east in a place called Essex. I have been on Zarp for quite a while, but all i used to play was Bhop. So, therefore i have only been on the darkrp for around a month or two, which is short compared to others.

What is your Steam Name?: Sonzy

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)[: STEAM_0:1:95568228

What is your ingame name?: It is currently [CPN] Sonzy Menace, as i am the menaces. But it's usually sonzy.

How much money do you currently have?: I currently have 8 million, but i have been spending most of my money for the moment.

Any special weapons?: 2x Matador, 2x RPG, Milkor, And a Defib.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer): Because ever since i started, I've seen that all the best people on the server are in this gang, and that the gang is very friendly and powerful :D I have already met many people personally, and there all very nice :3 Also, i would like to join because i want to be able to meet more people from SM, and hopefully be friendly with as many people as possible. I would also like to join because i find its quite hard to get raid teams together in my current gang, and that is an issue i hope can be fixed my moving into SM :) Also, i would like to join because of the fact that there are so many upgrades, so unlike other gangs you already have the upgrades and dont have to work too hard for them.

Why do you think your better than the average player?: Yes, this is because of the fact that i am very active, and will stop at nothing to be the best player on the server :D Also, i think i am better than the average player because i have gotten reasonably rich in a very short time, as i have not been with the zarp community for too long. I Also think i am better than the average player because i have quite a few good dupes, which means that if any gang members need a base i will be happy to spawn one for them.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10:
Building- 7/10 (I'm Slow At Building)
Aiming- 9/10
Raiding- 8.5/10
Communication- 9/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?: Because i believe that i could bring a lot of things to SM, along with the fact that i am extremely active, because i play for 5+ hours every day. This puts me ahead of the next applicant because it means that i can be on the server as much as possible, which means i can help out gang members more frequently than most people.

How can we trust you not to betray us?: There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that i think this is the best gang in the server, and i would never risk getting thrown out of it. Another reason is that i know so many people, and i wouldn't want them to betray me so i give them the same back. Also, if you know me in-game you should know that i am reasonably charitable, and i would never consider stealing from a gang member or friend.

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?: I am Currently in the Menaces, as i said before. It's a resonably good gang, and the members are awesome and nice c: But, the fact is that its very small with very few upgrades, and i would like to be a part of a bigger and more known gang!
Thanks for reading <3
rip, goodbye then.

Dw, if i get denied i'm staying in Menaces permanently
U are not skilled at all, you're annoying, and saying ur staying because of deniences, is bullshit.

Your not in SM, and this is an SM threat.
Please keep your opinions where they are wanted, which isn't here.
Crystal. stfu.

for the last time get out of my treat
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #241781

General Information: i am 13 years old and i live in Australia. I speak english and a little finnish. I bought vip about 2 months ago. Ive been on zarp for a fair amount of time, i have almost 1000 hours in gmod i have a very good shot

What is your Steam Name? Smsgaming_62

What is your SteamID ? STEAM_0:1:84362953

What is your ingame name? Corey Jones

How much money do you currently have? Ive got 500k atm i recently got scammed for a diamond pick and a milkor so i had to buy knew ones

Any special weapons? Milkor and Diamond pick

Questions: Not atm

Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) I wanna join silent march because i see them around the server they seem like a cool gang i belive personally if i join i will be a very big help i donate a lot of my money to my gang

Why do you think your better than the average player? I belive i am better then a average player because i have over 500 hours i have a very good aim im a vip so i can become wat ever job i need.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication:
Buildin 7/10
Aiming 9/10
Raiding 8/10
Communication 9/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? U should chose me because ive been active on the server along time and ive gained alot of knowledge and skills while playing here. Im also a very friendly player and i dont break rules.

How can we trust you not to betray us? I will not betray u because simply i don't betray people and because im not a back stabber and i dont belive anyone should betray someone
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? Original Gangsters
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Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by tigercub78.
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