Alexzander wrote:
General Information: Hi my name is Alex i have played zarp for about 2 and a half years now i was not really bothered about gangs but have become interested
What is your Steam Name? my steam name is Alexdonaghy1
What is your SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:73548468
What is your ingame name? Alexzander
How much money do you currently have? i currently have 21 million
Any special weapons? my special weapons are: Thunder gun, gamma rifle, rpg x2, m202, milkor.
Questions:not really any questions
Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) i would like to join this gang simply because its a powerfull gang i play the server everyday and me and one of your gang members raid many bases every single day i think we raided around 10 bases succsesfully tonight so this already gives me an insight to how good the gang is i would like to join to help this gang with raids i have the fire power needed to do so.
Why do you think your better than the average player? i have many special weapons and know my way into bases me and another one of your gang members raided 10 bases tonight as i said and the bases had atleast 5 people in me and the other player ruined them and the bases 2 vs 5 and we win shows something there.
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication my building is a 7 my aiming is around 8.5 raiding 9.5 when with my mate and communication 9.5 i use a mic and have sound so should be fine.
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? i feel as if i have more fire power than most people and feel as i play the server daily my skills will grow and i will not quit or turn on the gang because im loyal with gangs ill always help out a gang memeber with raiding basing or saving them.
How can we trust you not to betray us? i have never betrayed a gang and have friends in the gang who i play with daily i will not leave as i belive its the strongest gang on zarp and wish to help the gang grow stronger.
What gang/organization are you currently in/were im in my on gang atm L4GY just for me and my mates but as they no longer play on zarp as much as intended i feel its time to join a gang more my level.
Seen Ingame, seems a nice skilled guy.