What is your Steam Name? Panc1s`
What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:1:95098295
What is your ingame name? Panc1s
How much money do you currently have?10mil with items 14mils.
Any special weapons?milkor.
Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) Because you have a lot of upgrades the admin of the gang seems nice! And i saw u raiding all together seems like nice friendly gang!
Why do you think your better than the average player? I have more money and i shoot good.
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication Building- 7 Aiming 8.5 Raiding 9 communication 9-10
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? Because i am pretty good player i played in the zarp almost then when i bought Gmod. So i know the rules. And i would help your gang by getting gang loot and etc.
How can we trust you not to betray us? Because i dont do this things and i dont even know how to betray so. Im friendly!
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? The BrotherHood but i will leave as soon as you will invite me (or send me message then i will leave u invite)
