The following promotion/join applications have been reviewed by either xSeppe or Karma, below you can find the verdict for each and why they were either accepted or denied.
TheSssKiller has been accepted into the gang as a
Silent Assassin
BubbaLynx has been accepted into the gang as a
Silent Assassin
Void has been accepted into the gang as a
Silent Assassin
Jordan Countinho has been accepted into the gang as a
Silent Assassin
Alexzander has been accepted into the gang as a
Silent Assassin
UltraBagel has been accepted into the gang as a
Silent Assassin
Yoda has been accepted into the gang as a
Silent Assassin
Panc1s has been accepted into the gang as a
Silent Assassin
SwiiFTz has been promoted to
Silent Disciple[/color
Kylie-Senpai [DEAF] ^-^ has been promoted to
Silent Mobster
Alicia the Angel has been promoted to
Silent Mobster
Bob Raheem has been promoted to
Silent Mobster
These applications or members have not standard out enough to join our rosters, they are welcome to reapply in 1 week or speak to a owner to revive more ways to improve or permission to reapply early.
Eskimo ( Gone Wrong) has been denied access into the gang, as they do not meet the criteria of SM nor have they tried to base within SM showing they want to join.
Corey Jones has been denied access into the gang, as they do not meet the criteria of SM nor have they tried to base within SM showing they want to join. One last thing, we do not count a Diamond Pickaxe as a special weapon nor does anyone else I believe
Haytham Harper has been denied access into the gang, as your application is not readable as noted by Seppe, nor do you have sufficent money to even join our gang, adding to that we would like to see special weapons.
The BananaSlanger has been denied access into the gang, as you very recently annoyed members of SM and chosen to ignore them; when you spammed our gang chat and after being kicked you spammed OOC with caps and began to rage, which we'd not like to see within our gang.
The BananaSlanger has been denied access into the gang, as your app has no detail what so ever; nor have we seen you in the SM's gang or attempting to improve your relationships between you.
Sam the Sausage has been denied access into the gang, once a shit talker always a shit talker. You think we are stupid and never had people from Menaces with us? Think again.
Kawaiibob has been denied access into the gang, once a shit talker always a shit talker. You think we are stupid and never had people from Menaces with us? Think again.
MINI NINJA has been denied access into the gang, as you left SM for being mad I believe; and have not attempted to prove us wrong that you did not raid or something along those lines.
- Over the recent days I have noticed that I need help with the Forums my life kinda takes over a lot limiting my time on the server and looking at SM applications. With hard consideration, a hard pick between Officers have led me to elect another Forum Officer to stand by me; and this is
Ella A Pompeii I am really happy with my decision and hope he may follow in my footsteps. Routers will be set on who will do applications each week and hosting meetings etc. So please stay tuned.