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TOPIC: Silent March Gang Thread

Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #243539

.exe wrote:
CoryInTheFunhouse wrote:
.exe wrote:
so im denied :c after all my hard work bud

Is there a wait before i can re apply?
Yes, its 1 week.

Hold up you aint even fucking staff, please dont troll me i want to get in

Nope just stop feeding the troll.
We all know the meeting is on Sunday.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #243543

.exe wrote:
CoryInTheFunhouse wrote:
.exe wrote:
so im denied :c after all my hard work bud

Is there a wait before i can re apply?
Yes, its 1 week.

Hold up you aint even fucking staff, please dont troll me i want to get in

Nope just stop feeding the troll.
We all know the meeting is on Sunday.
Thanks for this, I wasn't hungry hate being force fed.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #243571

Hello Cory, you deem to think its funny to shitpost and possibly troll on SM's gang thread? Do you not? So lets have a little think and reflect just like I did with James; do you understand the fact of "Only Karma and himself can accept apps NO ONE ELSE"? Ring any bells? So your here because? SM messed you over? Or its the other way round (Cliche my good Sir). As Seppe said, but Ill make it less angry and disrespectful; SM would prefer if you'd stay away and in future don't troll here nor on any threads within Zarp Forums. You see yourself as very devious, which your hardly not, just a pain in my ass I'd say. So for all the people who believed this ridiculous and petulant user, your app has not been denied nor has it been looked at within our meetings seeing its not Sunday. We wish everyone good hope and getting accepted.

To conclude Mr. Funhouse, you hereby have been banned from ever applying within SM also we detach all ours leads to you seeing we don't like traitors nor trolls. Have a nice Christmas Folks, and remember play fair!
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If you need assistance add me on Steam!
Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by ThatsKarma.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #243578

General Information: Feels Sad, Wants A Girlfriend :unsure:

What is your Steam Name? Ήєℓℓƒσяcє

What is your SteamID STEAM_0:0:62911757

What is your ingame name? HellForce

How much money do you currently have? 73 K (bought black dia printer)

Any special weapons? Will Buy RPG have got black dia printer

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for? Silent Assasin To Silent Mastermind


Time in gang? Like 2 weeks and 3 Days

Why do you think you deserve this rank? Because I Think I'm Working Much For That Rank. + I'm The Most Trusted Person On Zarp.
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(OOC) Sam Townsend: HellForce more like ScamForce !
troublemaker: im rich enough to fuck mia khalifa
troublemaker: 5 times
Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by HellForce.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #243591

General Information:
Nothing really to tell

What is your Steam Name?
Kylie-Senpai ♥ [DEAF]

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)

What is your ingame name?
[SM] Kylie-Senpai [DEAF]

How much money do you currently have?
$32,514,502 (32.5mil)

Any special weapons?
F2000,Ares Strike,RPG,Damascus Sword,Milkor,EMP Grenades,Nitro Glycerin, Timed C4,Matador,Minigun,Striker Shotgun

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?
Silent Assassin, want to get to Silent Mobster


Time in gang?
About a week and a half

Why do you think you deserve this rank?
I wanna be a Silent Mobster because I feel like I have become better than I have been since the start of me joining, I have gotten better at raiding, killing, and being a nice person.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #243766

steam name- Yoda
steam id-STEAM_0:0:78069553
ingame name- yoda
money i have currently- 2.5 mill (but if i want to i can get more from farming)
special weapons- RPG (working on others)
why do i wanna join?- First when i joined zarp server i saw Silent march is 1 of the best gangs and i saw their bases and i said, wow i need to join them (like a month ago) so i started playin alone and then abit of my friends joined me but i didnt felt that we are good couse they are not series and allways troll so i started playin alone. and i got better and made alot of bases that are pretty much good and got better guns made rpg farm abit of uranium till i got raided and iv been thinking why wont i join Silent march? and its not my first dark rp server iv got 3 years of experience in dark rp couse i played before zarp a different dark rp server named dark rp reloaded and i were in the biggest gang there with all the expert ppl who played series and knew to build bases and this is like silent march. and if i join i can be helpful like stand in base and lookin if we got raided or help building or help raiding couse im pretty much good at those stuff.
why do i think im more the average player?-becouse i got 3 years of experience in dark rp, iknow how build good bases almost anti rockets and i got skill at shooting and almost all of the time im alone in the server and when a gang raid me i can handle that and kill all of em(not all the time its depends on the gang skills)
communication- 8.5(im not from usa but i know good english)
why would u choose me instead of next appliciant?-becouse i feel i can be realy helpful becouse in last server i played i were buidling bases and raiding and when ppl needed some help in somthin i were leaving every thin and help in what they need like building raiding help with rules.
how can u trust me that i wont betray?-im a person that i wont betray any one, i hate ppl that are liers and betray and dont think on the other side how he is feeling and i cant betray becouse i got educated not to betray any one even if i can success and run away and forget about it. trust me I WONT DO IT!.
what gang i were?- i were in Big Mamas Gangsta Gang (im the owner)
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DeathRun- Ex Admin
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Bhop- Ex Moderator

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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244205

General Information:

What is your Steam Name?Kawaiibob

What is your SteamID STEAM_0:1:147686742

What is your in game name?Kawaiibob

How much money do you currently have?1.8 mill (buying a lot of booster packs over Christmas, plus if i get accepted i will make millions)

Any special weapons?RPG


Why do you want to join us? i have seen you ever since i joined zarp you have always been top dogs.I have wanted to join sm for a long time but my irl friend (gamersfunhouse) made the menaces and wanted my help, he has started to ruin the gang rep and it is time for a new start, what better place than sm

Why do you think your better than the average player? i dont really im good in combat and strategies but no better than anyone else

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: building i am getting there slowly but surly 2/10 raiding 7/10 i dont have the explosives but i can make it up in shooting enemy targets aiming 8/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? i dont know maybe because im different nice personality and good at raiding

How can we trust you not to betray us? i betrayed you before because i was in a gang that needed gang loot. i am not in a gang so why would i betray you i have become more mature now and despise backstabbing,

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? i have been in ms-13, brotherhood,the menaces
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I like a lot of attention! Please give me attention, daddy! uwu
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244217

General Information:[/

What is your Steam Name?

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)


What is your ingame name?
Alicia the Angel

How much money do you currently have?
600k, but I have bps and special weapons to sell.

Any special weapons?

RPG, Milkor, Airstikes

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?
I am currently Silent Assassin I wish to become a Silent mobster


Time in gang?
Ive been in the gang for around a month however I have become active again recently. Ive been active for about 3 days.

Why do you think you deserve this rank?

I deserve this rank because I have bonded and based with the people in Silent March. The fact I based with them shows I am trustworthy. My skills in raiding have improved but not only this I have also improved my building skills. I feel I deserve this rank a lot.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244275

kawaiibob wrote:
General Information:

What is your Steam Name?Kawaiibob

What is your SteamID STEAM_0:1:147686742

What is your in game name?Kawaiibob

How much money do you currently have?1.8 mill (buying a lot of booster packs over Christmas, plus if i get accepted i will make millions)

Any special weapons?RPG


Why do you want to join us? i have seen you ever since i joined zarp you have always been top dogs.I have wanted to join sm for a long time but my irl friend (gamersfunhouse) made the menaces and wanted my help, he has started to ruin the gang rep and it is time for a new start, what better place than sm

Why do you think your better than the average player? i dont really im good in combat and strategies but no better than anyone else

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: building i am getting there slowly but surly 2/10 raiding 7/10 i dont have the explosives but i can make it up in shooting enemy targets aiming 8/10

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? i dont know maybe because im different nice personality and good at raiding

How can we trust you not to betray us? i betrayed you before because i was in a gang that needed gang loot. i am not in a gang so why would i betray you i have become more mature now and despise backstabbing,

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? i have been in ms-13, brotherhood,the menaces

-Support Talked A lot of crap about SM When i was in the Menaces, BUT Is a nice guy.
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Ex-Deathrun Moderator
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"Perp advertiser"
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Silent March Re-Application 9 years 2 months ago #244496

Looks like I'll be applying again, I got my activity up to about 1.5-5 hours of activity each day for the past two weeks, so many of the things I'll explain were in my last application. I will be on vacation during December 15th to about Christmas Day, so don't expect much activity in that timeframe.

General Information:
A few things actually,
1) I was kicked from the SM previously for lack of gametime
2) I haven't broken rules for VERY long (many rule breaks I've done were accidents, for example, a moderator got footage from another guy "of me entering his base" and he told me to come in his base, and proceeded to kill me). My most recent warn is for prop push, which was because no staff responded in 10 minutes for getting my car unstuck, so I pushed it myself.
3) I sound mature enough to be taken seriously. While this isn't an issue for some, it is for the non-gang world.
4) I'm very respectful, AS LONG as you are respectful towards me.

What is your Steam Name?
SirBagelThe7th (UltraBagel)
What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)
What is your ingame name?
UltraBagel, will be renamed to [SM] UltraBagel if I'm let back in.
How much money do you currently have?
10 Million, lost lots of money due to rule breakers (who have been banned).
Any special weapons?
None, but as of a week ago, I'm trying my hardest to get a matador, which I lost to a rulebreaker
None really, I've been in this gang before
Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)
Well, to start, I really loved the time I had with you guys when I was first in this gang, and I made so many friends within that time period. Now, as of being kicked, I lost nearly all of them, and I know many of the other people kicked did as well. I really want to join so that I can rejoice with the friends I made, and have an even better time with the ones I'll make.
Besides the friendship part, I want to join so that I know there will be people out there to protect me in the RP world. Being not in a gang really is tough compared to being in one. You're mugged more often, you can't raid, it just really hurts. With a gang, some people won't even dare to mug you, and if they do, you'll be ready with your backup.

Why do you think your better than the average player?
Well, to get this out of the way, money. I have lots of it 8)
Second of all, I'm willing to defend the base if it gets raided. The reason I want the matador is to defend and raid bases with you guys. With only one person having a matador in a single person raid is just pointless. I want to use it to an exciting, yet dangerous extent.

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication
Building: 7.5/10
Aiming: 8.5/10
Raiding: 8/10
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?
Take a look at everything above this question, do you think you could randomly pick a person in spawn to be in the Silent March, better than I am? I feel that as a unique player, I should be able to handle tasks others may not.
How can we trust you not to betray us?
I was already in the Silent March, and out of all times we had stealers, I was never accused once, which shows that others have trust towards me, and I do towards them.
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?
Silent March... hopefully, I will be again.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244559

Skip my app im gone after seppe has blamed me for
- rading when im driving
- blowing up sm nukes
Good luck guys :D im not staying in a gang where they blame you for there failure
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244561

Skip my app im gone after seppe has blamed me for
- rading when im driving
- blowing up sm nukes
Good luck guys :D im not staying in a gang where they blame you for there failure

Damn, second time's the charm
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244575

The following promotion/join applications have been reviewed by either xSeppe or Karma, below you can find the verdict for each and why they were either accepted or denied.

TheSssKiller has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
BubbaLynx has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Void has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Jordan Countinho has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Alexzander has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
UltraBagel has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Yoda has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Panc1s has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
SwiiFTz has been promoted to Silent Disciple[/color
Kylie-Senpai [DEAF] ^-^ has been promoted to Silent Mobster
Alicia the Angel has been promoted to Silent Mobster
Bob Raheem has been promoted to Silent Mobster

These applications or members have not standard out enough to join our rosters, they are welcome to reapply in 1 week or speak to a owner to revive more ways to improve or permission to reapply early.

Eskimo ( Gone Wrong) has been denied access into the gang, as they do not meet the criteria of SM nor have they tried to base within SM showing they want to join.

Corey Jones has been denied access into the gang, as they do not meet the criteria of SM nor have they tried to base within SM showing they want to join. One last thing, we do not count a Diamond Pickaxe as a special weapon nor does anyone else I believe

Haytham Harper has been denied access into the gang, as your application is not readable as noted by Seppe, nor do you have sufficent money to even join our gang, adding to that we would like to see special weapons.

The BananaSlanger has been denied access into the gang, as you very recently annoyed members of SM and chosen to ignore them; when you spammed our gang chat and after being kicked you spammed OOC with caps and began to rage, which we'd not like to see within our gang.

The BananaSlanger has been denied access into the gang, as your app has no detail what so ever; nor have we seen you in the SM's gang or attempting to improve your relationships between you.

Sam the Sausage has been denied access into the gang, once a shit talker always a shit talker. You think we are stupid and never had people from Menaces with us? Think again.

Kawaiibob has been denied access into the gang, once a shit talker always a shit talker. You think we are stupid and never had people from Menaces with us? Think again.

MINI NINJA has been denied access into the gang, as you left SM for being mad I believe; and have not attempted to prove us wrong that you did not raid or something along those lines.

- Over the recent days I have noticed that I need help with the Forums my life kinda takes over a lot limiting my time on the server and looking at SM applications. With hard consideration, a hard pick between Officers have led me to elect another Forum Officer to stand by me; and this is Ella A Pompeii I am really happy with my decision and hope he may follow in my footsteps. Routers will be set on who will do applications each week and hosting meetings etc. So please stay tuned.
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If you need assistance add me on Steam!
Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by ThatsKarma.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244578

ThatsKarma wrote:

The following promotion/join applications have been reviewed by either xSeppe or Karma, below you can find the verdict for each and why they were either accepted or denied.

TheSssKiller has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
BubbaLynx has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Jordan Countinho has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Alexzander has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Sam the Sausage has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
UltraBagel has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Yoda has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Kawaiibob has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Panc1s has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
SwiiFTz has been promoted to Silent Disciple[/color
Bob Raheem has been promoted to Silent Mobster
Kylie-Senpai [DEAF] ^-^ has been promoted to Silent Mobster
Alicia the Angel has been promoted to Silent Mobster
Bob Raheem has been promoted to Silent Mastermind

These applications or members have not standard out enough to join our rosters, they are welcome to reapply in 1 week or speak to a owner to revive more ways to improve or permission to reapply early.

Eskimo ( Gone Wrong) has been denied access into the gang, as they do not meet the criteria of SM nor have they tried to base within SM showing they want to join.

Corey Jones has been denied access into the gang, as they do not meet the criteria of SM nor have they tried to base within SM showing they want to join. One last thing, we do not coun a Diamond Pickaxe as a special weapon nor does anyone else I believe

Haytham Harper has been denied access into the gang, as your application is not readable as noted by Seppe, nor do you have sufficent money to even join our gang, adding to that we would like to see special weapons.

The BananaSlanger has been denied access into the gang, as you very recently annoyed members of SM and chosen to ignore them; when you spammed our gang chat and after being kicked you spammed OOC with caps and began to rage, which we'd not like to see within our gang.

The BananaSlanger has been denied access into the gang, as your app has no detail what so ever; nor have we seen you in the SM's gang or attempting to improve your relationships between you.

Void has been denied access into the gang, as you just recently attacked one of our SM Officers for no reason while in teamspeak and also was a tad bit racisist while in ZARP; which we do not accept.

MINI NINJA has been denied access into the gang, as you left SM for being mad I believe; and have not attempted to proove us wrong that you did not raid or something along those lines.
best grammar 10/10 nub
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244587

@Crystal Smith, please dont quote applications or big posts in our thread if you don't write anything useful.
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(OOC) Clarky: rdm me once more and youll be seeing yourself perma banned

If life is nothing but a bitch, I hope my dick is big enough
To fuck the whole world

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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244623

For those saying " i backstabbed" and raided with handcannons and t guns
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244634

General Information: Skilledmarksman Looking for a gang

What is your Steam Name?I am Toast

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:128075560

What is your ingame name?TOASTY ROASTY

How much money do you currently have?1.2 mil

Any special weapons? Pkm molotov cocktail blue print tuxedo lambo print

Questions:Nothing your format was straight forward

Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)I want to your gang I think I would be a valuable member Im on daily and knows a good bit about zarp

Why do you think your better than the average player?My Player versus player skills and Im a skilledmarksman

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication 5 10 10 8

Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?Im on daily I donate and im very friendly

How can we trust you not to betray us?I would help new members with bases and things through expierence
and donate to the cause as soon as I can

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? None
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244645

wait Why was I accepted as first then denied?
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244650

For those saying " i backstabbed" and raided with handcannons and t guns

When was this lol
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #244656

I was invited to the gang by xSeppe/vhouborg
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