Hi everyone! I'll be applying for a promotion! Please only review if you actually know what you're talking about
General Information:
Microphone: Yes, a good quality one, but it chooses to not work sometimes

Age: 14, I don't sound prepubescent, which while it's kind of disrespect, prepubescent voices can get annoying at times.
Base Dupes: Many, I chose not to use them, as I know someone else probably has a better dupe
Estimated Sucess/Failed raid ratio: 7-2
What is your Steam Name?
What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)
What is your ingame name?
[SM] UltraBagel
How much money do you currently have?
$11,000,000 which is $7,400,000 real cash, and about $3,600,000 worth of special weapons/tools.
Any special weapons?
Yes, several Matadors, 3 Airstrikes, and a diamond Pickaxe, wouldn't mind getting a diamond lockpick.
What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?
Silent Disciple: A member of the gang who is learning there way around and has gained respect
Time in gang?
Since I was added, about a month. Ingame, I'd say about 30 or so hours. I went on a few raiding days which gametracker seems to have not added in yet.
Why do you think you deserve this rank?
I've been in this gang for a while, or at least more than others have, and I think that it's time for a promotion. I haven't had a warn for a while, and the more recent ones were mistakes I've made, one being that I went into the mine after being killed, and I got killed again once NLR was up, and as I went back in the mines, a moderator warned me for breaking NLR. I wouldn't say it's worth my time finding him/her and making a warn removal request, as it's just one silly warn. I've gotten to know lots of members of the Silent March, with some being Wube, BILL!, xSeppe himself and others as well. I don't mean to point fingers, but I hope I can use you guys as examples.
As for basing, I've gotten to know lots of people through that. I've been an active contributor to defending my base, and not my little drug lab or printers, and people have started to respect me. With this official rank, which I will hopefully get, a lost Silent March member knows he can look up to me and know I'm willing to help them in any questions, or even base with them.
Hope you review this positively, and have a nice day!
-UltraBagel, the guy who makes his applications way too long