Morgan wrote:
exrobite wrote:
This was evidently pointed out by someone who took no offence to the word being used, and was looking out for "rulebreaks" because of personal feuds with the player or general attempts to further their "reputation" by pointing this out.
I'm pretty dumbfounded by that one exrobite, from a guy who isn't active in the Community you're surely making a few assumptions there. The motivation for accepting the report was stated in my reply, players have been complaining about this, it was brought to my attention by Tyler, I saw the report and felt something needed to be done about it.
I'm pretty dumbfounded by this entire situation if I'm honest. I don't need to be active within a community to have a lick of common sense. To be honest if the decision making standard of the entire community is represented by your choices then I'm rather glad I don't subscribe to the "super duper friendly zarp ethic."
It's understandable that you want to try and curb the use of racial slang, but considering the word in question had a far more common and acceptable use that the majority of society would identify as the original and proper use of the word I don't feel that the decision to force him to change his name is valid in this case.
I guess sometimes being an "outsider" to this community lets me observe things that you may not. I see a community that at times may alienate people due to it's attempts to be friendly. The attempts to not offend anyone are overbearing and may drive away certain people. The non-existent dispute system and the quite frankly broken appeals system makes it difficult for correct precedents to be set.
The real question is, will you let the 6,500 people who match with the search term "spook" on steam play on the server if they wish?