Sp00ns wrote:
Hey ItsDonny your opinion is irrelevant
TO ME due to the fact that you never had to deal with sinz or play with him for years
LIKE ME, + you're a pointshop player which immediately dismisses anything you said sinz will never be forgiven
BY ME nor can he ever change how he acts
IN MY OPINION he's been harassing nafe and begging to get unbanned not to mention its only been 2 weeks! sinz stop lying on your appeal nobody believes you or likes you
Sounds like a you problem, besides, i don't understand this "pointshop player" theory that's been going on around. I can assure you that this "pointshop player" experience is merely a fragment's fragment amongst the games i've played, the people i met, and the situations i've come across. I have eyes and ears to read and listen what has been going on and for how long, and i'm 100% entitled to having an opinion, in which case it was barely an opinion on the post alone and not the situation as a whole you poor guy have been struggling with for years.