Sp00ns wrote:
ItsDonny wrote:
I appreciate the mention and i must say that your presence on the other servers was quite normal unlikely what is happening or rather what has happened on the SSRP server.
My input will be minimal but vital if used for your future endevours. I’ve read the majority of your post (or at least tried to), and what i take from it are constant loops and attempts to get to a point but never do. I’d suggest identifying the problems you dealt with and what you took from them that made you analyze and come to a remorseful but understanding set of thoughts first with short sentences and simple words in your head so you can project more confidence and clarity with better wording for your defence against this case.
Hey ItsDonny your opinion is irrelevant
due to the fact that you never had to deal with sinz or play with him for years, + you're a pointshop player which immediately dismisses anything you said sinz will never be forgiven nor can he ever change how
he acts he's been harassing nafe and begging to get unbanned not to mention its only been 2 weeks!
sinz stop lying on your appeal nobody believes you or likes you
good for clearing things up since you always have a knack for amplifying your words just to take them out of context and make them worse i'm going to answer that to start donny don't really know me but saying that kind of thing when i could even say it does not give you the right to force someone to have your opinion when if it were the case for you you would deny it and say that it is false, for your case everything you say does not doesn't even matter to me since it's "bullshit" let's use the terms by saying for example "begging to be unbanned" or "sinz stop lying on your appeal nobody believes you or likes you" I didn't act so AND I'm not making this appeal for you but for xnator I'm addressing the one who made me this ban your opinion I don't care and it's not even constructive because you always spend your time to criticizing but you are not blameless, you are perfect, you don't annoying people, so to you you are perfect? I should not even answer you at the time but I do so to criticize your words which are false and excessive, use your words with more discernment instead of using words which do not even qualify the facts thank you.
by the way I have proof that you always harass me after my ban so if I were you I would stop instead of "troll" the others and don't be the gentleman who did nothing thank you