Welcome to our official Community Q&A thread!
If you have any burning questions to the Community Team, feel free to ask them here. We'll make sure to answer them as soon as possible. You're welcome to ask any question, as long as it follows the rules stated below.
Thread Rules:
- You are only allowed to reply to this thread with questions - discussions are to be held elsewhere.
- All questions need to be constructive and are required to follow our terms of use.
- Make sure that your question hasn't already been asked on this thread before posting it.
- You may ask follow-up questions, as long as they don't escalate into long-winded discussions.
- You may only quote other questions / answers if you directly refer to them in your question.
- When using quotes, make sure to remove any nested quotes to avoid long message chains.
- If you want to suggest a feature, please post a suggestion thread - don't ask for it on here!
Any replies that don't follow the rules mentioned above will be removed. If your reply has been removed, don't post it again. If you are unsure why your reply has been removed, feel free to ask any member of the Community Team!