How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
I have been an Admin for quite some time now, during that time I have always staffed to the best of my abilities and followed all rules as accurately as possible. I have grown close to a lot of people in the ZARP community and express my opinion on the forums. I have handled appeals, handled more than a fair share of reports, and stay very active within the Teamspeak and the Discord; as well as in game. I always try to help out users and staff whenever an issue comes up.
What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):
I'm a good candidate for SA because I regularly perform my duties well, take my current responsibilities seriously, and feel that I am ready for more. I am always active with not only other staff members but with the players as well. I am good friends with a few staff members including Lead Team, and I try to be respectful and professional in all my interactions. I try to actively keep track of things on the forums, in the discord, and on the server. I am usually in the Teamspeak and if I'm not actually in any of the servers, I am always available to be contacted if need be. I always try to help newer staff whenever they have any trouble or questions, and I make sure they know they can come to me for assistance whenever they need. I think I have shown myself more than capable of handling this position and I think that any lead team member who has spent time with me can see that too.
Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:
While these situations are somewhat uncommon because, at least during my normal play hours, there are some pretty dedicated lead team members available; I do recall an incident where a player had let me know about someone he thought was aim-botting. While I do not have the ability to actually run an anti-cheat check, I switched to spectate and watched him play for 5 or 6 rounds and everything looked normal. After that there were no more accusations and I wrote off the situation as a lucky shot until I had someone who could verify.
Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:
Hello TronCat,
After reviewing the evidence you have provided and speaking with DrMod, I have decided to accept this report abuse due to clear evidence and DrMod admitting to what he'd done. This situation will be brought up during the lead team meeting on Sunday, and I will have spoken to DrMod about the situation. Thank you for taking your time to make is report abuse.
Hello Yandhi,
After looking at the evidence you have provided, I have decided to deny this report abuse due to the lack of evidence and other staff members' memories of the event. No action will be taken against YungMod. Thank you.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?
First, I would try to get into some form of voice communication with the staff member(Discord/TS/Steam/etc.) and try to talk over the situation. If no voice communication is available, I would do it over text. I start by trying to figure out what the staff members reasons were for the extended ban length. If the reasons were invalid, I would ask the staff member to review the situation and find a better outcome. If they do not believe they are wrong in the situation, I would bring it up to someone even higher in the lead team with more experience to work out what the solution would be.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
I would message the staff member and ask them to turn over the situation to me so I can handle it appropriately. Following the situation I would help the staff member to understand the proper way to handle it.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
First thing I would do is ask for evidence and check for any witnesses. If I was provided with enough to support the verdict, I would issue a verbal warning to the accused staff member. Then depending on the situation I would bring it up during the next LT meeting. If the evidence was not enough, or evidence was provided proving the innocence of the accused, I would speak with the accuser about the situation and let them know what really happened and why it was not wrong.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
I would first speak to both parties and try to gather all the information and motives I can. Then I would try and get the two of them to talk it out with each other under supervision and try to get them to come to an understanding. I would try to find some form of solution or compromise to resolve the situation, and I would let them know how important it is to treat others with respect. Following the resolution I would let the disrespectful staff member know that if a similar situation happens again, action will be taken.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
I would start by making sure that the staff member was in fact breaking any rules to ensure I was not jumping to conclusions. I would gather evidence so there can be no denial of any rule breaking, and then I would speak to the staff member about it. I would respectfully make sure they understand what they were doing was wrong, and give them a verbal warning to stop doing it. I would make sure they read the staff ethos in case they have not, and depending on the severity of the situation, bring it up during the next LT meeting.
Extra Info:
My meeting attendance, as many of you know, is very rare due to obligations with the US Army. I wish it could be different but it is very hard to get free time during the time of the meetings. I will make it to as many as I possibly can in the future. I would hope that this isn't as much of a problem because I can always be reached in a few other ways for anything needing to be talked about prior to meetings. If I needed to bring something up at the meeting, I have a few trusted individuals in the Lead Team who could bring it up for me in my absence. All other LT obligations will never be an issue and I will keep on top of everything.