I've made an account specifically to address the issue of this admin, and firstly - I do not have a video of the incident because A) I do not record randomly to save HDD space and
I was not expecting this to happen but I have proof that will confirm the incident did infact happen. As far as I'm aware this was a case of actual admin abuse and the lack of responsibility taken from the admin has made me want to let this issue be known.
Let me introduce myself quickly, so hopefully you can take what I'm saying seriously. My RP name is Jawn Davis and my steam_id is STEAM_0:0:14779884. I've been an active GMOD player for around ten years. I've hosted my own servers, since back in 2008 and in 2010 hosted the 20th most popular server on GMOD - InverseGaming and I was an admin on NoobonicPlague between 2010-2011 which was the largest GarrysMod server for a number of years. I'm currently moderating the worlds largest MMA forums, Sherdog. I have just finished my degree in Computing Science and I was the guy that first came up with the Black Market Dealer job in Dark RP. So as you might guess, I'm well versed in GarrysMod and pretty much everything surrounding Dark RP and moderation due to my length of time in the community and my level of interaction with it. So I'm not a little, inexperienced kid that has no idea what they're talking about.
Staff Member(s) Name:
Walter White
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Walter White was basing with a gang and he was using his abilities as admin to assist himself and his team to farm money via money printing in his base.
I was a police officer and I was attempting to access this base, and due to the nature of the base - maze corridors and then later this was expanded into two districts - I had to build fading doors within his corridors with keypads in an attempt not to get killed. These corridors are still considered a public place because they are not within the district, hence why they were deleted. I made these doors within the tunnel in the transition area between the 2 districts and set-up fading doors. Once the admin noticed I was attempting to access his base in an attempt to stop their illegal activity, in a way that he and his team could not kill me from using game mechanics, he then proceeded to delete my props and warn me for building within someone else base to stop me advancing into the base.
After this happened I called upon an admin to come to me as I was unsure as to why this had happened. The admin that did not warn me, DEADMONSTER I think his name was approached me and I asked him why he had warned me and deleted my fading doors and keypads from the tunnel. He then proceed to say it was not him but it was Walter White and then he turned around and noticed Walters base, sprawling into the second district. He proceeded to tell me this base was illegal and noclipped into the base, presumably to speak with the inhabitants. Shortly after the offending areas of the base were removed but I still had my warning, no apology and a person not taking responsibility for their mistakes.
I do not have screenshots of the base when it was in the state I am complaining about because it was deleted very, very quickly once I had the other admin present and was looking to put in a complaint but the admin I was with seen it and was present at the time. I'd like to call upon him as an official witness.
The base was located in the district to the left of the gas station, if you were facing away from it and it's original design was similar to this:
Black = map tunnel
Red = prop
I was placing fence props within the tunnels to stop advancing gang members killing me whilst I attempted to gain access to the whole district base. These props were all fading doors, with keypads. They could be destroyed via explosives, keypad cracked or even lock picked.
After its removal:
Base was in 2 districts
Warned whilst doing job whilst admin was breaking rules
Admin took no responsibility and did not engage in any kind of conversation with me as to why it happened
What server(s) was this on?:
Logs will show the warning and DEADMONSTER got the offending base removed after telling me specifically that it was a base the broke the rules.
Staff Witness: DEADMONSTER
To be honest, at the end of the day - no, I don't expect this kids admin to be remove because that's not the way these things work but that doesn't change the fact that this was likely not a first time thing, and that it happened.
If you want a server to run smoothly you have to make sure the people in authority are running smoothly themselves and are not being hypocritical or cheating.