Name - (What is the accused person's name?) God emperor STEAM_0:0:64341915 (his alts name is k.. STEAM_0:1:79465995)
Steam-ID - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?) god emperors main STEAM_0:0:64341915 ( his alt STEAM_0:1:79465995)
Evidence Of Steam-ID - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID)
Server - (What server was this on?) server 3
Time And Date (CET) - (When did it happen?) Today and yesterday
Other Comments - (Anything else you want to add?)
Reason - (What rules did the person break?) God emperor is using his alt to fully impersonate me to get me in trouble with people
Story - (What happened?) a couple days ago god emperor stole my name on his alt and joined a couple days later with my steam name my steam picture and started talking shit to people and talking to people in general to make me look bad last time someone did it (honest handled it) the guy got perma banned for doing so.
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
Spoons: yo
[INVENTORY] You don't have any of that item!
motion: why are you gangless lol
Spoons: cuz i just left intersteller
Spoons: [ZARP-Notice]: You have left Interstellar
Spoons: cba to help them
motion: fair lol
(OOC) Spoons_: worst gang ive ever been [ZARP-Notice]: You have left Interstellar
On the steam alt of one of his alts it says its from canada
same thing with his alt that he's using to impersonate me
EDIT: he was on with all his alts earlier including the one he impersonates me with