Clarky wrote:
Zarp Trusted wrote:
OnionRings wrote:
Bunnyslippers69 wrote:
OnionRings wrote:
You say here that is week forum ban was unfair but he also had like 2 recent bans before that.
The report is for TS3/SSRP not the forums big man.
Alright if it’s not against him on the forums then why has the forums been brought the report if you read it , big man.
because its being used for context, to show that this wasnt an isolated incident and instead he's been targeting denis for a long time, big woman
Explain how I started targeting him, his random ass grudge against me is why I have asked multiple times to not have any sort of communication to me.
His grudge?
Looks like youre the one who is acting like a little kid crying about your name on a text screen.
if youre so deeply offended by it then leave the server because its honestly pathetic
edit -
and its not like he goes out of his way to "target" you,
YOURE the one who decided to spectate him, bring him to sits
and warn him for the most petty reasons, you decided to communicate with him.
if you feel so intimidated by him then get another staff to deal with his "rule breaks".