Ashur wrote:
Clarky wrote:
Zarp Trusted wrote:
OnionRings wrote:
Bunnyslippers69 wrote:
OnionRings wrote:
You say here that is week forum ban was unfair but he also had like 2 recent bans before that.
The report is for TS3/SSRP not the forums big man.
Alright if it’s not against him on the forums then why has the forums been brought the report if you read it , big man.
because its being used for context, to show that this wasnt an isolated incident and instead he's been targeting denis for a long time, big woman
Explain how I started targeting him, his random ass grudge against me is why I have asked multiple times to not have any sort of communication to me.
IN MY OPINION i feel that you are mostly targetting users like BunnySlippers, Denis, A Good Pianist, and even me.
Don't even speak my name snake