Staff Member(s) Name: LonelyDodo
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:78404438
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?:
Disrespected me via admin chat after I legitimately killed him in-game as a traitor, whilst he was innocent.
1.3 Disrespect
Users of the ZARP community server are to conduct themselves respectfully at all times. This rule is also in relation to rule 1.2
Not only is that against the general TTT rules, but it also goes against the ideals laid out in
this thread by CaptinF1rework, where he states that staff should remain respectful towards players at all times, even in cases where it could be considered banter and the player is not offended (although in this case, I am offended)
I don't feel it was very professional for LonelyDodo, who is meant to be an upstanding member of the community and an example to players, to be abusing his power to message people privately on the server to disrespect me simply because he's allowed his emotions to get the best of him.
What Server(s) Was This On?: TTT
P.S. If you need further input from me, make sure not to lock the thread within just 10 minutes so I can properly respond and have a meaningful rapport with you