I would be happy if forum moderators stop editing user's posts without their consent, this is not the first time this has happend to me and if one of my posts is being edited I would like to know what exact changes were made otherwise it might make me or another user who's post has been edited look bad towards the community.
My post was the Zarp Birthday List, it was edited by OnionRings for the reason of removing CM banned users, due to his removal without my premission or consent these users would look to me as the one responsible, if I would have been told that I have the names of newly CM banned users in my post I would have notified them in personal chat that I've been told to remove them off the list but that I will store a backup of the text with their date so that when they are hopefully unbanned I can restore their name and date to the post.
OnionRings's actions have put me in a difficult situation which now forces me to explain to each and every one of the players whose names have been removed that I'm deeply sorry, furthermore I have no idea if he has changed anything else as I have not backed up the text which forces me to go through all the comments and check if the names are indeed listed.