Optic just proved that flashy flash is your alt account, so once again you lie.
You got a second chance because you cheated, but then you go and scam an admin. Jesus christ do you have brain cells?
It's funny, because you say you are sorry, and you dont want any hate, but if Optic had not exposed you, then NO ONE would ever have known about your scam, and you didn't seem sorry about it ingame.
Big -support. Stay banned forever, you are the most toxic kid I've ever seen, I've made over 10 f1's about you, and I got you warned every single time. Everytime you are in a sit, you lie to the staff member, lies wont get you far in life. May this be a lesson for you.
You got caught cheating, however you received another chance, but then you started cheating on your alt, aswell as on your main again. And now you got busted in scamming for irl money which is fucking sad.
Stay banned kid. And I hope to get you get CM banned aswell.
getting hate for no reason
And dont ever say you get hate for no reason. The things you say, and the things you do, describe what kind of person you are, a sad nolife scum, that says disgusting things to other people. You are nothing but toxic.