Officer FLeX wrote:
This is my apology for planning a scam with my cousin on an admin! It started like this, my cousin wanted to lie to the admin and get his items then give it to me and the items were honestly around 40-50M which is kind of a lot of in game money. I honestly regret agreeing to the plan with my cousin because that ended up getting me banned from the game also I am here at the moment to tell the truth only because I really feel bad about it and I don't want no hate at all.
The reason that made me want to leave the community was that I got so much hate from so many people for no reason sometimes and it ended up making me so sad and the only idea that I had at the moment is quitting and moving on because I couldn't take it anymore also I really hope that you understand me right now because imagine yourself in my situation where all you get is hate from everyone over and over also be honest and tell the truth because I know that you'd do make the same move as me which is moving on and leaving the community.
I am also really sorry not to only the staff members but to the community too because I understand that I had an attitude with most of you and sometimes it was for no reason which honestly should have never happened but please understand that most people are different and not everybody gets along with each other but I promise that I will try my best to get along with everyone and also I will never do what I did that caused me to get banned which was scamming BananaSlanger who is a great person that I am willing to refund.
I also thank Brandify, Morgan and Cookie for cheering me up and for telling me what is the right thing to do!
Kk Flex, you asked for it, he's lying once again i'm going to find the screenshot him of "Flash Flash" saying he's Flex sec.