R-Flex wrote:
Its time for some more non- vip printers as well thst can actually make you a good amount of money and not make it a pay to win.
This. I know that the fact that I'm not a Zarp VIP yet immediately turns me away from the server, it's
impossible for me to compete with other players money wise when the best thing I can put down is a Sapphire printer, and have 0 interest in leaving my PC running while I AFK mine. That's just not DarkRP to me.
Friendly Player's printer system worked better than Zarp's currently does imo. All you had to do was get a printer master, which wasn't hard to get even for newer players, and you're instantly on the same level as everybody else on the server. Meaning
everybody's printers were printing at the same rate and everyone had a chance to get rich. Simple, fair, and still fun.