Annie Montana wrote:
474 Denis wrote:
Annie Montana wrote:
I feel like I need to step in and what you have heard is mainly from people who hated me when I became SO. Maybe I let Xnator do things but I still try my best and he comes to me with ideas/fixes/updates for current items on the server. I'm just hypothesising but people don't think I do things when in reality, do they say what would happen if they are in the position? Not all the time so for you to actually make this sparks an idea to improve and update the server in which Xnator and I work on. I don't let him do what he wants as he theoretically needs my final decision on others but for him telling me what to do is false as well.
Now, for what people say about me doing nothing is, of course, their opinions and may report me to the CM team for lacking in my duties however I do some things outside of suggestions. Just because they aren't on the server, doesn't mean that I don't consider them and some which aren't accepted I feel like staff should put their thoughts into. I don't just accept/deny suggestions just because I personally like/dislike them but I do them if I feel like the staff thoughts won't really change the outcome, however, I do think of their opinions on most subjects that come to the server hence why most suggestions you made have not been accepted/denied yet. If you feel like I need to be talked to, I'm available on TeamSpeak and Steam for users.
So what are you going to do to improve your server and build on the feedback given by your lead team and high ranking staff members? Perhaps talking to them and asking what they would want might help but I don't play deathrun so I wouldn't know.
Their opinions and notes are taken into consideration so I know what to improve on if they want me to improve on my role.
Annie, when I was head admin I came to you nearly every week with ideas on how the deathrun server could be improved, I spoke about bugs and exploits and new ideas I even offered to pay for the addons that people wanted, never once did you take anything I said into consideration and nearly every single item on the one-note hasn't been dealt with, it's been really disappointing to see for myself the direction deathrun has headed, you can add whatever addon you want, that wont change anything unless it's what the players want, if you want deathrun to truely rise again then add what the people want, suggestions and all. when mr cm banned user was owner, he worked on updates every single day, he asked the players (not just just lead team) but everyone what they wanted to see in the new updates and he made it happen, he offered players (again not just lead team) but everyone to beta test new things that were going to be added and the server really shined. Every day he'd speak about the gametracker and how he wanted it to be the #1 deathrun server and you know what he did? He did everything in his power to do what the people wanted.
When BiWx, was owner, he did so many great things, the server had a stable but rising player base and added new suggestions when they were accepted in meetings. Nowadays when suggestions get accepted, they don't really get accepted they just get shrugged off and forgotten about, and the fact you chose someone that already owns 2 other servers and lead team on every other server really doesn't help, sure he's a good candidate coding wise, but that doesn't mean he was a good choice because of how little time he has to spare in relation to someone else who could code and could work so many more hours, putting genuine effort into the server, Xnator, I really appreciate you helping the server because it does actually need it at the momment, but in my opinion it's time for a change. Annie even admits she lets you do things on your own which basically means you aren't even server developer, you're an owner. What's really disappointed me is the lack of transparency between the owners, staff team and players this is something that has been going downhill for months, previous owners told users and staff members the progress of what was being made without them even having to ask them. Now you can barely get a straight answer like "it's being worked on" or "I'll do it another time" when you ask.
Whilst I don't agree with you making this post hence why I refused to give you my opinion because it is in fact just creating more unneeded drama, I just wanted to give my honest opinion, something I've been wanted to get off my chest for a long time. Most of these reasons are why I resigned.
On a closing note, #Polsee4Owner