General Information:
What is your Steam Name: superparty
What is your SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:77246273
Age: 14
Activity in game: Too Much
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(Server 2 =
[Do you have any warnings, if so list them and the reason why Yes and a ban, but the ban was invalid. Mostly just NLR, But the gang owners also break rules so who cares?
What is your ingame name: [I-HG]Crystal Smith
How much money do you currently have: 1,3 Mill but i will earn more. Idc if i lose money
Any special weapons: Nein
Questions: NEIN
Why do you want to join us (Longer answer): Because i want to join back, is the reason i want to play with my old members and be part of the group again, I have learned throughout i have been outside the gang. I'm willing to play with xSeppe too, such as Seppe told me to apply. I want a gang to base with again, and use my own dupes. As i have seen the activity throughout the players has gone, i want to join again and be an active player. I will improve my attidute etc, i have changed and have decided to join the gang hopefully. I have talked with seppe and raided with him, even saved his handcannon
Why do you think your better than the average player: Because i have learned alot throughout. I have been here for 3 months, I have improved building, Aiming, and Raiding.
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication: Building: 9 Aiming: 9,5 Raiding: 9 Communication 8
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant: I have changed my mind, i have talked to seppe and raided with him. before the first times i joined i was fine and a nice guy. Im willing to change back to Silent March. I have loads of SM Dupes and i base alot. Im a skilled guy which knows how to use a gun.
How can we trust you not to betray us: I have changed, im willing to join the gang, and i am willing to spend almost all my cash to join back. And i have raided with seppe and not killed him with his hand cannon, Im very active
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in: Silent March, Revolt, Invincible
NOTE: I just raided BIB *Born in my nan seppe 2k15* We raided it succesful, this is showing my trust