General Information:
My name is Chaotic, I am a retired member of this community { I've been in another account on this server for more than 1000 hours and this is my new account }
I mostly raid and am good at defending
Imagine the gang as a human body and each person has his own role, I act like a cell but not any cell... a stem cell, I can be anything from a raider to a defender to almost anything really .
What is your Steam Name? [MS] Chaotic
What is your SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:125072246
What is your ingame name? Chaotic_
How much money do you currently have? Around 8 Million { going to get more once I start doing my money printing operation plan }
Any special weapons? A lot, Milkors ...Handcannons , Areses PMG a fuckton of f2000 and other stuff
Questions: How Often Will We Raid ?
How Good Are Your Defense Systems' ?
What Type Of Building/Dupes Do You Need ?
Is This Gang Active Usually At Friday ,Thursday And Saturday ?
End Of Questions.
Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer) : I want to join you guys because I want to help out a gang I know are one of the best... I'm not here to help a good gang... I'm here to help make a already good gang be a better gang
Why do you think your better than the average player? They may be smarter or richer but 1 thing I guarantee you that I'm almost best at ... Loyalty to the gang
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication
Building : 7
Aiming : 8
Raiding : 7 { I decide not to use my special weapons any time ... I prefer to go Standard Raiding when I can..}
Communication : 9 { I have a microphone I just decide not to use it as my voice is squeaky for a 14 year old so I choose not to annoy fellow gang members }
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? As I said I specialize more than just 1 job and am very skilled on stuff otherwise unknown to average players...
How can we trust you not to betray us?
1st : I'm going to be paying you guys 1 mil
2nd : Betraying is for people that want to look cool by doing bad stuff { AKA : Assholes}
3rd : Why would I betray a gang and risk being killed and raped instead of joining an enemy gang and killing ya'll ?
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? I played this server a few years ago in my old account and I think it was something like gummy killers ? something candy
Final Notes : Never kick me due to inactivity .. I rarely am but if I am I'll be inactive for 2 reasons
1st : Either I'm busy
2nd : I have an emergency
Just wanted to refresh my apply to the gang
Thanks - Chaotic_