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TOPIC: Silent March Gang Thread

Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248396

General Information:
Name: ImSimplyNameless

What is your SteamID

What is your ingame name? ImSimplyNameless

Money : Currently 6.2 Million

Special weapon : Thundergun M202 2 RPG,s


Why do you want to join us? I see there is alot of dutch people in the gang and there are alot of active member and thats why id like to become a part of you guys !

Why do you think your better than the average player? I got scam skills :D

Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Im very bad in building but my aim and positioning is decent I am very generous (ask seppe and Brother Chad)
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant? I am dutch like seppe :D and i am willing to help other gang members when they are low on money.

How can we trust you not to betray us? If i would betray one of the biggest gangs than i think none will ever accept me into their gang so ill watch out for betraying and also i will donate alot of money in the gang so if i betray that money will be wasted

What gang/organization are you currently in/were in? Seal team 69
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Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by ImSimplyNameless. Reason: becausei now have 6.2 million?
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248400

khaitam2001 wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:
nvm i wanna gain my trust back with BiB
Aren't you blacklisted?

He's blacklisted, but I believe he gets removed after like a month or two, idk to be honest. Sayian can't stay blacklisted forever.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248562

General Information:

What is your Steam Name: AceInsidious

What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:1:93664994

What is your ingame name?: |Z| AceInsidious

How much money do you currently have?: Around 70m in total

Any special weapons?: Matador/RPG's/Milkor's/Thundergun

What rank are you currently and what are you applying for?: Current Rank: The lowest Rank ( I wanted to apply for Officer instead)

Questions: No

Time in gang?: Couple of Weeks now

Why do you think you deserve this rank?: Silent March is cleaning up at the moment and i would be glad to help. Because i have been here for a while now and getting to know the gang members more i think i will do a good job as a Officer.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248563

While I'm a low member of the SM, I believe many people will agree with this statement:

Please take the time to format your applications! It only takes seconds, and the plain text really impacts you badly on your final report. I have an excuse here because I have to type straight from BBC code on mobile.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248565

The Eliminator wrote:
khaitam2001 wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:
nvm i wanna gain my trust back with BiB
Aren't you blacklisted?

He's blacklisted, but I believe he gets removed after like a month or two, idk to be honest. Sayian can't stay blacklisted forever.

I love your gang I felt terrible about what I did I'm trying to get in touch with aureatron Richard and gems to give them a refund
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248567

The following promotion/join applications have been reviewed by either xSeppe, Karma or Ella, below you can find the verdict for each and why they were either accepted or denied.

SAMAMMARI456 has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
NOTSOBRIGHT has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Mrxpgamer has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
[MS] Chaotic has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Wube has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
SeroNyx has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
Cyan has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
NerdLord has been accepted into the gang as a Silent Assassin
|SM| Natsuki Wasanasan has been promoted to Silent Mobster
Walk3rkid has been promoted to Silent Mobster
[SM] DaHero has been promoted to Silent Mobster
AceInsidious has been promoted to Silent Mobster
|Z| No One has been promoted to Silent Disciple
has been promoted to Silent Cultist
Swift has been promoted to Silent Mastermind

These applications or members have not standard out enough to join our rosters, they are welcome to reapply in 1 week or speak to a owner to revive more ways to improve or permission to reapply early.

I am Toast has been denied access into they gang, as they have recent warnings, and we do not need rule breakers in our gang.
Kevin_Line has been denied access into they gang, as we haven't seen you in game so we feel you need to get to know the gang better and re apply.
RebookRaidz has been denied access into they gang as they have have recent warnings, and we do not need rule breakers in our gang.
William286 has been denied access into they gang as I have recently warned you in-game and we do not need rule breakers in the gang.
SexiKiss has been denied access into they gang as they have very many warnings for NLR we do not need rule breakers in the gang.
Blazecloth has been denied access into they gang as they have failed to support their steamid, and there application is very poor, re do you application and re apply.
Im wibi1234 has been denied access into they gang as they have very many warnings for RDM we do not need rule breakers in the gang.
707 has been denied access into they gang, as we haven't seen you in game so we feel you need to get to know the gang better and re apply.
kayneplayz has been denied access into they gang as they have have recent warnings, and we do not need rule breakers in our gang.
Carlos has been denied access into they gang as they have have very many recent warnings, and we do not need rule breakers in our gang.
Jeffoer has been denied access into they gang as there application is very poor, re do you application and re apply.
Fallout Styx has been denied access into they gang, as they have recent warnings, and we do not need rule breakers in our gang.
Dawn has been denied access into they gang, as they have recent warnings, and we do not need rule breakers in our gang.
ImSimplyNameless has been denied access into they gang as they have failed to support their steamid, and there application is very poor, re do you application and re apply.

The Application Has changed the join the gang the following was added, take a look

Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

After a long decision and talk with Seppe, we have decided to promote one individual to an Officer in the gang, this individual is Holly Banker, we feel that Holly will do a great job and we would all like to congratulate him on his new position.
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Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Ella A Pompeii.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248569

Hahahahahahhaaha holly just applied for BIB and you make him an officer
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248570

SuperSaiyan wrote:
Hahahahahahhaaha holly just applied for BIB and you make him an officer

I am going to have to ask you to stop posting useless shit on are thread, this decision was already made before that ,so stop posting on are thread before i bring a forum officer into this and i don't want to have to.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248628

General Information:

What is your Steam Name?
What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)
What is your ingame name?
How much money do you currently have?
2.6 Million
Any special weapons?
All the non explosive (Ares Shrike ect.), Defibrillator and Matador.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)
Silent March is amongst the most powerful gangs in ZARP (if not the most powerful) and I want to gain fame and respect amongst the people of the server. It will also be a great help for me to join since SM's bases are awesome and their raider teams are very strong.
Why do you think your better than the average player?
I am good at communicating with others and I am an awesome marksman and builder.
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication.
Building: 9 Aiming: 9 Raiding: 7 Communication: 10
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?
I am always cheerful and helpful and a trustworthy gang member.
How can we trust you not to betray us?
I have been betrayed-scammed several times and I know how horrible it feels. Also I wouldn't want to make SM mad because then ZARP would be like hell. :P
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?
OG a long time ago.
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Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Renosal.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248651

Ella A Pompeii wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:
Hahahahahahhaaha holly just applied for BIB and you make him an officer

I am going to have to ask you to stop posting useless shit on are thread, this decision was already made before that ,so stop posting on are thread before i bring a forum officer into this and i don't want to have to.

just putting down a lil note holly ain't leaving.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248775

xSeppe wrote:
Ella A Pompeii wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:
Hahahahahahhaaha holly just applied for BIB and you make him an officer

I am going to have to ask you to stop posting useless shit on are thread, this decision was already made before that ,so stop posting on are thread before i bring a forum officer into this and i don't want to have to.

just putting down a lil note holly ain't leaving.

Hello, Super you where a past member of SM if I am correct? And I do believe you enjoyed your stay until your decision to gang hop because that's they only way you can make money and pretend your something your not. So, I've seen you now and then post useless comments which are not needed and possibly so that you can get a higher post limit on the forums and brag about it; I could go on for days. I am making this simple and clear comment one more useless and not related to applications and not decisions that have been pre-decided by higher gang members. I won't just make your life on Zarp a living nightmare but on the forums too, so be warned you push me I crush you. Understood? Now have a nice holidays and stop shit posting or you know whats next :D
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If you need assistance add me on Steam!
Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by ThatsKarma.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248783


Actually if you would wake up from what ever the fuck land your in and realise that I just found it funny and now im a gang hopper if I leave a gang kthxbye.

And also it's not really irrelevant or off topic because I was trying to help because I thought you hadn't seen that holly left and also I see that you don't like me I know that for a fact but it doesn't mean you have to make false accusations like I don't brag about my post count and also leaving a gang because your gang members is leaving a gang because it's the only way I make money yes because I don't want to get raided by my own gang members or betrayed end of story kthxbye.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248801

TigerSwag wrote:
General Information:

What is your Steam Name?
What is your SteamID (steamidfinder.com)
What is your ingame name?
How much money do you currently have?
1.3 mil
Any special weapons?
All the non explosive (Ares Shrike, Minigun ect.) and Milkor.


Why do you want to join us? (Longer answer)
Silent March is amongst the most powerful gangs in ZARP (if not the most powerful) and I want to gain fame and respect amongst the people of the server. It will also be a great help for me to join since SM's bases are awesome and their raider teams are very strong.
Why do you think your better than the average player?
I am good at communicating with others and I am an awesome marksman and builder.
Rate the following skills on a scale of 1 to 10: Building, Aiming, raiding and communication.
Building: 9 Aiming: 9 Raiding: 7 Communication: 10
Why should we choose you instead of the next applicant?
I am always cheerful and helpful and a trustworthy gang member.
How can we trust you not to betray us?
I have been betrayed-scammed several times and I know how horrible it feels. Also I wouldn't want to make SM mad because then ZARP would be like hell. :P
What gang/organization are you currently in/were in?
OG a long time ago.

Hello TigerSwag!

As I'm trying my best to help other applicants as I'm now in SM, the $1,000,000 would bankruptcy you, which would not be good for the gang. Make an effort to base yourself, or try to base with us.

Until you make at least $2,000,000 in game, I will have to go Neutral. This will be updated if you fulfill this duty.

Assuming you aren't lying (which will get you kicked IMMEDIATELY out of the SM), it appears as though you mad back lots of money, as well as have a good score per minute/hour. I'll give support for now.

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Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by UltraBagel.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248802

Another note to applicants, impress other SM members! Even if you raid them, they will want you in more if you are actually good at the game!

Also, congrats Wube for coming back! This time, stay ;)
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Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by UltraBagel.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248820

Thanks a lot for letting me into the gang and I wont let you guys down B) B) B)
Also quick note I asked questions at my app and 2 of them were for the gang so if you could reply to them that would be very excellent !!!
Thanks- Chaotic_
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248825

ThisChaotic wrote:
Thanks a lot for letting me into the gang and I wont let you guys down B) B) B)
Also quick note I asked questions at my app and 2 of them were for the gang so if you could reply to them that would be very excellent !!!
Thanks- Chaotic_
Hi Chaotic! I'll answer your questions! I have a total time in the game of about a month, so you can trust me (before + after kick)

How Often Will We Raid?
If there is a base up, you will most likely not be raiding others. If there arent, raids can be found semi-usually.
How Good Are Your Defense Systems?
They are amazing, but part of defense is player protection, so you will be active in defending against raids!
What Type Of Building/Dupes Do You Need?
Not many, to be honest, but you are expected to have at least one good dupe for a bade, preferably the disco in server two (or part of it).
Is This Gang Active Usually At Friday ,Thursday And Saturday ?
Not so much on Thursday, but we usually have bases up and active on Friday, Saturday, and early Sunday. Over breaks, we are highly active.

Hope this helped!
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248828

UltraBagel wrote:
ThisChaotic wrote:
Thanks a lot for letting me into the gang and I wont let you guys down B) B) B)
Also quick note I asked questions at my app and 2 of them were for the gang so if you could reply to them that would be very excellent !!!
Thanks- Chaotic_
Hi Chaotic! I'll answer your questions! I have a total time in the game of about a month, so you can trust me (before + after kick)

How Often Will We Raid?
If there is a base up, you will most likely not be raiding others. If there arent, raids can be found semi-usually.
How Good Are Your Defense Systems?
They are amazing, but part of defense is player protection, so you will be active in defending against raids!
What Type Of Building/Dupes Do You Need?
Not many, to be honest, but you are expected to have at least one good dupe for a bade, preferably the disco in server two (or part of it).
Is This Gang Active Usually At Friday ,Thursday And Saturday ?
Not so much on Thursday, but we usually have bases up and active on Friday, Saturday, and early Sunday. Over breaks, we are highly active.

Hope this helped!
Thanks UltrBagel but my question about the dupe means that what Type Of Dupe You guys need... if you need a base dupe just show it to me when I'm online and when I feel like it i'll make a amazing dupe ... wait scratch that.... an Exccelent Dupe ;) ;) ;)
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248830

Chaotic wrote:
UltraBagel wrote:
ThisChaotic wrote:
Thanks a lot for letting me into the gang and I wont let you guys down B) B) B)
Also quick note I asked questions at my app and 2 of them were for the gang so if you could reply to them that would be very excellent !!!
Thanks- Chaotic_
Hi Chaotic! I'll answer your questions! I have a total time in the game of about a month, so you can trust me (before + after kick)

How Often Will We Raid?
If there is a base up, you will most likely not be raiding others. If there arent, raids can be found semi-usually.
How Good Are Your Defense Systems?
They are amazing, but part of defense is player protection, so you will be active in defending against raids!
What Type Of Building/Dupes Do You Need?
Not many, to be honest, but you are expected to have at least one good dupe for a bade, preferably the disco in server two (or part of it).
Is This Gang Active Usually At Friday ,Thursday And Saturday ?
Not so much on Thursday, but we usually have bases up and active on Friday, Saturday, and early Sunday. Over breaks, we are highly active.

Hope this helped!
Thanks UltrBagel but my question about the dupe means that what Type Of Dupe You guys need... if you need a base dupe just show it to me when I'm online and when I feel like it i'll make a amazing dupe ... wait scratch that.... an Exccelent Dupe ;) ;) ;)
On server two, you'll see a disco place with a disco ball on the center cieling, with light like beams coming out of it. That's the disco, and we need some dupes for that, when some dupe holders aren't online. We could use more duped for that ESPECIALLY.
As for gunshop and other dupes, we don't really need those.
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248859

I never got my name put in the correct rank...
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Silent March Gang Thread 9 years 2 months ago #248865

UltraBagel wrote:
Chaotic wrote:
UltraBagel wrote:
ThisChaotic wrote:
Thanks a lot for letting me into the gang and I wont let you guys down B) B) B)
Also quick note I asked questions at my app and 2 of them were for the gang so if you could reply to them that would be very excellent !!!
Thanks- Chaotic_
Hi Chaotic! I'll answer your questions! I have a total time in the game of about a month, so you can trust me (before + after kick)

How Often Will We Raid?
If there is a base up, you will most likely not be raiding others. If there arent, raids can be found semi-usually.
How Good Are Your Defense Systems?
They are amazing, but part of defense is player protection, so you will be active in defending against raids!
What Type Of Building/Dupes Do You Need?
Not many, to be honest, but you are expected to have at least one good dupe for a bade, preferably the disco in server two (or part of it).
Is This Gang Active Usually At Friday ,Thursday And Saturday ?
Not so much on Thursday, but we usually have bases up and active on Friday, Saturday, and early Sunday. Over breaks, we are highly active.

Hope this helped!
Thanks UltrBagel but my question about the dupe means that what Type Of Dupe You guys need... if you need a base dupe just show it to me when I'm online and when I feel like it i'll make a amazing dupe ... wait scratch that.... an Exccelent Dupe ;) ;) ;)
On server two, you'll see a disco place with a disco ball on the center cieling, with light like beams coming out of it. That's the disco, and we need some dupes for that, when some dupe holders aren't online. We could use more duped for that ESPECIALLY.
As for gunshop and other dupes, we don't really need those.
Thanks and I'm currently working on that disco thingy ,also I made a warehouse dupe which does need some tweeks but its ok ;)
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