SammyZ wrote:
Suggestion Title: slight turret nerf
How would it benefit GENCORP: Survival: i dont die because im bad
Potential Issues/Exploits: bad
Additional notes: make the turret not INSTANTLY shoot you, think portal turrets but maybe a little quicker reaction to you
Turret changes accepted. Check out the changelog for all the details
Clarky wrote:
- smaller map, more close quarter combat areas
- improve turret LOS, sometimes it shoots you despite being behind it closer up
- nerf exo jump thing
- remove stamina or make it less cancer (i vote remove)
- improve spectate mode, add first person spectating too
All these changes were accepted. Check out the changelog for all the details
Clarky wrote:
throwing a harpoon at breakable crates does not work
All fixed
SammyZ wrote:
Suggestion Title: Quicker zone
Suggestion Title: Nerf moneybags
How would it benefit GENCORP: Survival: Nerf moneybags to indirectly nerf exojump
Potential Issues/Exploits: Exo jump
Suggestion Title: Incorporate more ZARP items
How would it benefit GENCORP: Survival: More originality and interesting gameplay
Potential Issues/Exploits: Too op?
Additional notes: Include stuff like a watered down scanmaster or the many grenade types. Spices up gameplay in a unique and fun way
Suggestion Title: More random events
How would it benefit GENCORP: Survival: Like pubg lol
Potential Issues/Exploits: OP
Additional notes: Imagine a cool airstrike event or something idk man
All these changes were accepted. Check out the changelog for all the details
percocet bobby wrote:
if youre gonna keep the shitty stamina thing then make jumping count towards that, otherwise its just people bhopping around the map or jumping with that boost shit
Accepted. Check out the changelog for all the details
SammyZ wrote:
Suggestion Title: Make stamina less punishing
How would it benefit GENCORP: Survival: I can traverse the 100km wide/long map and actually find players
Potential Issues/Exploits: n/a
Additional notes: Stamina good, the amount is bad. Increase the amount but 2x or similar. It'll decrease game time and increase traversability making for a better feeling seamless experience
Stamina has been increased by 15%
Thank you all for the suggestions, and keep them coming. More changes, balancing and fixes will be released next week