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TOPIC: [SSRP] Changelog

[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 7 months ago #1413055

Changelog 30/07/2023:

[ADDED] Booster Packs as an item
[ADDED] All new donate tab:

Permanent Offers:
Claiming Booster Packs as items
Any Case Option
The Booster Pack Wheel
Super Air Drop
Golden Air Drop

Special Offers (Limited times items you can buy with your booster pack):
Juggernaut Suit
Nano Suit
Gencorp Starter Pack
Suit Frenzy Wheel

[ADDED] New Prestige system for job leveling
[ADDED] Booster Packs as rewards in certain job levels.
[ADDED] Updated F4 Menu to make improvements.
[ADDED] Added an option in settings to completely disable all HUD elements, useful for taking screenshots or videos
[ADDED] Total Weight will now be shown on items in your bank
[ADDED] Added an ingame reminder for Nitro Boosters collecting their free case from the Social Rewards
[ADDED] The GenCorp Last Stand Event
[ADDED] Added GenCorp Bioengineer Suit
[ADDED] Added Rogue Technician Suit
[ADDED] Added GenCorp Crystals
[ADDED] Airdrop Flare Pistols
[ADDED] Mass crafting for blueprints in the F4 Menu
[ADDED] New Golden Evo Suit playermodel (big thanks to jawson)
[ADDED] New teleporter design (big thanks to jawson)

[CHANGE] Map Changes to Riverden
[CHANGE] Hits will now stay on players if they reconnect while they have an active hit on them
[CHANGE] Increased sell price of Grass Bales from $10,000 to $100,000
[CHANGE] S.C.A.N Jammer's will now block hits
[CHANGE] You can now click on a zone in the Zone Captures tab to view it without being in the capture area
[CHANGE] Zone Capture Cooldowns will now show over the zone on the list of zones
[CHANGE] Number formatting for converting to gems.
[CHANGE] Improvements made to the bank and skill tab
[CHANGE] Improvements made to the player market shops

[FIXED] The Minimap will now hide when using the camera tool
[FIXED] You will no longer stay in a drowning state if you enter a hoverboard while you were underwater, you will still drown if said hoverboard is also underwater
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where printer shelves were not being removed after a player disconnected
[FIXED] You can no longer use CSS Grenades as ammo for the Poison Grenade
[FIXED] You can no longer get stuck in the Birdseye Table View in the casino if you walk too far away
[FIXED] Fixed a script error with the advert billboards
[FIXED] Fixed an issue sometimes causing the inventory layout to reset and ignore the sort by option
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where you could not empty your mining bag without being next to the npc (Sorry Sinz!)
[FIXED] Gang background upgrade not applying
[FIXED] Printer Shelf Issues
[FIXED] Weight X Amount in bank doesn't display total like inventory
[FIXED] You can weapon check the Grim Reaper scythe and then return the weapon allowing people to exploit with it
[FIXED] Rag dolled being spelt wrong
[FIXED] A test print
[FIXED] Script Error on connection.
[FIXED] Bus Driving without being a bus driver.

[REMOVED] Over 500 Bans
  • OnionRings
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Mix3rz

[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 7 months ago #1413586

Changelog 13/08/2023:

[ADDED] Bio-Tech Case
[ADDED] Bio Printer
[ADDED] Acid Rain
[ADDED] Stim Rifle
[ADDED] Energy Revolver
[ADDED] Hellfire SMG
[ADDED] Betrayal Box
[ADDED] Betrayal Printer
[ADDED] Subsonic pistol
[ADDED] IG20 Launcher
[ADDED] Hacking Device
[ADDED] EMP Stinger
[ADDED] GenCorp Juggernaut Suit Blueprint
[ADDED] Local Chat Mute (bye bye Sinz)
[ADDED] Crafting Recipe for "Case Core"

[CHANGE] Team Damage disabled in GenCorp Battles.
[CHANGE] Top 3 players on losing team now receive a prize.
[CHANGE] Comeback mechanic for losing side.
[CHANGE] Team re-balancing at the end of a week.
[CHANGE] Adjustments to the Last Stand menu.
[CHANGE] Leaderboards tab's appearance.
[CHANGE] Mayor Career and City Government tab's appearance.
[CHANGE] Social Rewards tab's appearance.
[CHANGE] Printer Shelf/Plant Shelf's UI appearance.
[CHANGE] Teleporter UI appearance.
[CHANGE] Rebalanced Job Paychecks. (Thanks to Faithful)
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

[CHANGE] Rebalanced Casino Chips Exchange Store. (Thanks to Faithful)
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

[CHANGE] Rebalanced PD Auctions list. (Thanks to Faithful)
[CHANGE] Rebalanced Drug Runs. (Thanks to Faithful & yisyas) (FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF)
[CHANGE] Steam Group social reward changed from (1) Tac Insertion to (5) Tac Insertions.
[CHANGE] Only your own Drug labs will count towards leaderboards.
[CHANGE] City Event/Arena Event/Daily Objective's High Tier Suit rewards were "improved".
[CHANGE] Daily Objective's High tier Case changed to give one of the "Last Stand" cases.
[CHANGE] Added more cosmetics to the Cosmetics Case.
[CHANGE] Printer Suit now only x5 boosts Printers.
[CHANGE] Lowered the range to open the Drug Lab/Plant Shelf menus.
[CHANGE] Developer Tag is now just an icon.
[CHANGE] You can now mass remove Items from your inventory.
[CHANGE] You will now receive the appropriate ammo types when purchasing the "K398 Predator & Orb Launcher" from the Rare Item Store.
[CHANGE] Squirty Water Gun is now instant holster.
[CHANGE] You will now receive Hacker Grenade (x3) from the Heated Case.
[CHANGE] Power Crystal's are now sellable at the General Store NPC.
[CHANGE] GenCorp Juggernaut Suit buff: Now has a passive ability to negate multiplied damage (such as Mummy suit, gmummy suit, Eternal Zombie, or Combat suit).

[FIXED] Ion Beam being able to kill godded admins.
[FIXED] Being able to see cloaked admins with a hit on a Scanmaster 5000.
[FIXED] The Gang member list being cut off / Page buttons.
[FIXED] Arena Event scoreboard has gone missing!.
[FIXED] Getting ammo for "Hacker Grenades" by equipping "EMP Grenades".
[FIXED] Socials message telling you to link your Discord on the Forums.
[FIXED] Entities not appearing on HA ESP.
[FIXED] Eternal Zombie's Healing ability not working.

[REMOVED] Mechanic Job
[REMOVED] Cosmetic Store
  • Callum.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Faithful, CEO of Business

[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 4 months ago #1417434

Changelog 31/10/2023 - Halloween Update:

[ADDED] Virus System
[ADDED] Pumking Boss Battle Event
[ADDED] Virus Researcher Job
[ADDED] Ghost Buster Job
[ADDED] Backrooms ESCAPE
[ADDED] Halloween Craftables
[ADDED] Contagion Wheel
[ADDED] Halloween Cauldrons
[ADDED] Seasonal Achievements
[ADDED] Contagion Case
[ADDED] Shapeshifter
[ADDED] Stone Curse
[ADDED] Controllable Manhack
[ADDED] Spider Mine Layer
[ADDED] Nuclear Airstrike
[ADDED] Virus Printer
[ADDED] Ectomobile Blueprint
[ADDED] Virus Hazmat Suit
[ADDED] Alt Account Status
[ADDED] New activity tracking UI (!activity)
[ADDED] Item O' Matic has returned as a Day Excluse, it will be active every few days, with new rewards each time
[ADDED] Categories have been added back to the inventory
[ADDED] You can now use your custom inventory layouts in your bank
[ADDED] You can now view data for previous weeks in the prize leaderboards
[ADDED] Added a leaderboard for suit rips
[ADDED] Added a leaderboard for total money printed
[ADDED] Added the Shotgun Boost character upgrade
[ADDED] Added the option to disable police weapons (This will show under the "Law Enforcement" section in the actions tab)
[ADDED] Added a new Right Click attack to Hacker Grenades/EMP Grenades and Orange Core Grenades which will result in them instantly detonating on impact instead of being delayed by 2 seconds
[ADDED] Added pages to rapsheet
[ADDED] Added new suit variations for Frenzy Deathmatch Events
[ADDED] Added new gang buffs - Increased Prop Limit (+10 Props for each gang member), Under The Radar (Cannot be targetted by the Police Helicopter)
[ADDED] Added new customizable pd loadout system, head to the Armory NPC and create your loadout!
[ADDED] Added case unbox notifications in chat, this can be toggled in settings for privacy
[ADDED] You can now enable/disable specific gang weapons
[ADDED] Added undercover menu for SA+
[ADDED] Added 9 new daily objectives
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

[CHANGE] The rare items store item list has been updated
[CHANGE] The craftables item list has been updated
[CHANGE] Added/Updated gem values for several items
[CHANGE] Added more items to the No Double Equip list
[CHANGE] Moved the bank back to the vault
[CHANGE] Gang Background/Border upgrades no longer require an upgrade token
[CHANGE] Updated the price of Gang Background/Border upgrades to reflect above change
[CHANGE] The Quantum Suit model has been changed
[CHANGE] Gang Background and Borders are now toggleable between players individually, and are no longer set globally for each member in the gang
[CHANGE] Bank Vault raid cooldowns have been decreased when its not Super Vault Day
[CHANGE] Dead Players can no longer spawn props
[CHANGE] Anyone can now grow crops in other peoples plant shelfs
[CHANGE] Coal can now be sold to the miner npc
[CHANGE] Changed Optimimum Case Rewards - De-Animators now gives 1 instead of 2, QEDs now gives 2 instead of 1
[CHANGE] Changed some job descriptions to no longer be map specific
[CHANGE] The minimum hit daily objective has been updated to reflect the minimum hit amount changes
[CHANGE] You can no longer like your own songs in the club studio
[CHANGE] Printers which have been placed for a prolonged time will not be eligible for refunds if the server restarts or crashes
[CHANGE] Only money collected from your printers will count towards the weekly leaderboards
[CHANGE] Turret/Combat Drone ammo will now give 5x instead of 1x ammo
[CHANGE] The same item can no longer appear in drug runs at the same time
[CHANGE] The minimap will now be hidden while doing the Transponder fault on nukes
[CHANGE] A message will now be posted in chat when admins schedule an event
[CHANGE] Increased pot limit from 10 to 15
[CHANGE] Refresh button will now always show in the gang tab
[CHANGE] Changed ammo boost amount for advanced tripmines
[CHANGE] The gang upgrades tab will now show what level you need to be to purchase an upgrade
[CHANGE] Added an icon for nuclear power plant items
[CHANGE] Knight Demon will now take 75% of current health if skill check is failed
[CHANGE] Players banned for "Cheating/Hacking" will no longer be able to connect to the server
[CHANGE] Printers will now only drop gang loot after being placed for longer than 5 minutes
[CHANGE] Values in the Settings tab can now be changed with input
[CHANGE] "Sale Day" will also put discounts on Drug Runs/Character Upgrades/Shop Tab
[CHANGE] All weapon boost character upgrades have been updated to work on newer weapons
[CHANGE] Permanent Booster Deal of 50mil cash was changed to 200mil

[FIXED] Fixed an issue where some suit overlays such as the Hazmat suit would block some UI elements such as city events or pending reports for staff
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where the quantum suits material would not reset after the ability has run out
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where being frozen by the Ice King would remove your tac if you had one placed
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where PD raids cooldowns would not apply
[FIXED] Fixed being unable to uncloak in a nano suit while in the casino
[FIXED] Fixed the social rewards free case messaging showing if you are no longer boosting
[FIXED] Fixed the lead team command to remove dumpster positions
[FIXED] Fixed an error with the Link Gun
[FIXED] Weed and Mushrooms now count towards the leaderboards
[FIXED] Fixed a rare error caused by the City Map
[FIXED] Fixed several scaling issues across the F4 Menu, fix scaling for ultra-wide displays
[FIXED] Fixed the printer hacker 2.0/hacking device giving achievement varients of some non-achievement printers, and non achievement variants of some achievement printers.
[FIXED] Staff Kill Logs for hellgrabs and airstrikes will now say the correct inflictor, and not the attackers current selected wepaon
[FIXED] Fixed a script error that would occur when you connected if your gang had more than 2 allies
[FIXED] Fixed crafting timers in the menu not considering all speed upgrades
[FIXED] Fixed crafting missing components not being accurate
[FIXED] The entire map will no longer shake if someone is using an Inferno
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where quipping a weapon while you had the Medic Suits first aid kit selected would not select the newly equipped weapon
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where the Starter Pack button would not show if you had not completed it
[FIXED] Fixed an issue where Chat Mute Locally would mute /me messages
[FIXED] Fixed Quake4 weapons having laggy viewmodels when looking left/right
[FIXED] Fixed Uranium Shotgun not resetting viewmodel materials on holster/remove
[FIXED] Fixed scanmaster display going blank when using your flashlight
[FIXED] Fixed incorrect ACS cooldown on HUD
[FIXED] Fixed Trash Collector being able to see cloaked nanos/admins
[FIXED] Fixed "Advanced Duplicator" not being able to copy individual props
[FIXED] Fixed "Back" command for staff not logging properly
[FIXED] Fixed Spectate Teleport for staff
[FIXED] Fixed an exploit involving the Nano Suit's cloak ability

[REMOVED] Crack The Vault related stuff
[REMOVED] Zone Captures
[REMOVED] Trash Spawns for Trashman
[REMOVED] Drug cooldowns (Morphine & Rad Pill will still have a cooldown)
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The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings, Paladin

[SSRP] Changelog 1 year 4 months ago #1418147

Changelog 24/11/2023 - Black Friday Update:

[ADDED] Black Friday Wheel
[ADDED] Golden Wheel
[ADDED] Golden Wheel Token
[ADDED] Golden Visor Suit
[ADDED] Golden Holo Pilot Suit
[ADDED] Golden Valkyrie Rocket
[ADDED] Golden Milkor
[ADDED] Golden Battle Axe
[ADDED] Golden Wheel Token craftable recipe
[ADDED] Chat announcements when earning high tier items from the Black Friday/Golden Wheels
[ADDED] Diver Suit
[ADDED] Inventory locking for developers

[CHANGE] Changed Booster Pack offers
[CHANGE] Suit Rebalancing
  • Golden Hyper Suit:
    • Teleport Location will no longer expire
    • Increased Gluon Resistance to 10% (Previously 0%)
  • Golden EVO Suit:
    • Increased Gluon Resistance to 20% (Previously 0%)
    [CHANGE] Only high tier items in Premium Card Packs will display in chat
    [CHANGE] Admins will now be able to disable the ESP they get while spectating
    [CHANGE] Controllable manhacks will no longer be grav gunable
    [CHANGE] Changed Deep Sea Mining craftable recipes due to Deep Sea Mining Removal
    [CHANGE] Redesigned the entire Jobs menu
    [CHANGE] You can now favourite jobs (Press right click on job) allowing for quicker access
    [CHANGE] Changed Day 5 Daily objective reward back to High Tier Case
    [CHANGE] Changed Day 7 Daily objective reward to Booster Pack
    [CHANGE] Changed Leaderboard prizes to include Booster Packs
    [CHANGE] Activity Tracker menu is now integrated inside the F4 menu rather than being its own seperate menu
    [CHANGE] City Map will be temporally disabled (including Nuclear Transponder Fault)
    [CHANGE] Player Models will now be displayed in the UI rather than as spawn icons

    [FIXED] Bank weight being covered by item icons
    [FIXED] Advanced Tripmine lasers going through walls
    [FIXED] "Unlucky" Achievement not completing when unboxing a Battle Axe
    [FIXED] Level tabs showing wrong xp value while still showing "Unlocked"
    [FIXED] Being unable to unequip the Shapeshifter suit
    [FIXED] "Increased Prop Limit" gang buff price being incorrect
    [FIXED] Players being able to see the Event Dev button on Undercover staff
    [FIXED] Sorting inventory for layouts bringing you back to the top of your inventory
    [FIXED] "Confirm Conversion" not showing a gem amount

    [REMOVED] Halloween 2023 update related stuff
    [REMOVED] Deep Sea Diver
    [REMOVED] ZARP Teleporters
    • Faithful
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    Last Edit: 1 year 3 months ago by Faithful.
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings, CEO of Business, Anomanized01725

    [SSRP] Changelog 1 year 3 months ago #1419090

    Changelog 19/12/2023:

    [ADDED] Added a new arena event (Snowball Fight) for the holiday season
    [ADDED] Added a new "Suit Information" tab which will show off all special suits showing information like their health, armor, walk/run speed, gluon/damage resistance, its variants, and ways you can obtain the suit such as cases, crafting and daily objectives
    [ADDED] Added a christmas themed boss event!
    [ADDED] Added a Snowball Hunt
    [ADDED] Added a Gift Trade-Up
    [ADDED] Added a Frostbite Wheel
    [ADDED] Added the Christmas Craftables
    [ADDED] Added the new Frostbite Case!
    [ADDED] Ice Queen
    [ADDED] Ice Minion
    [ADDED] Snow Storm
    [ADDED] Freeze Nade
    [ADDED] Time Bomb
    [ADDED] Frostbite Printer
    [ADDED] City Map
    [ADDED] "Transponder" Nuke Fault

    [CHANGE] Disabled F1 popups while bartending (Staff)
    [CHANGE] Admins can now search bans by reason
    [CHANGE] Arms Race arena event will now show a countdown timer
    [CHANGE] Redesigned the character upgrades tab to fix a few scaling issues
    [CHANGE] Reverted change for gang loot not dropping from printers if not placed for longer than 5 minutes
    [CHANGE] Buffed combat drones, doubling health/speed and increasing ammo
    [CHANGE] Arena Events will have a christmas themed prize pool with all the christmas themed cases

    [CHANGE] Made several adjustments to some items/weapons listed below:
    Tesla Coil Trap - Increased damage by 15
    Lightning Gun - Increased damage by 10%
    Inferno - Decreased charge-up time by 50%

    [CHANGE] Made Several adjustments to some suits listed below:
    Advanced Combat Suit - Reduced bubble resistance by 15%
    Visor Suit - Removed jump boost and reduced beam resistance by 10%
    Jet Suit - Reduced gluon resistance from 55% to 47%
    Medic Suit - Movement speed increased from 0.8 to 1.15
    Taser Suit - Movement speed increased from 0.8 to 1.15 and increased health from 500HP to 800HP
    Golden EVO Suit - Increased Gluon Resistance to 20%

    [FIXED] Fixed mutes/jailes being reapplied when rejoining if you were manually unmuted
    [FIXED] Fixed getting tased/killed before shooting your booster airdrop flare deleting the items/not returning the flaregun
    [FIXED] Fixed drugruns showing duplicate items
    [FIXED] Fixed reloading on the Golden Milkor
    [FIXED] Fixed several scaling issues on the menu
    [FIXED] Fixed sale day tag being too big on the shop tab
    [FIXED] Fixed the vehicle deathmatch sometimes stopping you from respawning
    [FIXED] Fixed bank weight text getting slightly cut off
    [FIXED] Fixed controllable manhack sometimes making you invisible
    [FIXED] Fixed controllable manhack not being removed after it was destroyed/self-destructed
    [FIXED] Fixed switching jobs in suits resetting your health/armor
    [FIXED] Fixed healing items such as tactical syringes, carrots etc resetting the mummy/other suits health to its base health
    [FIXED] Fixed Nuclear Airstrikes causing your suit huds/abilities to no longer work as your model had changed
    [FIXED] ASMD Shock Rifle will no longer do damage through walls
    [FIXED] Fixed drugs produced daily objective(s) not considering the amount of drugs from a single collect and always increasing by 1
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue with the shapeshifter disallowing you to unequip
    • Callum.
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    Last Edit: 1 year 3 months ago by CEO of Business. Reason: added city map, and transponder nuke fault
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: OnionRings, CEO of Business

    [SSRP] Changelog 1 year 2 months ago #1419679

    Changelog 06/01/2024:

    [ADDED] Added a new theme system, allowing you to go back to previous F4 Menu and HUD themes from past seasonal updates!
    [ADDED] Added a bind system for suits to easily create binds without needing to remember the console commands.

    [CHANGE] Switched to rp_downtown_zarp_v6
    [CHANGE] Added a chat message when picking up the time bomb
    [CHANGE] The medic and armor NPCs no longer have a scrollbar, and will resize to fit all options in the menu
    [CHANGE] Redesigned the crafting tab
    [CHANGE] Redesigned the shop tab
    [CHANGE] Allow shooting de-animator while jumping
    [CHANGE] Allow shooting flamethrower while jumping
    [CHANGE] Increased steel ninja armor to 1000
    [CHANGE] Increased steel ninja gluon resistance to 10%
    [CHANGE] Increased virus hazmat suit walk and run speed to default
    [CHANGE] Increased flamethrower damage by 100% (Left click attack only)
    [CHANGE] Increased battle axe damage against props by 50%
    [CHANGE] Increased electro cannon damage by 30%
    [CHANGE] Increased ion beam damage by 20%
    [CHANGE] Increased alien disintegrator firerate by 35%
    [CHANGE] Increased link gun damage by 100%
    [CHANGE] Increased subsonic pistol magazine to 3 shots
    [CHANGE] Increased subsonic pistol damage by 50%
    [CHANGE] Increased acid grenade damage by 200%
    [CHANGE] Increased spartan laser damage by 100%
    [CHANGE] Increased jet gun damage by 50%
    [CHANGE] Reduced amount of boxes needed to weld for the blowtorch
    [CHANGE] Made the shield gun instant holster

    [FIXED] Picking up a time bomb will now put it back in your inventory
    [FIXED] Fixed a rare error that would occur when using the Hyper's TP ability
    [FIXED] Fixed a script error when pressing F1 while bartending
    [FIXED] Added back the holo pilot's crosshair
    [FIXED] Fixed the defibrillator being considered an illegal weapon
    [FIXED] Fixed respawning in hazmat setting wrong health+armor
    [FIXED] Fixed cosmetic suit cooldowns
    [FIXED] Fixed changing to police while wearing a cosmetic suit not de-equipping the suit
    [FIXED] Fixed firing sound on the Spartan Laser
    [FIXED] Fixed golden suits not appearing as golden on hoverboards
    [FIXED] Added missing hyper suit overlays

    [REMOVED] Christmas Update 2023
    [REMOVED] Deep sea ores, relics, power crystals and crafting recipes
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    [SSRP] Changelog 1 year 1 month ago #1420827

    Changelog 23/02/2024 - Year of the Dragon Update:

    [ADDED] Dragon Box
  • [ADDED] Dragon (including flaming variant)
  • [ADDED] Dragons Maw (including flaming variant)
  • [ADDED] Dragon Board (including flaming variant)
  • [ADDED] Dragon Dart
  • [ADDED] Magic Bonfire
  • [ADDED] Dragon Printer
  • [ADDED] Wheel of Fury
    [ADDED] Added back the ACS Gluon Gun arena event
    [ADDED] Portable Bartending Stand

    [CHANGE] The Gangs tab in the F4 menu has been given a complete overhaul
    [CHANGE] Gang Hideouts will now give loot alongside the XP being gained
    [CHANGE] Added Bartender and Nuclear Scientist to Workers Day daily
    [CHANGE] More entities have been added to the "rebuy" list, purchasing them when you have reached the max will ask if you want to respawn it
    [CHANGE] Updated airdrop and city event reward lists
    [CHANGE] Updated F4 Menu/HUD themes to include all going back to Easter 2019
    [CHANGE] Made some slight ui changes to the categories on the actions tab
    [CHANGE] The Drug Lab menu has been redone to remove the unnecessary scroll
    [CHANGE] Updated Workers Day Banner
    [CHANGE] Ice Bridges will no longer go into the nightclub or event arenas
    [CHANGE] Item/Suit Rebalancing
  • Medic Suit:
    • Hemostat will now heal the user to full HP
    • Quikclot will now heal the user to 50% of max HP
  • Base Suit:
    • F3 Ability will now only give 50% Damage resistance to the Nuclear Launch Entity
    • Every other entity remains unchanged
  • Golden EVO Suit:
    • Can now see cloaked Nano suits (Excluding Golden Nano)
  • Battle Axe:
    • Increased Swing Speed by 30%
  • De-Animator:
    • Removed cooldown after a fully charged shot
  • Ice Minion:
    • Added an equip cooldown
  • Acid Grenade:
    • Will now stick to walls

    [FIXED] Teleport locations for the /back command have been added back
    [FIXED] Improved acid grenade hit reg
    [FIXED] Added a character limit on the rpname and title staff commands
    [FIXED] Fixed a lua error related to coinflips
    [FIXED] Fixed armor bar on HUD sometimes showing wrong max values
    [FIXED] Fixed missing icon for Hacker Grenade in hotbar
    [FIXED] Fixed beaming hand cannon world model when dropped being massively oversized
    [FIXED] Fixed loosing booster airdrop flaregun when changing jobs
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where gang leaderboards or achievements would sometimes not load
    [FIXED] Fixed using the car dealer making your model on the HUD disappear and not return
    [FIXED] Fixed an error related to a missing font
    [FIXED] Fixed suit binds set through the F4 menu not working after reconnecting
    [FIXED] Fixed bus driver welcome message having a hardcoded location
    [FIXED] Fixed some incorrect bartender positions and angles
    [FIXED] Fixed bartender daily objective not giving progress
    [FIXED] Fixed shooting a grapplehook at the skybox breaking grapple hooks for every other player who tries to use one
    [FIXED] Fixed missing railgun scope
    [FIXED] Fixed incorrect railgun item description
    [FIXED] Fixed Spider-Mine layer's not working due to missing navmesh
    [FIXED] "NEW" tag removed from Daily Objectives button
    [FIXED] Suit related events/Nuclear Scientist suit HUDs have been fixed
    [FIXED] Player Ragdolls will now show golden suits as golden
    [FIXED] Fixed shop tab not showing printers that are boosted on Triple Tuesdays/Thursdays
    [FIXED] Fixed Golden Minigun 2.0 and Golden Gluon Gun now doing double damage
    [FIXED] Fixed Golden Visor Suit's passive health regen not going past 900HP
    [FIXED] Fixed incorrect paycheck being shown on the HUD for the mayor
    [FIXED] Fixed glass_drink counting as an illegal weapon
    • Callum.
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Faithful

    [SSRP] Changelog 11 months 4 weeks ago #1422167

    Changelog 31/03/2024:

    [ADDED] Added a slider for converting items to gems
    [ADDED] Added a new setting to change tooltip delays on inventory items/shop items

    [CHANGE] Plant Shelf/Pot growth percentages will now rotate based on where you are standing
    [CHANGE] Pressing the back button on level screens will now return back to the F4 menu
    [CHANGE] Ice Minion cooldowns should now start when holstered, not equipped.
    [CHANGE] The dragons breath will no longer do damage through walls
    [CHANGE] You can now click the item icon in the druglab to start crafting
    [CHANGE] Dragon's Fury damage & gluon resistance reduced from 25% to 15%
    [CHANGE] Added back missing Online Members in gang members tab
    [CHANGE] Gang Officers can now manage gang allies
    [CHANGE] Airdrop flareguns can no longer be used at the spawn district
    [CHANGE] You can now open cases and card packs while you are dead
    [CHANGE] Decreased drug run cooldowns when the Police Hacking gang upgrade is active
    [CHANGE] You can now choose how much of an item to sell to an NPC
    [CHANGE] Increased damage of combat drone projectiles

    [FIXED] Ice Minion cooldowns should now start when holstered, not equipped
    [FIXED] Fixed the drugs produced city event not working
    [FIXED] Fixed holster bar covering the Ice Minions health bar
    [FIXED] Fixed position of Inferno beam when firing while crouched
    [FIXED] Fixed missing item background for Cyborg Battery
    [FIXED] Fixed some case backgrounds having the wrong color applied to their logos
    [FIXED] Fixed contagion case background flickering
    [FIXED] Fixed trash in dumpsters being visible regardless of job
    [FIXED] Fixed the Dragon Suit breaking flex of arms when deequipped
    [FIXED] Fixed white arrest baton
    [FIXED] Fixed missing case background for Santa's Box
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where self-destructing a manhack would cause you to crouch weirdly while jumping
    [FIXED] Fixed placeable entities such as medi-shield, or scan jammers going inside of roofs
    [FIXED] Fixed missing holster timer for Flaming Dragons Maw
    [FIXED] Fixed missing item icon for Bunny Ears
    [FIXED] Fixed scaling issues with New Items log in inventory
    [FIXED] Steam ID added to teleport logs
    [FIXED] Fixed players being able to physgun printers
    [FIXED] Fixed nuclear scientist valve faults not counting towards the dail
    [FIXED] Fixed stretched logo in Christmas 2019 F4 theme
    [FIXED] Fixed an error in the mayor tab
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with updating bone positions by the knight demons hellgrab
    [FIXED] Fixed incorrect model positions for the nuclear coolant swep
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with City Events which could cause arena events to break
    [FIXED] Fixed acid grenade kill log not having correct inflictor and attacker
    [FIXED] Fixed hacker grenade world model now being a hacker grenade
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the Portal Suit
    [FIXED] Fixed missing item requirements in the gang store
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    [SSRP] Changelog 10 months 3 weeks ago #1423722

    Changelog 04/05/2024:

    [ADDED] Star Wars Update 2024
    [ADDED] Darth Vader suit
    [ADDED] Added filter options to Rapsheet

    [CHANGE] Vehicles will now have bullet proof tires in events
    [CHANGE] Ice Minions will now auto-deequip when you are arrested

    [FIXED] Nuclear coolant is no longer considered an Illegal Weapon
    [FIXED] Fixed GEDFs not de-equipping when being banked.
    [FIXED] Fixed pages in rapsheet not being accurate
    [FIXED] Fixed vehicles in Off The Center event falling off before the event started
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    [SSRP] Changelog 8 months 1 day ago #1425899

    Changelog 27/07/2024 - Summer 2024 Update:

    [ADDED] GenCorp Survival
    [ADDED] Survival Pass
    [ADDED] Victory Royale Leaderboard
    [ADDED] Casino Games Tab
    [ADDED] Daily Wheel Spin
    [ADDED] Crash (Casino Game)
    [ADDED] Mines (Casino Game)
    [ADDED] Solar Box
  • [ADDED] Solar Suit
  • [ADDED] Hellfire Solar Suit (Variant)
  • [ADDED] Electro Goat
  • [ADDED] Hand Cannon 2.0
  • [ADDED] Ground Bomb Launcher
  • [ADDED] Bucanner's Brew
  • [ADDED] Solar Printer
  • [ADDED] Survival Case
  • [ADDED] Netrunner Suit
  • [ADDED] Darkblaze Netrunner Suit (Variant)
  • [ADDED] Exo Jump
  • [ADDED] Explosive Shotgun
  • [ADDED] Damage Amplifier
  • [ADDED] Bump Mine
  • [ADDED] Survival Printer
  • [ADDED] Arcana Juggernaut Suit (GenCorp Case)
    [ADDED] Avatar Frames
    [ADDED] New Car System
    [ADDED] Taxi Driver job
    [ADDED] Summer 2024 HUD/Menu Theme
    [ADDED] New lottery system, featuring daily and weekly lotteries
    [ADDED] New Achivements
    [ADDED] Prize leaderboard for Bartending
    [ADDED] ZARP Teleporters
    [ADDED] Added suit particle effects to item icons and HUD

    [CHANGE] Map changed to rp_newexton2_zarp_v1
    [CHANGE] Overhead HUD has been adjusted to add avatars
    [CHANGE] Uranium Processor has been reworked/moved to "Casino Games"
    [CHANGE] Updated some craftables in the crafting tab!
    [CHANGE] The magic bonfire can now be used to heal to full HP, allies can now hold E on the bonfire to heal.
    [CHANGE] Decreased ACS ability cooldown to 5 seconds in suit related arena events
    [CHANGE] You can no longer equip items while getting up from being pounced by a hunter
    [CHANGE] The link gun damage multiplier now boosts damage for all weapons!
    [CHANGE] Reworked shop's average monthly price system to be more accurate.
    [CHANGE] Daily Free Card Pack has been changed to Daily Free Wheel Spin
    [CHANGE] Golden Holo Pilots ability has been added to the Normal Holo Pilot Suit
    [CHANGE] Notifications & Settings Buttons have been moved to a more appropriate location
    [CHANGE] "/restoreall" also trigger the "/restore all" command
    [CHANGE] Alt accounts no longer benefit from the Industrial Revolution mayor policy
    [CHANGE] The chat message when a Nuclear Launch is destroyed will show if it was destroyed by not completeting the faults
    [CHANGE] There is now a button to filter between Online/Offline gang members
    [CHANGE] In all Deathmatch arena events if you kill yourself a point will now be deducted
    [CHANGE] Minimap has been reworked to work on Maps with Multiple Layers
    [CHANGE] Daily Objective's High tier Case changed to give the NEW Solar Box
    [CHANGE] The PD Van has been reverted back to the superior model

    [FIXED] Fixed spectate showing "Click to spectate" on entities for staff
    [FIXED] Fixed some issues with the advanced duplicator
    [FIXED] Fixed some UI issues with the crafting tab, everything should now be consistent.
    [FIXED] Fixed some display issues with the Alt tag
    [FIXED] Fixed issues with Rapsheet searching, it will now work across multiple pages and respect filters.
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where swinging the Laser dagger would drop bullet shells
    [FIXED] Fixed large FPS drops when using the scanmaster
    [FIXED] Fixed the uranium shotgun taking extra uranium when reloading
    [FIXED] Fixed max armour resetting when getting ice kinged
    [FIXED] Fixed some errors when an entity was removed from the scanmaster
    [FIXED] Fixed players getting auto re-muted when rejoining if their mute had expired
    [FIXED] Fixed ruby/gem conversion text not fitting in the button
    [FIXED] Fixed the time warp grenade not resetting weapon equip speeds
    [FIXED] Fixed issues with equipping a bat and a non-speed multiplied suit
    [FIXED] Fixed some scaling issues on the Helper NPC
    [FIXED] Fixed nerve gas not functioning correctly.
    [FIXED] Fixed a visual bug with nuclear scientist faults sometimes not showing the light on faults
    [FIXED] Fixed socials case reminder showing if you are no longer boosting, or have not been boosting for 30 days
    [FIXED] Fixed the police helicopter bugging out when trying to locate a nuke
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where banking a suit that you are shapeshifted into will unequip your shapeshifter
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue that would cause your ammo counter on your HUD to go missing after joining an events
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where joining an arena event while poisoned would not remove the poison effect
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where the EVO Suit's detection sound would spam constantly if there is a cloaked nano suit nearby
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where multiple of the same item could appear in multiple drug runs at once
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where the materials weren't being applied correctly to the pickaxes
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where the Golden Visor Suit's weapon wasnt being given back correctly
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where the Daily Objectives streak wasnt being reset properly

    [REMOVED] Bus Driver job
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    [SSRP] Changelog 7 months 3 weeks ago #1426050

    Changelog 03/08/2024 -

    GENCORP Survival Changes:

    [CHANGE] Changed turrets sight delay from 0.5 to 1.5 seconds
    [CHANGE] Reduced turret damage by 33%
    [CHANGE] Turrets now display health bar
    [CHANGE] Turrets drop ammo when destroyed, giving you a practical reason to destroy them

    [CHANGE] Increased stamina by 15%
    [CHANGE] Jumping now takes stamina
    [CHANGE] Empty stamina means ExoJump cannot be used until it re-charges
    [CHANGE] ExoJump price increased to $2000
    [CHANGE] BumpMines price decreased to $750
    [CHANGE] Plane now gives you a much bigger velocity boost when jumping
    [CHANGE] Loot spawns increased by 20% when player counts are lower

    [ADDED] Added Random event drops, which give a chance to win a Survival Box every few games
    [ADDED] Added the Juggernaut suit for $2500
    [ADDED] New spectator system with first/thirdperson views and player cycling
    [ADDED] Freeze Cam upon death giving you insight on where you were killed from and by whom
    [ADDED] DoubleXP Weekend

    [FIXED] Fixed various minor bugs and glitches in Survival
    [FIXED] Fixed harpoons and portable EMPs not damaging small crates
    [FIXED] Incidents showing up in Survival mode
    [FIXED] Sometimes instantly picking up a dropped weapon again

    Other changes:

    [ADDED] New spectator system also added to events

    [FIXED] Fixed issue with Cyborg ammo counter
    [FIXED] Fixed morphine not working correctly sometimes
    [FIXED] Car dealer bugs
    [FIXED] Custom job titles not showing overhead
    [FIXED] Spawn protection for disaster items
    [FIXED] Reported errors with some items
    [FIXED] Vehicles taking damage in events
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    [SSRP] Changelog 7 months 2 weeks ago #1426200

    Changelog 10/08/2024 -

    GENCORP Survival Changes:

    [CHANGE] Zone now closes in faster
    [CHANGE] Zone closes in to a much smaller area
    [CHANGE] Nuclear blast no longer kills you, but triggers gradual radiation damage, forcing you to seek out remaining enemies

    [CHANGE] Jumping now takes more or less stamina depending on if you have an ExoJump active
    [ADDED] Added the EVO suit for $2500
    [ADDED] Spectator camera unmoveable on first spectator
    [ADDED] DoubleXP Weekend is back again!

    Other changes:

    [CHANGE] Battle pass now scrolls to your current tier
    [FIXED] Reported errors fixed
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    Last Edit: 7 months 2 weeks ago by Chuteuk.
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    [SSRP] Changelog 7 months 2 weeks ago #1426232

    Changelog 12/08/2024

    [ADDED] Added a button to enable auto-queuing GENCORP: Survival
    [ADDED] Added a new holster queue which will the items you are holstering instead of just a timer for the most recent one
    [ADDED] Added a discord notification for the lottery
    [ADDED] Traps will no longer target cops if the owner is a cop
    [ADDED] Taxi Drivers will now get a 20XP bonus for every 3 completed jobs
    [ADDED] Advanced Material Tool - Can be used to apply materials directly from the map to your props!

    [CHANGE] Suit Changes:

    Nano Suit
  • Cosmetics will now hide when cloaked
  • Increased damage resistance to 10%

  • EVO Suit
  • Increased damage resistance to 20%

  • Portal Suit
  • Increased Armor to 1100

  • Steel Ninja
  • You will now gain +4% gluon and damage resistance per multiplier level up to 20%

  • Warp Suit
  • Increased gluon resistance to 15%

  • Rogue Technician
  • Now immune to Hopwire Grenades, Magic Bonfires and Controllable Turrets
  • Increased movement speed to x1.4

  • Bioengineer Suit
  • Will now deal 2x damage when using poison related items, e.g nerve gas, poison grenades, acid flasks, etc
  • Increased movement speed to x1.4

  • Knight Demon Suit
  • Will now take 25% of the players max health instead of 75% of their current health.

  • Darth Vader
  • Increased Force Lightning damage by x5
  • Increased Force Combust damage by x5
  • Increased Force Heal by x3
  • Increased Force Repulse damage by x3
  • Force Repulse will now actually knockback people when used

  • [CHANGE] All nuke timers have been increased by 5 minutes!
    [CHANGE] Increased the distance the netrunner can see players
    [CHANGE] Entity explosions will no longer go through walls, e.g druglab/printer explosions
    [CHANGE] Changed the turbo and supercharger vehicle upgrades to give increased speed
    [CHANGE] Low HP screen effect in survival will only last for 5 seconds
    [CHANGE] Decals will now auto-clear at the start of survival
    [CHANGE] Reduced freeze nade gem value from 50k to 9k
    [CHANGE] The Nuclear Airstrike will no longer damage players/entities through walls
    [CHANGE] Added taxi skill to levelling actions tab
    [CHANGE] Blueprint cases now show item icons
    [CHANGE] Increased protection from blowtorch by x3
    [CHANGE] Added a black outline to citymap markers to make them more visible
    [CHANGE] Drug Runs, Missing Part Faults and Taxi Driver now use separate citymap markers instead of relying on the waypoint marker

    [FIXED] Fixed an issue that could occur where 2 players could tase someone at the same time, causing it to be infnite/teleport the player randomly
    [FIXED] Fixed the taxi passenger sometimes floating outside of the vehicle
    [FIXED] Fixed an error from the linkgun
    [FIXED] Fixed copying a players steamid in the warnings tab not giving the correct steamid
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where you could not remover tool your own cameras
    [FIXED] Fixed ice minion/electric goat cooldowns not applying if picking them up directly
    [FIXED] Fixed nitro glycerine going through walls
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where you could still get on your hoverboard while in the survival cutscene
    [FIXED] Fixed alignment of alt/new player tags in a few places
    [FIXED] Fixed lottery winners displaying as unknown
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    [SSRP] Changelog 6 months 3 weeks ago #1426640

    Changelog 31/08/2024:

    [ADDED] Parrot Box
  • [ADDED] The Spy Suit
  • [ADDED] Parrot Bomb
  • [ADDED] ADS - Automated defence system
  • [ADDED] Sound Muffler
  • [ADDED] Banshee Trap
  • [ADDED] Parrot Printer
  • [ADDED] Parrot Wheel
    [ADDED] Added the "Taxi Stops Completed" city event
    [ADDED] Added a vehicle repair kit to the shop tab in the F4 menu

    [CHANGE] You can no longer holster your electro goat through your inventory, and must press E on it to holster it
    [CHANGE] Added autocomplete results to the "Add Item" text entry in shops
    [CHANGE] Buying an item in a shop will now show how much you own of that item
    [CHANGE] Adding an item to your shop now has another button to quickly request that item
    [CHANGE] The translocator will now instantly holster
    [CHANGE] The exo-jump inventory item now gives a velocity boost
    [CHANGE] Staff tactical insertion logs will now use RP name instead of steam name
    [CHANGE] The shrink ray no longer reduces the players health
    [CHANGE] You can now place a uranium unit as any job
    [CHANGE] Ordering drinks from a bartender now has a 3 minute cooldown
    [CHANGE] Winning the lottery will now go to the notifications tab
    [CHANGE] You can now see peoples overhead when they are on a hoverboard
    [CHANGE] Alt accounts will now count towards the nuke player count
    [CHANGE] The advanced material tool preview has been removed
    [CHANGE] You will no longer get passive mode in the nightclub while wearing a printer suit

    [FIXED] Fixed the electro goat sometimes spawning inside of a wall
    [FIXED] Fixed the electro goat not following its owner
    [FIXED] Fixed quadbikes sometimes floating in vehicle related events
    [FIXED] Fixed weapons not firing most of the time in vehicle related events
    [FIXED] Fixed weapons in survival auto-reloading if you dropped it and picked it back up
    [FIXED] Fixed weapons in survival sometimes loosing some of their ammo when dropped and picked back up
    [FIXED] Fixed nobody alive in events causing you to continue spectating other people that left the event
    [FIXED] Fixed a scaling issue with the bank inventory
    [FIXED] Fixed a case where you could hold multiple melee weapons in survival
    [FIXED] Fixed the truck horn on vehicles not working
    [FIXED] Fixed notifications being spammed for the same entity if it exploded
    [FIXED] Fixed the notification for a destroyed uranium unit saying Money Printer
    [FIXED] Fixed a lua error related to taxi driver waypoints
    [FIXED] Fixed advanced hit protection not protecting from hits below 10m
    [FIXED] Fixed being unable to drag avatar frames in your inventory
    [FIXED] Fixed SA's missing the Manage Advertisements button
    [FIXED] Fixed an issue where you could become the Nuclear Scientist model as any job
    [FIXED] Fixed the knight demons damage taking armor damage instead of just health
    [FIXED] Fixed F5 to leave survival queue not working
    [FIXED] Fixed the lightning guns splash damage sound being heard across the map
    [FIXED] Fixed some explosives such as the nitro glycerine exploded at its owners location instead of where it hit
    [FIXED] Fixed the radiation shield spamming lua errors
    [FIXED] Fixed being able to use armor chargers while in the survival cutscene
    [FIXED] Fixed opening any menu stopping all vehicle input
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    [SSRP] Changelog 6 months 2 weeks ago #1426794

    Changelog 14/09/2024:

    [ADDED] Crypto Case
  • [ADDED] The Glitch Suit
  • [ADDED] Crypto Board
  • [ADDED] Rotor Minion
  • [ADDED] Cyber Rifle
  • [ADDED] Portable Teleporter
  • [ADDED] Glitch Printer
  • [ADDED] Crypto Pass
    [ADDED] GENCoin Crypto Mining
    [ADDED] New Avatar Frames
    [ADDED] New inventory sorting option: “Sort by: Case Release”

    [CHANGE] If you have more than 3 alts on the server at once, your mining time for all accounts is increased by 3 seconds
    [CHANGE] The mines is now protected from Lightning strikes and meteors
    [CHANGE] If a trap is made dangerous by a Netrunner, suit rips will be given the Netrunner
    [CHANGE] Tripmines that are friendly to cops will now show a different color for police jobs
    [CHANGE] You can no longer leave survival when in combat within the last 7 seconds
    [CHANGE] The Knight Demon now does a minimum of 300HP damage
    [CHANGE] Reduced flaming visual effect shown on the HUD
    [CHANGE] Added the parrot box to social rewards
    [CHANGE] Added the hazmat suit to suit information
    [CHANGE] Redesigned the staff tab in the F4 menu again
    [CHANGE] Scanjammer can no longer be holstered after its been placed
    [CHANGE] Uranium Processor odds and items buffed

    [FIXED] Fixed job descriptions getting cut off
    [FIXED] Fixed the parrot bomb not getting removed when you reached 0 ammo
    [FIXED] Avatar frames no longer show as activated when being displayed outside of the inventory
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with Social Rewards
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the Inferno
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with Nuclear Scientist
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with Damage Amplifiers
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the Airdrops
    [FIXED] Fixed your money displaying as $1 if you had $0 in the daily wheel spin
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with loading gang title effects
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the mayor lotteries
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the Holo Pilot suit
    [FIXED] Fixed survival weapons requiring a reload when first picked up
    [FIXED] Fixed the casino zone placement in the bathroom
    [FIXED] Fixed the timewarp grenade sometimes still keeping weapon animation speeds reduced
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the Royal Guard
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the Railgun
    [FIXED] Fixed Hacking Device model placement in inventory icon
    • Callum.
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    Last Edit: 6 months 2 weeks ago by CEO of Business.
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    [SSRP] Changelog 5 months 3 weeks ago #1427032

    Changelog 05/10/2024:

    [ADDED] Added the Black Friday Poll
    [ADDED] Many events have been updated, with new arenas and music (Credit: Mr.Richard)
    [ADDED] Added a claim all button to the battlepass menu

    [CHANGE] All minions have had their resistance reduced from 50% to 30%
    [CHANGE] Decreased Cyber Rifle's HP/Armor Damage
    [CHANGE] Increased knight demon damage from 25% of max hp to 50%
    [CHANGE] Drug Runs now refresh every hour
    [CHANGE] The teleporter is now affected by sound mufflers
    [CHANGE] Solar Panels will no longer work when in water
    [CHANGE] Admin Tool can now be used to see the owner of all traps
    [CHANGE] Reduced the price of gang cosmetic upgrades
    [CHANGE] Change the trashman swep to use left click to suck trash, and both right click/middle mouse to drop trash
    [CHANGE] Added a chat message when you pick up your scan jammer
    [CHANGE] The alien disintegrator velocity boost has been lowered
    [CHANGE] The rad pill will no longer work towards city event progress
    [CHANGE] Increased ammo for hand cannon 2.0
    [CHANGE] Props that have been blowtorched will now be immune to weapons that 1 shot props

    [FIXED] Fixed your tac being removed when respawning with the eternals respawn ability
    [FIXED] Fixed weapons in the king of the hill event not getting enough ammo
    [FIXED] Fixed sale day tag not showing for crypto mining entities in the shop tab
    [FIXED] Fixed interactions with bartender entities while in a menu
    [FIXED] Fixed the lawnmower speed upgrade sometimes not being removed from a lawnmower
    [FIXED] Fixed several issues with plant shelfs and pots
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the precision tool
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the keypad checker
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with events
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with coinflips
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with social rewards
    [FIXED] Fixed several errors with bitmining entities
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with mayor incidents
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with drugs
    [FIXED] Fixed some printer effects going through the skybox
    [FIXED] Communication banned players can no longer edit their shop name/enter reasons for mayor lockdowns
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    Last Edit: 5 months 3 weeks ago by Faithful. Reason: Added Mr. Richards credit for the new arenas
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    [SSRP] Changelog 5 months 2 days ago #1427221

    Changelog 26/10/2024:

    [ADDED] Soul Box
  • [ADDED] The Soul Collector
  • [ADDED] Bloody Soul Collector (Variant)
  • [ADDED] Printer Shelf Accelerator
  • [ADDED] Haunted Beam
  • [ADDED] Soul Cannon
  • [ADDED] Bear Trap
  • [ADDED] Soul Printer
  • [ADDED] Apocalypse Box
  • [ADDED] Hells Keeper
  • [ADDED] Flaming Hells Keeper (Variant)
  • [ADDED] Hells Fury
  • [ADDED] Who's Who
  • [ADDED] Ray Gun
  • [ADDED] Pulse Grenade
  • [ADDED] Apocalypse Printer
  • [ADDED] Zombie Apocalypse
    [ADDED] Apocalypse Pass
    [ADDED] XP Contracts
    [ADDED] Pumpkin Hunt
    [ADDED] Halloween Craftables
    [ADDED] Ghost Buster Job
    [ADDED] Virus Researcher Job
    [ADDED] CDC Jobs
    [ADDED] ZARP Ghosts
    [ADDED] Wheel of Souls
    [ADDED] Virus System
    [ADDED] New Achievements
    [ADDED] New Cosmetics
    [ADDED] Added an option to opt out of city events
    [ADDED] A setting to revert to the legacy holster timer
    [ADDED] Added a VIP tag to the overhead hud

    [CHANGE] Updated Rewards for:
    Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

    [CHANGE] You can now sell Gencoin for Uranium/Gems/Gang Loot
    [CHANGE] All Crypto Mining related entities are now available to everyone
    [CHANGE] You can no longer use the color tool on cameras
    [CHANGE] The shapeshifter can no longer shapeshift into the Spy Suit
    [CHANGE] Bitminers max hacking upgrade has been reduced to 90s
    [CHANGE] Event Vehicles are now colored based on player color
    [CHANGE] Admins can no longer free-roam spectate
    [CHANGE] Cases will now display their case color in the View All Cases menu
    [CHANGE] Updated layout on the actions tab to add a section for event queue(s)

    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the Floor Is Lava arena event
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with drugs
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with the nuclear power plant
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with Ninja Stars
    [FIXED] Fixed several errors with the Printer Shelf
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with door charges
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with GENCORP: Survival
    [FIXED] Fixed the warp trap description not mentioning one time use
    [FIXED] Fixed the Visor Suit's red flash not working the first time it's equipped
    [FIXED] Fixed getting NLR when dying in a Shapeshiter
    [FIXED] Fixed cops being unable to confiscate illegal plants in plant shelfs
    [FIXED] Fixed nametags showing twice when on a hoverboard as the Spy
    [FIXED] Fixed being unable to use binds while in the Netrunner suit (Binds on number keys 1-9 will still not work)
    [FIXED] Fixed the explosive shotgun going through walls
    [FIXED] Fixed VIP tag not showing on HUD
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    [SSRP] Changelog 3 months 3 weeks ago #1427723

    Black Friday 2024 - Changelog 29/11/2024:

    [ADDED] Black Friday Wheel
    [ADDED] Golden Eternal Zombie
    [ADDED] Golden Darth Vader
    [ADDED] Golden Lightning Gun
    [ADDED] Golden Hyper Blaster
    [ADDED] Golden Defibrillator
    [ADDED] New Casino Game - Diamonds
    [ADDED] Added searching to the player shops in the F4 menu
    [ADDED] Added a button to leave arena event queues

    [CHANGE] PVP Rebalancing Changes:

    Darth Vader Suit
  • Increased Darth Vader's Lightning & Combust damage by double
  • Increased Darth Vader's Damage Resistance to 25% (previously 0%)

  • Knight Demon Suit
  • Increased Knight Demon's ability cooldown from 30 seconds to 90 seconds
  • Increased Knight Demon's damage from 50% Max Health to 75%

  • Soul Collector Suit
  • The soul collector now respawns where you died

  • Eternal Zombie Suit
  • Eternal Zombie now respawns with its armor

  • Damage Amplifier
  • Damage Amplifiers have been reduced from 5x to 3x damage
  • Damage Amplifiers cannot be picked up after placed

  • Banshee Trap
  • Banshee Traps will now only target players in its line of sight

  • Parrot Bomb
  • Parrot Bombs will now explode if they hit a wall
  • Parrot Bombs will no longer target cops if you are a cop

  • Golden PSG
  • Increased damage dealt by Golden PSGs

  • [CHANGE] Defibrillator's model has been updated
    [CHANGE] Updated Daily Objectives Day 7 Reward to be a Booster pack
    [CHANGE] Booster Packs will be the Premium reward for the Nuclear Launch Leaderboard on the 1st of December
    [CHANGE] The Apocalypse Box has been added to Booster claim case deals/nitro boost/Airdrop/Super Vault Day/ZARP Events
    [CHANGE] VIPs can now edit their shop from anywhere
    [CHANGE] The printer shelf UI has been improved, it will now show printers in the slots based on their position in the shelf, will now be colored based on the printer in the slot, and show hourly production
    [CHANGE] Hitman now spawns with a TEC-9
    [CHANGE] Reduced FPS impact from the Nuclear Launch effects
    [CHANGE] Some icon16 icons have been upscaled to icon128
    [CHANGE] Buying items from an NPC will now tell you how much inventory weight it will use
    [CHANGE] Updated Police Auction item lists and tiers

    [FIXED] Fixed gang title effects showing as unpurchased when your gang does own them
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with FAdmin
    [FIXED] Fixed some setting sliders showing the wrong value
    [FIXED] Fixed an error with trading
    [FIXED] Fixed several errors with some weapons
    [FIXED] Fixed an error causing Zombies to stop spawning in Zombie Apocalypse
    • Callum.
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    Last Edit: 3 months 3 weeks ago by Faithful.
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    [SSRP] Changelog 3 months 2 weeks ago #1427904

    Christmas 2024 - Changelog 29/11/2024:

    [ADDED] ZARPMas Case
  • [ADDED] TRON Suiit
  • [ADDED] Turret Emplacement
  • [ADDED] Kamikaze Bomb
  • [ADDED] Poison Bow
  • [ADDED] Remote Printer Access
  • [ADDED] ZARPMas Printer
  • [ADDED] Havoc Case
  • [ADDED] Havoc Suit
  • [ADDED] Smart Pistol MK5
  • [ADDED] PhD Flopper
  • [ADDED] Echo Grenade
  • [ADDED] Steel O' Matic
  • [ADDED] Havoc Printer
  • [ADDED] Santa Hat Cosmetic
    [ADDED] Festive Pass
    [ADDED] Frost King Battle
    [ADDED] Christmas Trade Up
    [ADDED] Christmas Craftables
    [ADDED] Christmas Lounge

    [CHANGE] Map changed to rp_newexton2_zarp_xmas
    [CHANGE] You can now delete crops in your plantshelf
    [CHANGE] Teleporters now show your mouse position
    [CHANGE] Battlepass Contacts have been updated to include features that players are more likely to partake in
    [CHANGE] Max Battlepass level has been reduced from 60 to 50 (rewards have been adjusted to compensate)

    [FIXED] Fixed the Golden Base Shield
    [FIXED] Fixed description for Golden Hyper Blaster
    [FIXED] Fixed Nuke Timer showing 59:59 sometimes
    [FIXED] Fixed shapeshifter blacklist not working
    [FIXED] Fixed the Rotor Minion not being deequipped when you joined an event

    [REMOVED] Black Friday 2024 Content
    [REMOVED] Halloween 2024 Content
    • Callum.
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    [SSRP] Changelog 3 months 2 weeks ago #1427905

    Map Changelog (rp_newexton_zarp_xmas) - 14/12/2024:

    [ADDED] Snow textures around the map
    [ADDED] Christmas trees and winter decorations
    [ADDED] New spawn area
    [ADDED] 'Mini Plaza' across from the (new) spawn area
    [ADDED] New (sexy) skybox
    [ADDED] Christmas Lounge
    [ADDED] Boss battle arena (@ 'Newextons Police Training' district)
    [ADDED] New admin/staff room
    [ADDED] Street lighting
    [ADDED] PatrickTM's blue meth rocks (@ Mines)

    [ADDED] Integration of the 'crackhouse' elevator base (rp_downtown):

    • [ADDED] New ventilation shaft (from the outside) that leads into the existing ventilation junction

    • [CHANGE] Entrance room of the base
    • [CHANGE] Exterior vent that opens/closes (toggle) - not destructible
    • [CHANGE] Screeching metal sound when opening/closing the vents

    • [FIXED] Lighting issues at certain segments of the base
    • [FIXED] Certain brushes having textures on the outside (applied 'nodraw')
    • [FIXED] Players having to jump/getting stuck at that one vent entrance

    • [REMOVED] Unnecessary brushes

    [ADDED] Integration of my own custom re-worked version of the Nexus (rp_evocity) base:

    • [ADDED] Secondary entrance
    • [ADDED] Stairwell - leads to aforementioned secondary entrance
    • [ADDED] Second floor
    • [ADDED] Staircase - leads to aforementioned second floor
    • [ADDED] Additional (smaller) rooms (on the second floor)
    • [ADDED] More windows
    • [ADDED] Small vent (leading from the main room to the second floor via ladder)
    • [ADDED] Props that designate each room with a number

    • [CHANGE] Shitty 2006 textures have now been replaced with high-quality ones
    • [CHANGE] Elevator to match all other elevators on the map
    • [CHANGE] Better lighting within the base
    • [CHANGE] Nodraw applied to all textures not visible to players within map bounds
    • [CHANGE] New doors to match the modernized esthetic

    • [REMOVED] More unnecessary brushes
    • [REMOVED] 'Fake' elevator doors

    [CHANGE] New light_environment parameters to match the skybox
    [CHANGE] Opened up a few areas of the map which were previously blocked off with playerclips (within downtown, main street, industrial district, coastline, etc)
    [CHANGE] All dirt/grass and roof textures to snow textures
    [CHANGE] 3D Skybox
    [CHANGE] Both event arenas are now snowy
    [CHANGE] All bodies of water have been converted to ice
    [CHANGE] Elevator at the 'Plaza' now leads to the Nexus base (instead of the mall)
    [CHANGE] 'Construction Building' is now (almost) complete - exterior and interior have been reworked and re-textured, props were removed, added two doors to the two rooms, windows now also work
    [CHANGE] Various buildings have been restructured (around spawn and downtown)
    [CHANGE] Certain trees, bushes and other foliage
    [CHANGE] NPCs have been moved to the new spawn area where an appropriate NLR zone has also been created

    [FIXED] Lighting issues within tunnels
    [FIXED] Applied nodraw to all textures players do not have visibility of
    [FIXED] Unfrozen props are now frozen
    [FIXED] Various displacements [optimization]
    [FIXED] Added playerclips to areas players shouldn't be able to exit
    [FIXED] Lighting leaks [optimization]
    [FIXED] Certain doors projecting unrealistic shadows
    [FIXED] Hundreds of brushes have been converted to func_detail appropriately [optimization]
    [FIXED] Flickering and missing textures
    [FIXED] Shadow blobs at the roundabout between the power plant and docks

    [REMOVED] Building (next to Casino, across from Bank) above the tunnel (connecting Downtown and Commercial District) - opened up the district.
    [REMOVED] Secret underwater cave at Coastline (as access is no longer possible due to ice)
    [REMOVED] Waterfall (at Sunshine Falls)
    [REMOVED] Waterfall and coastline soundscapes
    [REMOVED] Random bushes and balcony railing (former construction building)
    [REMOVED] Unused mall elevator (previously connected to Financial District)
    [REMOVED] A lot of unneeded brushes
    [REMOVED] Cinema (including elevator)
    [REMOVED] Those 3 small apartments no one used (2 from 'Commercial' and 1 from 'Main Street')

    If you encounter any issues, please contact the Lead Team (SA/HA), the Community Team, or myself. Alternatively you can submit a Bug Report.

    We hope you enjoy the update and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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