First off, one of the main things that even brought me to the server was the simplicity of the printers, they were unique and didn't seem like one of those same printers in any other server you could find. Eventually, they came out with the GenCorp Juggernaut Suit! It was kinda goated, and I managed to rip one with a normal minigun when my base was getting raided. It was still possible to defend your base without items. I thought the suits were unique, and to me that was what kept ZARP alive, it was unique. Just with the first case to come out that had a suit in it (GenCorp) the items you could get were so new to us and felt very nice to have, like the Portable EMP and the Scan Master, two of the most used items from a case to this day.
Gluon Guns used to be a lot more rare, and you would really never see them during the times when I started playing. You would actually have to hit your shots to keep your base safe. Updates are always the same, but they sometimes give you a different way of making money, even if it isn't exactly a brand new one, which is basically the main point of the gamemode. I do think that the grind is a lot more fun than just being at the top, but that's where combat comes into play, such as suits, mini2s, gluons, all the fun items to use. One problem is, when there is too many gluons and mini2s and suits, they aren't as unique as you would expect when everyone has them, and when it is very hard to get a gluon, the price will certainly be high. I think gluons should have a different way of being made, and I think suits should feel a bit more different from each other, making their abilities actually stand out like the ACS, the Portal, and the Knight Demon. There isn't much of a good use for the Holo Suit's ability, the Jugg has a passive ability, along with the Mummy and EVO, the Nano Suit has a very good ability, but is basically insta-killed. The Hyper Suit's ability isn't used much because it isn't very useful, the suit is basically just used to get around faster as nobody uses it in combat.
Another thing that made me stay, the people and friends that I made along the way. There would always be that one extremely friendly person you could find in-game, such as Father Watson, Raeker or even sometimes Narexa. I remember playing because I couldn't find anything else to do, and ZARP would be a great place to spend time on instead of doing nothing. Drama was something that used to be fun, but eventually it was just terrible and annoying, it became a terrible environment, especially when there was a lot of young people (still is), like me.
Overall, I still feel that ZARP is good, ZARP is great. ZARP will always be something where you can meet new people and just have a conversation with someone.