Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Staff Members Name - Who warned you?
MattorS (I will explain in my story)
Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the warning(s)?
Server - Which server did this occur on?
Story/Situation - What happened?
I was banned about a week or so ago and I appealed my ban (I was banned rightfully):
MattorS was the admin who banned me.
Nick handled my appeal. After at first accepting my appeal, he then changed the outcome to denied after a few days claiming that "further evidence" had come to light. When I asked him for the evidence, he refused to provide it to me. I then asked Aek to look into this and Nick claimed that he had "Lost the evidence".
Nick has now warned me for discrimination after denying the appeal.
Unless any other evidence comes forward to prove that this appeal should be denied, I would like it to be accepted again and the new "Discrimination" warn be removed from my rapsheet.