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TOPIC: 2014 November Forum Meeting Results!

2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76359

The 2014 November forum meeting has concluded, here are the results!

Congratulations to RedPowder on becoming the newest Global Moderator!

If you didn't get the position you wanted this meeting be sure to apply again, the forums are continuing to grow and more staff will be needed!
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Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by EMP.
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76360

Way to go Red! #RedforGM
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76361

I think others deserve it more but that's just what I think. (-support).
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76364

Totally unfair verdict, there were people (who actually got it for 1 day) and they just get demoted?

What is going on guys? We voted yesterday and votes were clear? How is it fair adventage towards Illusion and Blocked?

Dissapointment, nothing else.

Tell me one more thing. When you are SECTION MOD you are expecting to be in the meetings to actually have possibility to talk about something and have power to decide about forums. So why are Section Mods not allowed in the meeting? Pointless.
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Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by GregoryTWIX.
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76368

GregoryTWIX wrote:
Totally unfair verdict, there were people (who actually got it for 1 day) and they just get demoted?

What is going on guys? We voted yesterday and votes were clear? How is it fair adventage towards Illusion and Blocked?

Dissapointment, nothing else.

I totally agree with this, unfair call for both Blocked and Illusion
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AKA Victor
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76372

I agree. Even though Redpowder very well deserves it, you guys have no right to revoke the promotions that were earned during the meeting. I am on your side for how the meeting was played out wrongfully EMP, but the fact that after getting their powers from a vote from the staff that were their, they get demoted, after the verdict on redpowder was no. It was a legitimate meeting, but wrong timing and pretty bad at being know. but it was still a meeting. You shouldnt take it out on the people who were rightfully promoted though. Im thankful red got it, and im with you and dcx and moga on it, but just the fact the others got demoted is mindblowing to me
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I've never been happy.

I basically was headadmin on everything. I was the badgewhore.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: DarthVader

2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76379

PurplePowder wrote:
If you didn't get the position you wanted this meeting be sure to apply again, the forums are continuing to grow and more staff will be needed!

I'm confused. You are currently only letting moderators apply for higher ranks, not users applying for moderator yet you still put that note at the bottom.

And I agree with the others. I (and others) are starting to think that certain ranks aren't about skill and activity any more... if you know what I mean.

And I know I will probably get people quoting this hating, but think about it.
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Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by The Gamer Guy.
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76381

TheGamerGuy wrote:
PurplePowder wrote:
If you didn't get the position you wanted this meeting be sure to apply again, the forums are continuing to grow and more staff will be needed!

I'm confused. You are currently only letting moderators apply for higher ranks, not users applying for moderator yet you still put that note at the bottom.

And I agree with the others. I (and others) are starting to think that certain ranks aren't about skill and activity any more... if you know what I mean.

And I know I will probably get people quoting this hating, but think about it.

I love you about the activity part :)
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76387

TheGamerGuy wrote:
PurplePowder wrote:
If you didn't get the position you wanted this meeting be sure to apply again, the forums are continuing to grow and more staff will be needed!

I'm confused. You are currently only letting moderators apply for higher ranks, not users applying for moderator yet you still put that note at the bottom.

And I agree with the others. I (and others) are starting to think that certain ranks aren't about skill and activity any more... if you know what I mean.

And I know I will probably get people quoting this hating, but think about it.
There are plenty active forum staff right now and I don't see a need for opening section moderator applications. The current staff do a great job as it is and are very active and dedicated. There is no need to change the information at the bottom of the results page as it says more staff will be needed. They are not needed now but there is just no need to nitpick at this kindof stuff. It is pointless and unconstructive. You also seem to think that RedPowder was chosen because he is good friends with a lot of the higher staff members and not because of his skill and activity. He is more than qualified and as active as any other who applied. He is friends with the higher staff members because he does a great job with his responsibilities and is extremely dedicated and active. Those are the types of people they want to be around it is not simply because he is friends with them that he got this position. Red is one of the most dedicated staff members in the ZARP community. To think he got it solely for that reason is childish and foolish. So maybe you are the one that should think harder about why he was chosen instead of posting opinionated and misguided things.
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Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by Jacknelli.
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76388

Jacknelli wrote:
TheGamerGuy wrote:
PurplePowder wrote:
If you didn't get the position you wanted this meeting be sure to apply again, the forums are continuing to grow and more staff will be needed!

I'm confused. You are currently only letting moderators apply for higher ranks, not users applying for moderator yet you still put that note at the bottom.

And I agree with the others. I (and others) are starting to think that certain ranks aren't about skill and activity any more... if you know what I mean.

And I know I will probably get people quoting this hating, but think about it.
There are plenty active forum staff right now and I don't see a need for opening section moderator applications. The current staff do a great job as it is and are very active and dedicated. There is no need to change the information at the bottom of the results page as it says more staff <em>will</em> be needed. They are not needed now but there is just no need to nitpick at this kindof stuff. It is pointless and unconstructive. You also seem to think that RedPowder was chosen because he is good friends with a lot of the higher staff members and not because of his skill and activity. He is more than qualified and as active as any other who applied. He is friends with the higher staff members because he does a great job with his responsibilities and is extremely dedicated and active. Those are the types of people they want to be around it is not simply because he is friends with them that he got this position. Red is one of the most dedicated staff members in the ZARP community. To think he got it solely for that reason is childish and foolish. So maybe you are the one that should think harder about why he was chosen instead of posting opinionated and misguided things.

The point is, two great staff members were demoted and unfairly judged, also, Blocked and IllusioN have been just as active and dedicated towards ZARP, as-well as having to handle their to handle their responsibilities a lot longer than RedPowder has. I'm not saying choosing RedPowder was a bad choice because it wasn't, he does his job really well, but to many, it feels biased and unfair what happened to them.
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Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by Zan.
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76389

Jacknelli wrote:
TheGamerGuy wrote:
PurplePowder wrote:
If you didn't get the position you wanted this meeting be sure to apply again, the forums are continuing to grow and more staff will be needed!

I'm confused. You are currently only letting moderators apply for higher ranks, not users applying for moderator yet you still put that note at the bottom.

And I agree with the others. I (and others) are starting to think that certain ranks aren't about skill and activity any more... if you know what I mean.

And I know I will probably get people quoting this hating, but think about it.
There are plenty active forum staff right now and I don't see a need for opening section moderator applications. The current staff do a great job as it is and are very active and dedicated. There is no need to change the information at the bottom of the results page as it says more staff <em>will</em> be needed. They are not needed now but there is just no need to nitpick at this kindof stuff. It is pointless and unconstructive. You also seem to think that RedPowder was chosen because he is good friends with a lot of the higher staff members and not because of his skill and activity. He is more than qualified and as active as any other who applied. He is friends with the higher staff members because he does a great job with his responsibilities and is extremely dedicated and active. Those are the types of people they want to be around it is not simply because he is friends with them that he got this position. Red is one of the most dedicated staff members in the ZARP community. To think he got it solely for that reason is childish and foolish. So maybe you are the one that should think harder about why he was chosen instead of posting opinionated and misguided things.

Red may be a good choice. But when someone is getting rank one day and rank is being taken randomly next day? How is it fair? I though that ZARP is deciding on everyone fairly.
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Register Date: 06 Sep 2013
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76390

Welcome to zarp
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Tyrone Shmurda, DarthVader, The Gamer Guy, Nutzu3650XL

2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76393

I'm not saying that I support how they got staff one day and demoted the next because I don't know the circumstances behind it but you all seem to think that RedPowder was chosen in a biased manner. And zan you say that they are just as dedicated as Red and that they have been staff longer so they deserve it. First off Red is if not the one of the most dedicated members to ZARP. Red has left work before to come and get on ZARP and help with whatever is needed. The reason he is ranking up so fast is because he is such a qualified and mature and dedicated staff member. Just because someone has been there longer doesn't mean they deserve the promotion more than anyone else. Now I am not saying I support how illusioN and Blocked got demoted but I believe RedPowder is the most qualified for this position and it is foolish to argue otherwise and say that he was chosen biasedly.
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76409

I don't know anything about this, but from what I was reading, some guys got their rank on the vote, and then lost it. That doesn't seem fair... At all...
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #76586

I wanted to apply for a long time, never got the chance.

When I did apply it got locked without a result :(.
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I haz sweg
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #77470

It seems that since my leave the tyrant situation has developed at a dangerous pace. I have heard your cries citizens of Zarp. The flood gates are being lowered, and we will stop this madness.

It has also come to my attention Zarp has been infiltrated by an Illuminati member and he/she/it has implanted itself deep within Zarp's ranks and may be responsible for the recent demotions. Not to worry; it is our priority target and it will be terminated. The proof is below, make of it what you will.

Stay frosty.

- Commander Viking; Anti Tyrant Force (ATF)
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"Tbh you would have been a cm by now if you hadn’t got banned." - EMP 5/10/18
Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by Viking.
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2014 November Forum Meeting Results! 10 years 4 months ago #77475

Commander Viking wrote:
It seems that since my leave the tyrant situation has developed at a dangerous pace. I have heard your cries citizens of Zarp. The flood gates are being lowered, and we <em>will</em> stop this madness.

It has also come to my attention Zarp has been infiltrated by an Illuminati member and he/she/it has implanted itself deep within Zarp's ranks and may be responsible for the recent demotions. Not to worry; it is our priority target and it will be terminated. The proof is below, make of it what you will.

Stay frosty.

- Commander Viking; Anti Tyrant Force (ATF)

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