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TOPIC: Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do?

Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 4 years 7 months ago #1248690

I just wanted to post this to praise the people sharing their stories about their struggles with mental health and dealing with it. It's a very brave thing to do, and I respect that. Remember if you're ever struggling or need someone to talk to ZARP is here to help, even if it's just someone to hear you out.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 4 years 7 months ago #1249347

I'd like to bump this in case anyone stumbles upon the forums that hasn't seen this but may need it <3
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 4 years 6 months ago #1251904

Bumping for a final time and made a sticky so hopefully people will come across this thread when its needed
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 4 years 3 months ago #1284877

It's been 3 months since the last bump, I feel like it is appropriate to bring this up to everyone's attention again that help is always there for you.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 4 years 3 months ago #1284915

Shot Bro. Will do
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Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Luan.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 10 months ago #1320610

Due to troubling times I think this should be bumped
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 10 months ago #1321364

I have came out of my hobbit hole to say that I think that it’s amazing how us gamers can all support each other yet no one seems to do it because like some others have stated it’s all behind a screen so people do not think about what they are saying I have personally had some issues caused by some people who I won’t name who have effected my life drastically anyways this is my brain at 3 am so sorry if there is grammatical errors thanks
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 10 months ago #1321384

Salted Wine wrote:
I have came out of my hobbit hole to say that I think that it’s amazing how us gamers can all support each other yet no one seems to do it because like some others have stated it’s all behind a screen so people do not think about what they are saying I have personally had some issues caused by some people who I won’t name who have effected my life drastically anyways this is my brain at 3 am so sorry if there is grammatical errors thanks

That's very true and practically everyone is guilty for not understanding the weight of their words and actions online from time to time including myself, sadly. It's just part of maturing, overtime you start to really reflect on what you're saying to others and how you're treating them in general, like you said it's amazing that everyone came together and spoke about mental health and emotional distress but a lot of people don't put into action what they're preaching, but nobody's perfect and everyone can improve on this, some more than others. Just try being kind to people, it's incredible how positively it can affect someone just by giving them simple acts of kindness, when they might be feeling low.
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Last Edit: 3 years 10 months ago by narexa.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 10 months ago #1324576

Never shared this but only told a few but I think I should talk to people
For context
I started playing on a different rp server (CM banned from it for crashing the server)
Basically was in a gang and i made friends with members I talked to them for a year and had fun of them but for the main reason they forced me to reveal my face them being my friends for a year I trusted them I did it and they leaked it to everywhere in the community dmed the owner of the community telling him everything instead he ignored me instead of action personally that was the lowest point they leaked my face and made fun of me for days even after begging them for days weeks to stop they simply made fun of me more and torment me more more and more
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 10 months ago #1324579

Not Not Pablo Pablo wrote:
Never shared this but only told a few but I think I should talk to people
For context
I started playing on a different rp server (CM banned from it for crashing the server)
Basically was in a gang and i made friends with members I talked to them for a year and had fun of them but for the main reason they forced me to reveal my face them being my friends for a year I trusted them I did it and they leaked it to everywhere in the community dmed the owner of the community telling him everything instead he ignored me instead of action personally that was the lowest point they leaked my face and made fun of me for days even after begging them for days weeks to stop they simply made fun of me more and torment me more more and more

Brave of you to share something so personal to you buddy, that's absolutely disgusting that they'd do that to you, people who make fun of how others look genuinely are just insecure themselves, so don't sweat it buddy, they're most likely jealous lol I'm glad you're on Zarp as you're an incredible guy and that shit isn't tolerated here. Keep your head up buddy :heart:
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 10 months ago #1324607

narexa wrote:
Not Not Pablo Pablo wrote:
Never shared this but only told a few but I think I should talk to people
For context
I started playing on a different rp server (CM banned from it for crashing the server)
Basically was in a gang and i made friends with members I talked to them for a year and had fun of them but for the main reason they forced me to reveal my face them being my friends for a year I trusted them I did it and they leaked it to everywhere in the community dmed the owner of the community telling him everything instead he ignored me instead of action personally that was the lowest point they leaked my face and made fun of me for days even after begging them for days weeks to stop they simply made fun of me more and torment me more more and more

Brave of you to share something so personal to you buddy, that's absolutely disgusting that they'd do that to you, people who make fun of how others look genuinely are just insecure themselves, so don't sweat it buddy, they're most likely jealous lol I'm glad you're on Zarp as you're an incredible guy and that shit isn't tolerated here. Keep your head up buddy :heart:
you genuinely don't know how this means to me thank you :heart:
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 10 months ago #1327310

wanted to bump this because tonight i reached out to a mental health service that gives 24/7 support to anyone who needs it, and although it's obviously not near the point of suicide, I was in a bad place, and talking to a trained volunteer for half an hour really did steer me onto the right track for getting help. Your mental health is more important than you will ever know, and if you need help, even just someone to talk to in the middle of the night, there will always be people there to help you.
Some of those who have helped me:
SHOUT - giveusashout.org/ - free, confidential 24/7 mental health text support in the UK
Samaritans - www.samaritans.org/ - free 24/7 support by phone, email and more in the UK
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 10 months ago #1327318

Chespin wrote:
wanted to bump this because tonight i reached out to a mental health service that gives 24/7 support to anyone who needs it, and although it's obviously not near the point of suicide, I was in a bad place, and talking to a trained volunteer for half an hour really did steer me onto the right track for getting help. Your mental health is more important than you will ever know, and if you need help, even just someone to talk to in the middle of the night, there will always be people there to help you.
Some of those who have helped me:
SHOUT - giveusashout.org/ - free, confidential 24/7 mental health text support in the UK
Samaritans - www.samaritans.org/ - free 24/7 support by phone, email and more in the UK

I think I speak for everyone when I say, thank you for sharing this. It's incredibly powerful to hear someone else's story and I'm genuinely really happy that you were brave enough to be vulnerable with the community, as you stated you weren't suicidal but you were in a bad place, regardless of your situation nobody should undermine their issues and feel as if they aren't as important as others.

The individuals that work for these mental health services are absolutely incredible and I'm saying that from first hand experience. Keep your head up buddy and I'm so glad you got the help you need, stay strong everyone and never wait to reach out to others, do it sooner rather than later :heart:
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Last Edit: 3 years 10 months ago by narexa.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 9 months ago #1328671

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Last Edit: 3 years 9 months ago by SWORD.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 9 months ago #1328672

This post has been a beacon of light for the last 9+ months and it amazed me how well the community and community team thinks about mental health. However, after seeing what I've seen the last couple of hours I'm disgusted.

Look at the fucking cry for help this man put out and it gets moved to the DRAMA HOLE? zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/drama-hol...why-i-am-so-upset-rn

Like what are you doing? Honestly? Want to contradict yourself on this whole post and not give a single fuck about your community? Well, you're showing it.

Next up:
Stop making jokes about things that are gonna trigger people with actual mental health issues. Just, don't.
The message about amnesia/dementia was NOT meant to be insulting based on any mental health-related issues or as a personal insult towards you.
Man - you clearly see that it made someone upset and absolutely made him want to reconsider actually being around this community. I mean, if that's the current thing around here? Where's the amount of love we showed regarding mental health? Isn't that the #1 priority that we VOTED for a while ago for the charity? Don't even make the joke if you know someone might be struggling with this.

Now I'm not saying that you (whoever has been throwing shit and shade) don't care about mental health or I'm shitting on what you've said in the thread above. But at this moment it is definitely NOT showing.

Banning those who defend a person with these issues who got offended by them isn't the right thing to do either, lets be honest here.
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Last Edit: 3 years 9 months ago by Kurze.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 9 months ago #1328689

Kurze wrote:
This post has been a beacon of light for the last 9+ months and it amazed me how well the community and community team thinks about mental health. However, after seeing what I've seen the last couple of hours I'm disgusted.

Look at the fucking cry for help this man put out and it gets moved to the DRAMA HOLE? zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/drama-hol...why-i-am-so-upset-rn

Like what are you doing? Honestly? Want to contradict yourself on this whole post and not give a single fuck about your community? Well, you're showing it.

Next up:
Stop making jokes about things that are gonna trigger people with actual mental health issues. Just, don't.
The message about amnesia/dementia was NOT meant to be insulting based on any mental health-related issues or as a personal insult towards you.
Man - you clearly see that it made someone upset and absolutely made him want to reconsider actually being around this community. I mean, if that's the current thing around here? Where's the amount of love we showed regarding mental health? Isn't that the #1 priority that we VOTED for a while ago for the charity? Don't even make the joke if you know someone might be struggling with this.

Now I'm not saying that you (whoever has been throwing shit and shade) don't care about mental health or I'm shitting on what you've said in the thread above. But at this moment it is definitely NOT showing.

Banning those who defend a person with these issues who got offended by them isn't the right thing to do either, lets be honest here.

Absolutely 100% agree. As a nurse who's worked in mental health/psych ward AND did my final university thesis on suicide and other mental illnesses, I'm utterly disgusted with this whole situation.
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Last Edit: 3 years 9 months ago by Diazepam. Reason: mistake/drawback from what I said
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 9 months ago #1328690

Kurze wrote:
This post has been a beacon of light for the last 9+ months and it amazed me how well the community and community team thinks about mental health. However, after seeing what I've seen the last couple of hours I'm disgusted.

Look at the fucking cry for help this man put out and it gets moved to the DRAMA HOLE? zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/drama-hol...why-i-am-so-upset-rn

Like what are you doing? Honestly? Want to contradict yourself on this whole post and not give a single fuck about your community? Well, you're showing it.

Next up:
Stop making jokes about things that are gonna trigger people with actual mental health issues. Just, don't.
The message about amnesia/dementia was NOT meant to be insulting based on any mental health-related issues or as a personal insult towards you.
Man - you clearly see that it made someone upset and absolutely made him want to reconsider actually being around this community. I mean, if that's the current thing around here? Where's the amount of love we showed regarding mental health? Isn't that the #1 priority that we VOTED for a while ago for the charity? Don't even make the joke if you know someone might be struggling with this.

Now I'm not saying that you (whoever has been throwing shit and shade) don't care about mental health or I'm shitting on what you've said in the thread above. But at this moment it is definitely NOT showing.

Banning those who defend a person with these issues who got offended by them isn't the right thing to do either, lets be honest here.

Alright, let me just summarize Chute's post from last night again. This whole situation went way out of hand. Neither Richard, nor Joshua or in fact anyone in the lead team discriminated against Jam based on any mental disabilities. The message that started this whole deal was sent in the lead team discord channel among lead team members and was not sent in a discriminatory context and was never meant to be used as such. Joshua accidentally copied that remark, among the actual content that he meant to send jam, and sent it to him. After realizing this, he edited that part out of the message, since we didn't want to offend him and since it wasn't relevant to the actual content he was asking for. Jam mentioned in his resignation that Joshua directly mentioned this "insult" to him in direct messages which is simply not true. The message in question is being taken out of context and was not used to discriminate against Jam.

We tried to discuss this misunderstanding with some members of the community in discord - including Jeppe - and explained this whole situation. We asked multiple times if anyone still had questions about the situation and agreed to unlock the post under the condition to not spread any more misinformation. Shortly after, Jeppe made his post, calling us out again for discriminating against someone based on mental disabilities, which as I've already explained, is simply not true. We decided to move the post to drama hole to avoid going in circles, after which Jeppe went onto the discord and said one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen someone say on there, saying that Chute will be on his suicide note and accusing us of encouraging discrimination based on mental health.

In the past we've always made sure to spread awareness of mental issues and topics like suicide - as seen in this thread - and we're actively supporting and planning to support related charities. The Community Team has and will always help out people in need of help and we're strongly against discrimination based on factors like these.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 9 months ago #1328693

Today the Community Team has had to issue a Community Ban on a member who has been going around publicly falsely accusing several members of various slurs including being a pedophile and openly homophobic.

Given the severe amount of stress and mental harm this can place upon those being falsely accused I believe this is the right time to bump this thread. It is NEVER acceptable to falsely accuse members of the community with such slurs. The member who reported one of these instances was also labelled as spinless and having no “backbone”. Well let us be clear, the one making such abhorrent slurs is the one with no backbone.

We are grateful to those who came forward to report it. We will always stand by our members and serious action will be taken against those found to be spreading around false rumours of such severity.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Joshua, OnionRings, Martin, Spicy, Mr. Richard

Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 9 months ago #1328704

Alright, those are fair enough explanations. Thank you for explaining better what happened.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 9 months ago #1328780

So a fucking shit storm as happened huh... I'm not fully up to date on everything that's happened although I did do a side tracked comment based on richards way of speaking to mods/admins however that is not what this current post is about. I'm seeing chute getting a fair amount of backlash so I'm gonna chime in to explain my experience regarding mental health and chute personally.

Back in 2016-17 I had major issues (without going into any detail I was in a bad place and although still stuck there I'm doing better to mask it to the point I even fool myself) anyway during these times I would also do some dumb shit which resulted in being contacted by chute himself to tell me to pack it in, I explained briefly how irl me is in such an unbearable dark place that using an online personality to be a fucking arsehole was an escape (which well still stands to this day just toned down) from this I would speak to chute as myself not as this false dickish alter ego crap. Countless times I had chute himself reach out to check up on how I was and would spend a good amount of his own time in a teamspeak spacer talking to me but more importantly listening, which well meant more than anyone could imagine at the time, as time moves on and especially since all of this kicked off my appreciation has sky rocketed for what chute did. Please also note none of this was ever public, chute didn't do it for a public image boost nor was it as mainstream to help "strangers" with mental struggles. I get from an outsiders perspective it seems very minor to spend some time speaking to someone but to me it wasn't. It showed someone cared, but more so than that it showed someone cared when the only thing they had previously seen was negativity. I also got a wave of guilt that I don't recall ever saying thank you so I guess take this post as a massive thank you directly to chute. I can't speak about other owners/LT but I know wholeheartedly chute does care and I will defend this.

Went a bit soppy there so need to even things out - Fuck deathrun and fuck the gluon gun
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