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TOPIC: Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do?

Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 8 months ago #1335798

I think it's time to bump this again. I am currently myself experiencing a bit of a dip for the second time in recent times. This thread is an important reminder for everyone in the community, people care about you and there are things that can be done. I'm far from perfect myself but this thread means a lot to me and it stands for a lot of good.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 8 months ago #1341267

I think its time again to bump this subject, I know that some people are or were struggling with mental health issues,
I'd like to let you know that You are not alone. If you can try to talk about it, otherwise look for the things YOU like to do. If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone, here is my discord tag: xDutchCat#2131
Keep in mind that there are alot of people willing to help you, you can always contact the Community Team and otherwise you can talk to me.

Hopefully this video will cheer you up <3

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Last Edit: 3 years 8 months ago by xDutchCat.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 7 months ago #1343713

Reasons why you should stay alive.
1. We would miss you.
2. It's not worth the regret. Either by yourself, if you failed or just simply left scars or the regret everyone else feels by not doing enough to help you.
3. It does get better. Believe it or not, it will eventually get better. Sometimes you have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow.
4. There's so much you would miss out on doing.
5. There is always a reason to live. It might not be clear right now, but it is always there.
6. So many people care, and it would hurt them if you hurt yourself.
7. You ARE worth it. Don't let anyone, especially yourself, tell you otherwise.
8. You are amazing.
9. A time will come, once you've battled the toughest times of your life and are in ease once again, where you will be so glad that you decided to keep on living. You will emerge stronger from this all, and won't regret your choice to carry on with life. Because things always get better.
10. What about all the things you've always wanted to do? What about the things you've planned, but never got around to doing? You can't do them when you're dead.
11. You won't be able to listen to music if you die.
12. There are so many people that would miss you, including me.
13. Eating a square pizza!.
14. How do you think your family would feel? Would it improve their lives if you died?
15. You're gorgeous, amazing, and to someone you are perfect.
16. Think about your favorite music artist, you'll never hear their voice again...
17. You'll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day
18. Listening to incredibly loud music
19. Being alive is just really good.
20. Not being alive is really bad.
21. Finding your soulmate.
22. Red pandas
23. Going to diners at three in the morning.
24. Really soft pillows.
25. Proving people wrong with your success.
26. Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life.
27. Seeing someone trip over a garbage can.
28. Being able to help other people.
29. Bonfires.
30. Sitting on rooftops.
31. Seeing every single country in the world.
32. Going on roadtrips.
33. Listening to music on a record player.
34. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
35. Taking really cool pictures.
36. Literally meeting thousands of new people.
37. Hearing crazy stories.
38. Telling crazy stories.
39. Eating ice cream on a hot day.
40. Travelling to another planet someday.
41. Having an underwater house.
42. Having your own room at a fancy hotel.
43. Trampolines.
44. Think about your favorite movie, you'll never watch it again.
45. Think about the feeling of laughing out loud in a public place because your best friend has just sent you an inside joke,
46. Your survival will make the world better, even if it's for just one person or 20 or 100 or more.
47. People do care.
48. Treehouses
49. Hanging out with your soul mate in a treehouse
50. I don't even know you and I care about you.
51. Because nobody is going to be like you ever, so embrace your uniqueness!
52. You won't be here to experience the first cat world emperor.
53. Stargazing.
54. You have a purpose, and it's up to you to find out what it is.
55. You've changed somebody's life.
56. Now you could change the world.
57. You will meet the person that's perfect for you.
58. No matter how much or how little, you have your life ahead of you.
59. You have the chance to save somebody's life.
60. If you end your life, you're stopping yourself from achieving great things.
61. Making snow angels.
62. Making snowmen.
63. Snowball fights.
64. Life is what you make of it.
65. Everybody has a talent.
66. Laughing until you cry.
67. Having the ability to be sad means you have the ability to be happy.
68. The world would not be the same if you didn't exist.
69. Its possible to turn frowns, upside down
70. Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive.
71. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
72. One day your smile will be real.
73. Having a really hot, relaxing bath after a stressful day.
74. Getting completely smashed with your best friends.
75. Eating crazy food.
76. Sleeping in all day. (The best one)
77. Creating something you're proud of.
78. You can look back on yourself 70 years later and being proud you didn't commit
79. Tea / Coffee / Hot Chocolate
80. The new season of Sherlock
81. Being stupid in public because you just can.
82. If you are reading this then you are alive! Is there any more reason to smile?
83. People care enough about you and your future to come up with 84 reasons for you not to do this.
84. But, the final and most important one is, just, being able to experience life. Because even if your life doesn't seem so great right now, literally anything could happen
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Last Edit: 3 years 7 months ago by SWORD.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 7 months ago #1343716

SWORD wrote:
Reasons why you should stay alive.
1. We would miss you.
2. It's not worth the regret. Either by yourself, if you failed or just simply left scars or the regret everyone else feels by not doing enough to help you.
3. It does get better. Believe it or not, it will eventually get better. Sometimes you have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow.
4. There's so much you would miss out on doing.
5. There is always a reason to live. It might not be clear right now, but it is always there.
6. So many people care, and it would hurt them if you hurt yourself.
7. You ARE worth it. Don't let anyone, especially yourself, tell you otherwise.
8. You are amazing.
9. A time will come, once you've battled the toughest times of your life and are in ease once again, where you will be so glad that you decided to keep on living. You will emerge stronger from this all, and won't regret your choice to carry on with life. Because things always get better.
10. What about all the things you've always wanted to do? What about the things you've planned, but never got around to doing? You can't do them when you're dead.
11. You won't be able to listen to music if you die.
12. There are so many people that would miss you, including me.
13. Eating a square pizza!.
14. How do you think your family would feel? Would it improve their lives if you died?
15. You're gorgeous, amazing, and to someone you are perfect.
16. Think about your favorite music artist, you'll never hear their voice again...
17. You'll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day
18. Listening to incredibly loud music
19. Being alive is just really good.
20. Not being alive is really bad.
21. Finding your soulmate.
22. Red pandas
23. Going to diners at three in the morning.
24. Really soft pillows.
25. Proving people wrong with your success.
26. Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life.
27. Seeing someone trip over a garbage can.
28. Being able to help other people.
29. Bonfires.
30. Sitting on rooftops.
31. Seeing every single country in the world.
32. Going on roadtrips.
33. Listening to music on a record player.
34. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
35. Taking really cool pictures.
36. Literally meeting thousands of new people.
37. Hearing crazy stories.
38. Telling crazy stories.
39. Eating ice cream on a hot day.
40. Travelling to another planet someday.
41. Having an underwater house.
42. Having your own room at a fancy hotel.
43. Trampolines.
44. Think about your favorite movie, you'll never watch it again.
45. Think about the feeling of laughing out loud in a public place because your best friend has just sent you an inside joke,
46. Your survival will make the world better, even if it's for just one person or 20 or 100 or more.
47. People do care.
48. Treehouses
49. Hanging out with your soul mate in a treehouse
50. I don't even know you and I care about you.
51. Because nobody is going to be like you ever, so embrace your uniqueness!
52. You won't be here to experience the first cat world emperor.
53. Stargazing.
54. You have a purpose, and it's up to you to find out what it is.
55. You've changed somebody's life.
56. Now you could change the world.
57. You will meet the person that's perfect for you.
58. No matter how much or how little, you have your life ahead of you.
59. You have the chance to save somebody's life.
60. If you end your life, you're stopping yourself from achieving great things.
61. Making snow angels.
62. Making snowmen.
63. Snowball fights.
64. Life is what you make of it.
65. Everybody has a talent.
66. Laughing until you cry.
67. Having the ability to be sad means you have the ability to be happy.
68. The world would not be the same if you didn't exist.
69. Its possible to turn frowns, upside down
70. Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive.
71. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
72. One day your smile will be real.
73. Having a really hot, relaxing bath after a stressful day.
74. Getting completely smashed with your best friends.
75. Eating crazy food.
76. Sleeping in all day. (The best one)
77. Creating something you're proud of.
78. You can look back on yourself 70 years later and being proud you didn't commit
79. Tea / Coffee / Hot Chocolate
80. The new season of Sherlock
81. Being stupid in public because you just can.
82. If you are reading this then you are alive! Is there any more reason to smile?
83. People care enough about you and your future to come up with 84 reasons for you not to do this.
84. But, the final and most important one is, just, being able to experience life. Because even if your life doesn't seem so great right now, literally anything could happen
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Last Edit: 3 years 7 months ago by Lerpson. Reason: comment lacked quality/respect
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 6 months ago #1355896

This week I've almost lost 2 non-related friends due to suicide attempts. They're bascially the people who are super sweet and they're basically shining. They've helped me through alot of dark times and I returned the favor... This was unexpected and it hit me like a truck, they're everything I have.. I'm currently scarred and lost my mind.l If they weren't here I'd probably fall in a deeper hole than I'm currently in. This is a subject that is very personal to me. Luckily they are still alive. They mean so much to me, I wish no one ever gets to feel the pain they've gone through.

You can always talk to me if you need me. Remember that you're Unique and amazing

Reasons to Stay Alive
The smell of the burning wood
Looking for the shooting stars
Soap bubbles
Rainy days while you are at home
Your favourite song on the radio while you are driving
Peeing when you really had to go
Music on vinyls
Bubble wrap
The crackling sound of a fireplace
Cute puppies
Reading a good book
Getting your favourite flowers
Real old school paper letters
Indie rock
Paper bags
Staring out of the window while traveling
Your friends
Getting new good friends
Finding animal shapes in the clouds
Walking bare-feet in the sand
Comic books
Kissing a person you have been wanting to kiss
Learning new things
Singing in the shower
Mushroom picking
Touching plants
Licking melted ice cream
Stone skipping
Making paper planes
Warm street wine in the wintertime
An unexpected message from a long forgotten person
A glass of water when you are very thirsty
Your favourite sweater
Getting toe rubs
A compliment from a stranger
Finding an object from your childhood
Getting a 2 for 1 deal
Polaroid pictures
Beating a computer at chess
Not knowing how to bake a quiche and suddenly nailing it
Learning one tune on the piano
The smell of freshly cut grass
Aperol Spritzes in the summer
Feeling warm breeze
Watching your favourite show before going to sleep
Landing in a new country
Drinking on the beach
Jazz music
Sleeping in clean sheets
Dress-up costume party when you’ve got the perfect costume
Winning the lottery
Swimming with fins and pretending you are a super hero
Being in an old castle which has rumours to be haunted
Sunbathing in the morning
Getting a haircut which really suits you
Hitting a paper ball precisely in the bin
Wiping dust of your computer screen
Getting the best seat in the cinema
Being the exact amount of drunk to enjoy karaoke
Marshmallows on fire
Beatnik poetry
Going home to your childhood home for some pancakes or any other type of favourite childhood food
Getting the USB stick in correctly with the first attempt
People’s eyes
Scented candles
A tax return in your favour
Friday nights
Peeing when you really had to go
Listening to your favourite band at a music festival
Well-visible rainbows
Knowing your movie trivia
Rocking chairs
Warm socks in the winter
A true snuggle from your lover
Solving Rubik’s Cube
Catching that train you thought you were gonna miss
Cricket sound on a warm night
Skinny dipping
Doing the thing you have been afraid to do
Stand-up comedy
Sleek design
The smell of fresh coffee in the morning
The sound of a crispy toast breaking
Finding the strength to say “no” when you should say “no”
Working out and seeing the effect
Staying in bed a little longer on a Saturday
An occasional cigarette when you really want it

I've also been suffering from Mental Health Issues and I'd like to let you know that you're not alone.
If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone you can always contact me on discord.. xDutchCat#2131
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 5 months ago #1356132

I don't really feel like talking about it, but my cousin & childhood friend since like age 5 that I have countless of memories with took his own life in Feburary this year.

He was my age (23) and seemed to live a pretty good life working as a chef, had a girlfriend & was living a pretty ideal life. One of his last acts online was trying to help someone else in his position. One of his main traits was being an extremely charming guy who made everyone else around him smile.

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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 5 months ago #1356174

Aspect wrote:
I don't really feel like talking about it, but my cousin & childhood friend since like age 5 that I have countless of memories with took his own life in Feburary this year.

He was my age (23) and seemed to live a pretty good life working as a chef, had a girlfriend & was living a pretty ideal life. One of his last acts online was trying to help someone else in his position. One of his main traits was being an extremely charming guy who made everyone else around him smile.

That is actually sad bro. Deep and hope you get through loss. We're all here for you dude. Even if it's for a talk. :pray:
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 5 months ago #1356253

Aspect wrote:
I don't really feel like talking about it, but my cousin & childhood friend since like age 5 that I have countless of memories with took his own life in Feburary this year.

He was my age (23) and seemed to live a pretty good life working as a chef, had a girlfriend & was living a pretty ideal life. One of his last acts online was trying to help someone else in his position. One of his main traits was being an extremely charming guy who made everyone else around him smile.

If you wanna talk ever you can always dm me on discord or steam. Smol#0003 (same goes for anyone who needs it)
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 3 years 4 months ago #1364621

With the world just getting worse and worse and peoples mental states going down the shitter I felt like this needed to be bumped
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 2 years 8 months ago #1384134

im not perfect my self. but i can always try to help. You can reach me on discord @|AG| NyxEline-Sirenia#6737

i dont voice chat but i can always chat
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 2 years 8 months ago #1384151

I must say its nice to see when something as serious as this topic is everyone drops the online persona and talks as themselves to have everyone working together to make the community a better place for its members. We may have shrunk but quality>quantity
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 2 years 5 months ago #1390744

Been a while since this has been bumped, check up on your friends and loved ones and don't be afraid to speak about how you're feeling :heart:
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 2 years 5 months ago #1390758

Since I am regularly in contact with such topics I wanted to point out some 'tools' that may be helpful in situations were you feel that talking to non professionals doesn't help anymore.

Since I've been struggling with severe mental health issues for as long as I can think, I've found some ways of 'helping' myself which most often meant hurting myself or relying on drugs. This often lead to OD and therefore I first of all wanna say, that numbing your feelings is the worst attempt of self help. It makes it really hard to go through a professional therapy.

In case you don't already know, every country (I think) has a suicide hotline. Those hotlines aren't only for people who want to commit suicide. If your feeling at your lowest, you can call and talk to them and they might be able to connect you to a professional.
I don't know for other countries, but in Germany you can also chat with them instead of calling.
This might be useful for those who are unable to say the things, that are killing them, out loud.

For those who work in a company; Companies, especially larger ones, often offer external help when it comes to mental health.
From my own experience: You call the number (sometimes your boss will offer to stay with you) and talk to them. They often have psychologist that you can get a appointment at.

I am not the best in giving advices, since I am still struggling with my declining mental health and with my addiction to alcohol and drugs.
However if you ever have something you need to talk about, that you feel nobody understands, you can hit me up.

Edit: since my discord name is written in a different font its not possible to post it here.
In case you want to message me on discord; I am on the discord server.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 2 years 4 months ago #1393208

Just a quick bump.

Also, I thought it prudent to mention that not all disorders, conditions, syndromes, and plights are immediately obvious - and should never be judged.

You never know what someone's going through, and sometimes it helps to take a step back and think about if what you might say might have an impact on someone's day. We can joke around all we want about how it's the internet, and getting mad at what a stranger thinks about you is funny, or how you shouldn't share your problems with strangers online, but again - you never know what someone is going through. A person may not have the support network they need.

Life is a constant battle, and everything we say counts. It never hurts to be considerate.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 2 years 4 months ago #1393323

Whenever im down or suicidal this is the song i listen to, it gets me going again and i feel a lot better, hopefully it picks you guys up as much as me <3

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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 2 years 4 months ago #1393350

Jewce Man wrote:
Whenever im down or suicidal this is the song i listen to, it gets me going again and i feel a lot better, hopefully it picks you guys up as much as me <3

Can't hate on some good ol Frank Sinatra
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 2 years 4 months ago #1393354

You can write so many sites about suicide and give tips on how not to hurt yourself. But that's not the problem, the problem is literally and figuratively in/out the game. If everyone could just behave themselves in/out game, this would have never been a problem. Stop being a jerk and feeling tough because that's just pathetic.
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 1 year 11 months ago #1403655

I’m admittedly pretty new to Zarp as a community, and only got back into SSRP recently after playing on and off for years. I’ve never been super active or an avid reader on the forums, but if there is one post I get back to reading every once in a while, it’s this one. I just feel like doing my share and bömping it, because this is a great thread.

I’m currently in a very rough patch in my life, struggling with depression, anxiety and in university with a lack of motivation or drive to do anything, to become anything, to better myself. Many of my relationships are failing because of my lack of motivation to put energy into anything other than trying to exist, and I have been slowly losing it over the past years.

But in the darkness, there is sometimes light. In addition to returning to therapy, Zarp has helped me immensely by compensating for the lack of human interaction I've had, after sitting inside staring at my walls for 2 years. So thank you Zarp, from the bottom of my heart, for welcoming me into your community.

Being social, if only over the internet has without a doubt brought me some semblance of life and cohesion to mine, and some hope for my future. Everyone deserves and probably needs an outlet or a community in their life. I was in desperate need of it when I came knocking on your doorstep, and I’m grateful you let me in. :zarp: :kiss:
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Last Edit: 1 year 11 months ago by Paladin. Reason: Spelling
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Suicide and emotional distress. What can ZARP do? 11 months 1 day ago #1421383

Reasons to Stay Alive

  1. Trying out new money-making opportunities that promise quick returns.
  2. Opting for short-term financial solutions in times of need.
  3. Seeking companionship with someone who appears financially stable.
  4. Enjoying the convenience of credit cards for spontaneous purchases.
  5. Cheating on a test.
  6. Experimenting with intermittent fasting for health benefits.
  7. Sharing highlights of your life on social media. Publicly.
  8. Collaborating on entrepreneurial ventures without family.
  9. Taking advantage of lucrative credit card offers.
  10. Quitting your job and pursuing employment opportunities for financial stability.
  11. Taking a minimalist approach to insurance coverage.
  12. Glancing over contract details before signing.
  13. Putting faith in a promising stock investment.
  14. Embracing the dream of homeownership.
  15. Putting trust in people's expertise without verification.
  16. Nurturing emotional well-being through self-reflection past 6 PM.
  17. Counting on luck for a life-changing windfall.
  18. Exercising personal freedom in health decisions.
  19. Banking on lottery tickets for occasional fun.
  20. Indulging in occasional luxury purchases.
  21. Celebrating life without dwelling on the inevitable.
  22. Exploring personal aesthetics through cosmetic procedures.
  23. Dabbling in emerging digital currencies for potential gains.
  24. Elevating social status through discerning purchases.
  25. Protecting investments with extended warranties.
  26. Using fad diets for long-term weight loss
  27. Not having a backup plan for emergencies and winging it
  28. Ignoring the potential legal consequences of your actions
  29. Trusting promises of guaranteed returns on investments for big gains

  30. :woohoo:
  • SammyZ
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