We have just released TTT's Summer Update 2019, here's what has been done:
[Added] Prestige System and brand new unlocks - find out more in the Unlocks menu!
[Added] Sandwich for Traitors - Heal yourself (use Mouse2) or T buddies (use Mouse1) which gives you 25HP. Be careful though, dropping the sandwich once bought MIGHT be a little deadly sometimes..
[Added] Portable Tester - As a Detective, you can now buy this utility to test people without the need of going to the Traitor tester. This is a one time use utility.
[Added] Freeze Gun - Both Detectives and Traitors will now receive a Freeze Gun with 4 shots! This will freeze someone for 4 seconds, leaving them as a standing target.
[Added] Plasma Grenade - The Plasma Grenade will stick to your enemies, doing high amounts of damage when it explodes.
[Added] Title Store v2 - other PS servers will see this feature soon
[Added] Terror Tech Mark II Case:
You may only equip one of these items as T per round (excluding passes)
- Cloaking Device - Turn invisible for a short period of time to escape, recharges when uncloaked
- Tripmine - Explodes when an Innocent or Detective triggers the Tripmine and kills within its proximity
- Body Bomb - Plant a bomb within a body and once it is searched, it will beep then explode
- Impersonator - Disguise your identity from a corpse
- T & D pass - 100% chance of getting a T/D role (You can only own one of each pass to avoid mass amounts from being produced and becoming too OP such as getting T every round, etc)
[Fix] Replaced missing texture with new Harpoon texture in Traitor menu
[Fix] Fixed duplicate Weapon category in T/D menu
[Change] Radar will now refresh every 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds
[Change] Defib world model is now a medkit to easier identify what is being used
[Change] Suicide bomb now uses a bomb planted sound
[Change] You can only buy one C4 per T round now
[Change] Replaced Poison Dart model into HL2 Crossbow to avoid confusion between with M24
[Change] You can no longer drop the Harpoon
[Changes] Weapon Changes:
G3 is now automatic instead of semi-automatic
Damage has been changed from 40 to 21
Delay between each shot has been changed from 0.30 to 0.10
Clip size has been changed from 15 to 20
You can now only hold a maximum of 40 reserved ammo instead of 60
Cone has been changed from 0.015 to 0.025
Tec9 is now semi-automatic instead of automatic
Damage has been changed from 35 to 26
Recoil has been changed from 1.5 to 0.5
Delay between each shot has been changed from 0.09 to 0.10
Recoil has been changed from 0.35 to 1.05
Recoil has been changed from 2 to 1.1
Bullet spread is now increased from .03 to .06
You can now only hold a maximum of 18 reserved ammo instead of 24
Recoil has been changed from 2.7 to 2
Damage has been changed from 22 to 20
Number of shots has been changed from 8 to 6
These weapon changes are not final and are subject to change, we would like your feedback on these changes if you feel like we have done something wrong.
We have worked really hard on getting this update out, special thanks to Chuteuk, TheXnator and the TTT Staff Team & LT for their help in contributions to this update and the community itself for their bug reports and suggestions. We will be keeping an eye out for any issues so if you encounter anything wrong, please create a
Bug Report here.