-In-game name: Wackyzip
-Steam Name: Wackyzip
-Steam Community Link:
-Age: 19
-Language(s): English, Welsh and basic French
o DarkRP Information
-Do you have any special weapons? I do have a special however it's only one RPG.
-Reason to prior bans [If you have had any prior bans] (example: RDM, NLR, Prop Abuse etc): I have not been banned from the server.
-Building Experience 1-10(1 = Complete Novice, 10 = Very skilled): I would say it's around 7 or 8 .
-Activity on servers 1 & 2[1 = 1-5 hours a week, 2 = 6-20 hours a week, 3 = 21+ hours a week]: I do not currently play on server 1 but I do spend close to 3 hours on server 2 a day.
-Previous Gangs and Duration in them: I have been in small gangs, the scrubs and 21st rangers company.
-RP Money (Minimum of 1mil): I currently have 1.2 million but willing to make more.
-What I can offer to the gang: I can offer my skills in defending bases and raids. I can also spend time to help other members on projects.
-Why I want to join the gang:[/spoiler] I would like to join this gang mainly because of your guys unique skills and what seems to be unraidable bases, along with your raids which are in-line and ordered. I would also love to join the gang because of the amazing perks in which are unlocked and the exclusive name tag which comes with it. Thank you for spending your time reading this.