o Basic Information
-In-game name: MaxedOut/Harper
-Steam Name: MaxedOut
-Steam Community Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198180096321/
-Age: 13
-Language(s): English, Portugease
o DarkRP Information
-Do you have any special weapons? VIP Pickaxe
-Reason to prior bans [If you have had any prior bans] (example: RDM, NLR, Prop Abuse etc): None
-Building Experience 1-10(1 = Complete Novice, 10 = Very skilled): I would say a honest 7
-Activity on servers 1 & 2[1 = 1-5 hours a week, 2 = 6-20 hours a week, 3 = 21+ hours a week]: 2
-Previous Gangs and Duration in them: The Cult 3 days But randomly kicked won't name names but i just told them off to the boss and kicked me Then again i wanted to join you guys so im not going to persist TC.
-RP Money (Minimum of 1mil): Sadly i got scammed 2 mil i made half money back i got 650k+ I will earn more don't worry
-What I can offer to the gang: Good Tactics, Good Attacks, Fantastic Base Defending, And Raiding
-Why I want to join the gang: Because I want to join a gang which has friendly members And GANG WARS!
Thankyou for taking the time to review my application about my money DONT WORRY Il get 400k in a day