-In-game name:
-Steam Name:
-Steam Community Link:
16 and 2months
-Language(s): English and a bit of french
o DarkRP Information
-Do you have any special weapons? nope, never tried this as i am classic rper but i will soon have a go
-Reason to prior bans [If you have had any prior bans] (example: RDM, NLR, Prop Abuse etc): Never had a warning or a kick or a ban.
-Building Experience 1-10(1 = Complete Novice, 10 = Very skilled): 8, because i can build cool add ons to a base but it takes me time to build a decent base.
-Activity on servers 1 & 2[1 = 1-5 hours a week, 2 = 6-20 hours a week, 3 = 21+ hours a week]: every day for 6hrs + exept exam months, weekends upto 15hrs
-Previous Gangs and Duration in them:
the silent death a month, i left due to inactivity.
-RP Money (Minimum of 1mil): i have 300k atm moment but can get a mil easily.
-What I can offer to the gang: i can offer my skills in defending, building and ideas, i am very good at fps and have a lot of experience, i can get inside info of other gangs and people, also i can provide weapons for the gang or materials as i don't mind giving my money away even though i have little.
-Why I want to join the gang:[/spoiler]
i want to join the gang because i love rping and having a great time, i also feel like my skill can help a top gang, i try my best to help harper even though im not in the gang, also i like to meet new friends and i get along with everyone. i have been playing darkrp for 4 years now and i have settled in ZARPrp and i want to join harper as i have noticed it is one of the best gangs with a great community....
thanks for reading, BigCal out!