ItsDonny wrote:
I personally find this host change a matter of adaptation. As a matter of fact, it has affected my gameplay on prophunt instead of bhop or surf. Unless you have more than 200 ping and an internet connection not worth mentioning in 2023, i think us EU plebs will be just fine

The problem is, that it isn't just a matter of getting adjusted to the new situation.
It is legit not possible to surf some maps anymore.
Yes you might be able to adjust to the high ping while surfing however,
you won't be able to get adjusted to the increased delay when surfing through a teleport.
Also due to the high ping it is now almost impossible to perform certain skips on maps,
due to them requiering perfect precision.
There is a reason why communities like ksf have individual servers for each major region in the world.
So yes, the high ping does ruin the server for eu players and I don't see a valid point in it.