Steam Name:
~TechLvL~ [S.H.I.T.Co.]
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Languages I speak:
Finnish, English and can say "Jag inte talar svenska!" in Swedish
What is Ghosting? and give an example:
I'm so bad at explaining ummm...
A dead person telling an other alive person something the living person wouldn't know.
"living: which portal is it?"
"dead: It's right one!"
"dead2: RIGHT"
"TechLvL warned dead, dead2 for Ghosting"
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
4 steps. 1. Try to calm them down.
If still disrespecting...
Warn them. Mute and/or Gag.
If still disrespecting...
Mute and/or Gag them. Warn
If still disrespecting...
4. Kick them.
If still disrespecting...
5. Ban for 3h if necessary(+if able).
If still disrespecting...
Why I should be chosen:
So for this I'm going to say check my
introduction page.
So I have some experience. I'd like to help in the deathrun servers, when theres no admin or anyone with access to ULX kick/slay/warn theres always AFKs, trapstealers, spammers and exploiters etc.
If theres nobody around except me, I'll take care of it.
I'm usually on the server 1.
I'm really bad talking about myself that is why my introduction is a miracle, I can't think of anything else, I'll update this if I something comes to mind... Or just come to the server and see me play...