Steam Name: |Z| SilentCall
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 - Never played ;(
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82520348
Age: 14
Languages I speak: English and a little spanish (Im taking spanish as GCSE)
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting is a term used when a player that is dead tell's a alive runner something that will give them an advantage, for example : Player X dies on a portal trap, he knows that it goes right, left so he tells his friend player Y about it, this would be ghosting.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: EDIT I would deal with a disrespectful player by firstly giving a verbal warning to them, If they continue I will then warn them, If they still decide to continue I will either mute/gag them until the map change, If on the next map they continue to be rude I would kick them.
Why I should be chosen: I believe that I should be chosen as a moderator since I spend a lot of time on deathrun (I was playing for over 9hrs at the weekend) I also really enjoy deathrun and have a very chilled attitude when it comes to dh. I have been owner of a TTT server before so I know the basics of moderation and commands (I shutdown the server since the hosting was messed up) I also like having fun with other players/users and have a good laugh with them!
Thanks for reading my application and I hope you take it into consideration!